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Spiritual Dimension in life

There are diverse interpretations about the term “spirituality” today. When we talk about “spirituality”,
people often relate it to the religion. Religion is an organized, community-based system of beliefs, while
spirituality resides within the individual and what they personally believe. Although these two are
different constructs, partly it overlaps. Spiritual dimension may consist of religious or non-religious
elements. It is a kind of system which consist of belief, attitudes, and practices which give meaning and
purpose to the life.

Spiritual wellness is really important for a balanced life. Once we achieve spiritual wellness, we will
make our life peaceful. Individual uses a personal spiritual framework to reduce the emotional distress
caused by adverse events of life, such as loss or change which are beyond the self-control. In case of
such an adverse event in life, spiritual attitudes play important role in managing stress. When we
develop spiritual wellness, we may see obstacles as opportunities, become more tolerant and adaptable
and this mind set allows us to achieve goals faster and be fully present to enjoy life.

Our spiritual life is not a destination but a journey. For the spiritual development, we might need to
change our thinking pattern, adjust practices, or let go of certain beliefs. What worked for us at the
beginning of our spiritual journey may not work for us on the way.

Different philosophers, different religions define purpose and meaning of life in different ways. But, one
common aspect in most of philosophies is identifying the importance of living happily and explaining the
path for happiness. The term happiness is little bit ambiguous, and it can be defined in different
perspectives. Accumulating wealth, search for power, career enhancement, good relationships, sex

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