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Creation and deployment of Angular frontend app using docker.

1. Nodejs
cmd to install Nodejs
-$ sudo apt install nodejs
2. NPM
cmd for NPM
-$ sudo apt install npm
3. Angular CLI
cmd to install Angular CLI
-$ sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
4. V S Code
5. Docker desktop

Step 1: Install all dependencies and packages

Step 2: Create new angular project with all default settings
cmd for that:

-$ ng new angular-app --defaults

Step 3: Run the app
-$ cd angular app

-$ ng serve

Step 4: Our app is running on port 4200 directly

Step 5: Now same project we will deploy using docker and NGINX
For that we will open our project in V S code and create a Dockerfile for image building, we can also
do it directly into terminal itself.
Step 6: Build the docker-image from it

Step 7: Run Container

Step 8: App is running on port 80 inside docker container through NGINX web server

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