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Psychology of religion
"Islamic personality of Muslim youth"

Arranged by:
Ardina Azzahra Raziz (12060123704)

Supporting lecturer:
Yuliana Intan Lestari, S.Psi, M.A






Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT for all the graces and gifts so that this journal
review paper can be completed on time. We also do not forget to thank those who helped for the
reference of this assignment so that we can complete it, also to the lecturers who have given this
task so that we can add insight into the Islamic personality of teenagers. As a writer, I hope that
this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers. also hopes that this paper can be
practiced by readers in their daily lives. As a writer, I feel that there are still many shortcomings
in the preparation of this paper due to limited knowledge and experience. For this reason, I really
hope for constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Pekanbaru, December 19, 2021

Ardina Azzahra Raziz


The formation of the personality of Muslim youth is to get used to being a true Muslim who has
an Islamic personality that is in accordance with the demands and guidance of Islamic law.
Therefore, every individual Muslim teenager is expected to be able to educate and familiarize
himself personally, in particular, his closest family and Muslims in general so that they can
practice various forms of training and education in order to create a Muslim Ummah personality
that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. This will create a prosperous youth, family,
community and nation.

The Qur'an and Sunnah are what every Muslim teenager should refer to in all aspects of life. A
very important aspect of life is the formation and personal development of Muslim youth.
People's perceptions of the Muslim person are indeed different, many even have a narrow
understanding so that it seems as if the Muslim person is reflected in people who are only
diligent in carrying out Islam from the ubudiyah aspect, even though it is only one aspect that
must be attached to the person of a Muslim. Therefore, Muslim personal standards based on the
Qur'an and Sunnah are something that must be formulated, so that they become a reference for
the personal formation of Muslim youth.

The formation of the personality of Muslim adolescents is the formation of a personality that is
directed to the improvement and development of basic (innate) and teaching (environmental)
factors, guided by Islamic values. Islamic norms. While the teaching factor is done by
influencing individuals through processes and efforts to form conditions that reflect a pattern of
life that is in line with Islamic norms such as examples, advice, suggestions, rewards,
habituation, punishment, and the formation of a harmonious environment. The Muslim
personality in this day and age can be said to be far from Islamic norms. This can be proven by
the rampant corruption among officials, the tradition of brawls among students
Formulation of the problem

How to know the personality of Islamic youth that should be and apply it in daily life and how
the role of the family in personal development of Muslim adolescents

Research of purposes

It is hoped that readers of this journal review paper can find out how the Islamic personality of
Muslim youth and its application in daily life also know the role of parents and their environment
in shaping the personality of Islamic youth. Also to get an overview of the implementation of the
Islamic Religious Education learning process in schools, to find out the extent of the relationship
between Islamic Religious Education and the Islamic Personality of students.
a. Journal review 1

Title: the role of parents in fostering the personality of adolescents according to Islamic concepts

Journal name: undergraduate thesis

Pages: 116 pages

Year: 2017

Author: Nuzul Vera


As parents, it is very important to have a role in fostering and educating their children to become
teenagers with Muslim personalities. For example, parents can organize an Islamic education
system for their children because educating children is a very noble task for every parent.
Instead, teenagers are the next generation, a generation that grows up differently from the
generation of their parents. Parents have a responsibility towards their children and the trust from
God should be properly maintained and must be able to foster a good personality for their
children from a young age until they reach physical and spiritual maturity. This is something that
needs to be considered in fostering the personality of teenagers to form a strong and healthy
generation to take control of leadership in society in the future. With careful preparation as well
as mature religious education so that parents can provide good moral and behavior roles for their
children and provide boundaries so that children do not fall into bad behavior. Adolescents who
have been instilled in Islamic teachings from an early age will appear to always build up ties of
friendship between each other and then emphasize the teachings of love rather than anger and sin
and then take the lead in the defense of religious interests socially and have a more positive
outlook. The family as the first educational environment is very influential in shaping the child's
personality pattern, family education provides basic knowledge and skills, religion and beliefs,
values, norms and views of life that children need. Because the family is the first foundation for
moral education and religious life education. The responsibility of parents for their children is to
instill a sense of love for their children, provide moral education, instill the faith of monotheism,
act fairly, prevent free actions, place children in a good environment, educate neighbors and the
community and many other things. Parents not only maintain the existence of children to make
them as individuals but also provide education for children as individuals who grow and develop.
Hasbullah said that being a good parent in educating children is by good example, children do
not feel forced to give suggestions. The character of good parents will determine the success or
failure of educating or nurturing their children sincerely and sincerely in loving, having a good
role model and being responsible and firm in every decision making, then a teenager will grow
up in goodness and have good morals if see his parents set a good example with the permission
of Allah SWT. The educational process in the family will always affect the growth and
development of each human personality. This education will be used by children as a basis for
further education at school. The educational process in the family is the initial milestone in the
success of the next educational process, both at school and in the community.

The family is the best field in sowing religious values, parents have a strategic role in
traditionalizing religious rituals so that religious values can be instilled into the child's soul. A
religious personality makes a child's soul into a person who is full of faith and piety to Allah
SWT. In addition, children's education largely depends on the example they get, so parents must
be able to provide teaching that is delivered objectively in setting an example for children. If an
educator is honest, trustworthy, noble and far from immorality, the child will grow honest,
trustworthy, noble, brave and holy. Therefore Allah sent the prophet Muhammad SAW as a good
example. Example in the view of Islam is the most important and most powerful means of
education. A child who gets an example of piety in all things from his family will be able to
absorb the principles of goodness and adapt to Islamic morals. If a child has these two factors,
namely primary education and a good environment, he will be able to grow on the right faith,
have Islamic morals, will achieve the value of the primacy of the soul and self-respect.
b. journal review 2



Journal name: undergraduate thesis

Pages: 71 pages

Year 2011

Author: Nurul Fadhilah


Islamic education, according to Zakiah Daradjat, is guidance and care for students so that they
understand, appreciate, and practice the teachings of the Islamic religion that they have believed
in thoroughly and make the teachings of Islam a view of life for the safety and well-being of life
in the world and in the hereafter. . From a socio-psychological perspective, Islamic religious
education is based on the human need for a grip on life, namely religion. With religion, a person
will feel peaceful in his soul, so he will always try to get closer to Allah to get peace of mind. In
this case, Islamic religious education will direct human nature in the right direction so that they
will always practice the teachings of Islam. Moral education is very necessary for our lives. With
moral education, people will know what is good and what is bad, what should be right and what
should be wrong. Islamic religious education in schools/madrasas aims to grow and increase
faith through the provision and fertilization of knowledge, appreciation, practice and experience
of students about Islam so that they become Muslim human beings who continue to develop in
faith. Faithfulness, nation and state and to continue to a higher level. the goals of Islamic
religious education must include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. For the cognitive
aspect, the goal is to develop or foster an understanding of Islam, so that students understand the
teachings of Islam. In the affective aspect, the goal to be achieved is that students accept the
teachings of Islam.

In this research method, taking a population of all students of class VIII SMP NEGERI 90
JAKARTA TIMUR, totaling 275 students. Then a sample of 5 people per 1 class is taken from
the total population, namely 35 students. To obtain data from the field using questionnaires,
observations, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that most students
rarely pray 5 times a day. This is caused by 2 factors, namely internal and external factors.
Judging from internal factors, because the facilities at the school are not adequate, for example
there are still few prayer equipment (mukena and sarong) available, and only 8 water channels
for ablution are available, so students who want to pray feel lazy to queue and end up not
praying. While external factors are caused by lack of attention from their parents, meaning that
their parents' religious understanding is lacking. From the test results, students perform the
midday prayer during school time, it shows that most students rarely perform the midday prayer
at school. This is because the facilities at the school, especially in the prayer room, are not
adequate, for example, there are still few prayer equipment available. Based on the final results
of the correlation, it can be concluded that Islamic religious education in schools has added to
providing knowledge to students and needs to be assisted by external factors from the family and
community environment which play an important role in the formation of students' Islamic
personalities because the time given in schools in Islamic religious education is minimal. once
that is 2 hours of lessons a week and that is also not necessarily conducive. While Islamic
religious education is very influential on the Islamic personality of students because the goal in
Islamic education is to shape the personality of Islamic teenagers.

a. Conclusion
As parents, it is very important to have a role in fostering and educating their children to
become teenagers with Muslim personalities. Instead, teenagers are the next generation, a
generation that grows up differently from the generation of their parents. This education
will be used by children as a basis for further education at school. So parents can be said
to have failed in shaping their children into Islamic individuals. The responsibility of
parents for their children is to instill a sense of love for their children, provide moral
education, instill the faith of monotheism, act fairly, prevent free actions, place children
in a good environment, educate neighbors and the community and many other things.
Islamic religious education is based on the human need for a guide to life, namely
religion. With religion, a person will feel peaceful in his soul, so he will always try to get
closer to Allah to get peace of mind. In the affective aspect, the goal to be achieved is that
students accept the teachings of Islam. In this research method, taking a population of all
students of class VIII SMP NEGERI 90 JAKARTA TIMUR, totaling 275 students. Then
a sample of 5 people per 1 class is taken from the total population, namely 35 students.
Judging from internal factors, because the facilities at the school are not adequate, for
example, there are still few prayer equipment available, and only 8 water channels for
ablution are available, so students who want to pray feel lazy to queue and end up not
praying. While external factors are caused by lack of attention from their parents,
meaning that their parents' religious understanding is lacking.

b. Suggestion
As parents, it is hoped that they can be an example in accordance with Muslim behavior
so that they can print the nation's next generation which is also in accordance with the
nature of the personality of Muslim youth and also provides parenting rights in moral
As educators, they should try to pay attention to their students in Islamic education in
order to form an Islamic personality who is pious in each of their students and can
provide facilities and programs in schools so that they are more familiar with Islamic
religious education in depth.

Vera, Nurul. 2017. The Role of Parents in Fostering Adolescent Personality According to
Islamic Concepts. Palembang: uin raden fatah.


HIGH SCHOOL OF 90 EAST JAKARTA. Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidatullah

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