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Scenarios Needs or reasons behind √ ×

1. Make the call happen - first

sentence in the call is crucial: “What
did you do today? Why so tired?” - 1. Discuss work with her and try to solve the
then focus on asking boring questions problems (tell her she needs to rest then ask her
like “What did you eat today? How those boring questions)
1. To have a relaxing many hours did you teach today? Do 2. Multitasking (let her know if you have to or
conversation to release you go home for CNY?” etc as these suggest call her another time)
I'm so tired, and I want the stress from work questions simply fulfilled the needs on 3. Negative attitudes like sounding impatient, like “I
a call. 2. To be listened with full the left can’t help with this.” (tell her you are happy to listen
attention 2. If not able for a call right away - or help)
3. To sleep well give a reason - let her know how long
Bad things happen - she gets more tired and
has to wait or suggest a day
nothing get solved; she keeps pointing out 2&3 and
Good things happen - call ends
interupts you
around 30 mins with pleasure/no call
today but good impression remains

For any "yes or no" 1. Out of some sorts of 1. STOP what you are doing with 1. Keep multitasking
questions she asks like concerns/curiosities others 2. Bring in your assumptions before knowing why
2. Answer "yes or no" , then ask
"why". THAT'S IT.
“Are you tpying? Is
there anyone else Good things happen - Bad things happen - you feel
2. Not feeling getting full
there? Are you texting
attention conservation goes on, she appreciate offended/untrusted, and then apologized for being
others at the same
your attention, and you impress her by pissed - efforts you made in ruin
not getting pissed on these questions

I had a nice dream That's what she wants or

Ask for details and keep that in mind Let her skip the details.
about you. would enjoy.

I had a sad dream

She is feeling insecure. Ask for details Let her skip the details.
about you.

When you say “I am not - She lost interest talking - Tell her WHAT makes you not
Sound COLD!
available these days/I to you available, and tell her WHEN you will
don’t have much time/I - She feels you wanna be available again.
am not available for keep distance - AND! Make her feel you still really
calls” want to hear from her and will try to
response ASAP when she texts, even
if you are driving, eating or moving
woods etc

When you say “I stop - TELL HER WHY AND SINCE WHEN
She does not know why
check my Wechat - tell her will check and turn on
do she would think it just No further actions
China time midnight
might be an excuse notification FOR HER
and no notification”

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