Spinal Fracture and Luxation in Dogs and Cats: A Retrospective Evaluation of 95 Cases

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Spinal fracture and luxation in dogs and cats

A retrospective evaluation of 95 cases
C. W. Bruce, B. A. Brisson, K. Gyselinck
Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,

nal instability and/or spinal cord compres-

Summary Introduction sion, deterioration despite appropriate con-
The purpose of this retrospective study was to review
cases of spinal fractures or luxations (SFL) treated with servative management or unrelenting pain
various modalities in order to describe fracture location, Spinal fractures, luxations, and fracture- beyond the first 48–72 hours (7, 8, 13). Re-
neurological status, treatment, outcome and compli- luxations in dogs and cats are common and gardless of these recommendations conser-
cations in a patient population at a single centre. The are often the result of vehicular injury (1, vative management has been shown in some
medical records of dogs and cats that had been diag- 2–5). Other frequent causes of injury include studies to have up to 94.4% functional re-
nosed with a SFL between C1 and L7 between January animal attacks or falling from a height. Re- covery rate (4–6, 8). In light of this, all pa-
1995 and June 2005 were reviewed in order to collect ports that describe the distribution of spinal tients should be given the benefit of conser-
pertinent data. Ninety-five cases were included in this column injuries indicate that they affect the vative management if the owners are willing
study. The severity of spinal cord injury was graded on lumbar vertebrae most frequently, followed to undertake physical therapy and nursing
a scale from 0 to 5. Vehicular trauma was the most by sacrococcygeal, thoracic, and cervical care (3, 7).
common cause of SFL. Spinal fractures were localized
vertebrae (1, 3, 5). An increased incidence of Previous reports on spinal fracture or lu-
between C1-C5 in 10 cases, C6-T2 in one case, T3-L3
in 54 cases, L4-L7 in 36 cases. Thirty patients that
fracture-luxation has also been reported at xation cases have focused on a single treat-
were euthanatized without treatment had a median the junction between the mobile and immo- ment modality or spinal segment making it
neurological score of 5. Twenty-eight patients, all of bile sections of the spine, such as the thora- difficult to compare treatment modalities
which had motor function, were treated conservatively columbar and lumbosacral junction due to amongst one another. The purpose of this
and there was not any change in their median neuro- stress concentration (6). Other studies have retrospective study was to review a large
logical grade at the time of discharge. Thirty-seven pa- described a more even distribution of injury number of cases of canine and feline spinal
tients had surgery, 27 of which were non ambulatory. along the spinal column (2, 7). Diagnosis fractures or luxations treated with various
Thirty-five of 37 were stabilized using pins and/or and mechanism of injury have been de- modalities in order to describe fracture lo-
screws and PMMA or various other techniques. The scribed in detail elsewhere (2–5, 8–11). The cation, neurological status, treatment used,
median neurological grade of surgically treated pa- method of treatment selected depends on the outcome and complications in a patient
tients improved by one point between the time of initial signalment of the patient, nature of the in- population at a single centre.
diagnosis and discharge. Implant removal was per-
formed in five cases. The patients that were treated
jury, neurological status, and individual sur-
with pins and/or screws and PMMA were significantly geon preference and experience. Treatment
more improved than conservatively managed patients modalities can be broadly classified into
at the time of discharge, although the surgically treated conservative and surgical options. Conser- Materials and methods
patients were hospitalized significantly longer than the vative treatment typically involves external
conservatively managed patients. Our results suggest immobilization in the form of splints and The medical records for all dogs and cats that
that dogs that retain pain sensation prior to surgery bandages, cage confinement, exercise re- had been diagnosed with spinal fracture or
have a good prognosis for functional recovery. In this striction, and steroid administration. The ob- luxation at the Ontario Veterinary College
study, the dogs that were treated conservatively re- jective of surgical treatment is the reduction Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Univer-
tained purposeful movement and had a good prognosis of the vertebral segments, decompression of sity of Guelph between January 1995 and
for recovery. the spinal cord and rigid stabilization of the June 2005 were reviewed. The data were col-
spinal canal. Current surgical options in- lected regarding breed, age, sex, weight, his-
Keywords clude: pins and polymethylmethacrylate tory, including type of trauma, duration of
Spinal, fracture, luxation, dog, cat
(PMMA), vertebral body plating, vertebral clinical signs, progression of clinical signs,
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2008; 21: 280–284 stapling, screws and PMMA, and external neurological assessment (at admission, post-
skeletal fixation (9–12). operatively, at discharge and at recheck),
Controversy exists whether surgical or radiographic assessment, including location
conservative therapy is most appropriate for of fracture, luxation or fracture/luxation, and
spinal fracture/luxation. Current indications the presence of concurrent injuries. Also, the
for surgical intervention are evidence of spi- details of injury management (conservative
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Received February 10, 2008
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 3/2008 For personal or educational use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
Accepted April 20, 2008
Spinal fracture luxation

or surgical treatment), type of surgical tech- Table 1 Modified Matthiesen neurological assessment rological score of both the conservatively
nique used, intraoperative findings, steroid score (1) used. and surgically treated patients at the time of
use, use of splint or bandage, type of splint or discharge was 2 (range 0 to 5).
Grade Neurological status
bandage, or reason for euthanasia were rec- Thirty (31.6%) patients were euthanat-
orded. Those patients with incomplete medi- 0 No spinal hyperesthesia and no neurological ized without treatment due to poor prog-
cal records, or patients with injuries that only nosis for recovery and severity of neurolog-
involved the sacral or caudal vertebrae, were 1 Hyperesthesia, no neurological deficits ical signs (29, 30.5%), or due to financial
excluded from this study. Neurological status 2 Proprioceptive deficits and/or ataxia constraints (1, 1.1%). The median neurolog-
was graded using a 5 point scale adapted 3 Non-ambulatory with purposeful movement ical score at presentation for this group was
from Matthiesen (Table 1) (1). Neurological 4 No purposeful movement with deep pain 5 (range 1 to 5). Of these, 20 (66.7%) were
improvement was assessed by calculating sensation grade 5 and 8 (26.7%) were grade 4. This
the difference between the neurological 5 Loss of deep pain sensation group of patients had a median age of three
score at presentation and at discharge. years (range: five months to 12 years) and a
For the purposes of statistical analysis median weight of 19.2 kg (range: 2.9 kg to
the patients were divided into three treat- 45kg).
ment groups; conservative, surgical and eu- Twenty-eight (29.5%) patients were
thanasia. Medical treatment consisted of Results treated conservatively with cage confine-
one or more of the following modalities: ment and exercise restriction, with or with-
bandage or external splint application, cage Ninety-five cases (11 cats and 84 dogs) met out splinting. The median neurological
confinement and exercise restriction. The the inclusion criteria for this study. There score at presentation for this treatment
surgical techniques consisted of one or more were 56 (59.9%) males (30 were castrated) group was 2 (range 0 to 4). Of these, 25
of the following internal stabilization tech- and 39 (41.0%) females (21 were spayed). (89.3%) patients were grade 1, 2 or 3, with
niques: pins or screws with PMMA, dorsal The patients had a median weight of 17.5 kg 10 (35.7%) patients being grade 2. One pa-
spinous process plating (Lubra plate®, The (range: 1.8 kg to 92 kg) and a median age of tient required surgical stabilization due to
Lubra Company, Fort Collins, CO, USA), two years (range: three months to 15 years). persistent and severe pain and was treated
vertebral body plating, vertebral stapling Vehicular trauma was the cause of spinal with transilial pinning nine days after initial
and vertebral wiring. The treatment groups fracture or luxation in 60 (63.2%) cases. injury, and one patient had slight neurologi-
were not randomized and treatment deci- Twenty (21%) spinal fractures or luxations cal worsening from grade 2 to 3 at discharge
sions were made based on clinical assess- were the result of unknown trauma, 10 were compared to admission. The patient requi-
ment, clinician experience and preference caused by a fall and five were the result of an ring surgery was placed in the surgical
as well as owner input and financial means. animal attack. group for the purposes of statistical analy-
The spinal fracture or luxation was local- sis. The median age of patients in this treat-
ized between C1 to C5 in 10 (10.1%) cases, ment group was one year (range: four
C6 to T2 in 1 (1.0%) case, T3 to L3 in 54 months to 10 years) and the median body
Statistical analysis (54.5%) cases and between L4 and L7 in 36 weight was 15.0 kg (range: 3.4 kg to 92 kg).
All statistical analyses were performed by a (36.4%) cases. Three patients had multiple The median neurological score at the time of
statistician using commercial statistical spinal fracture luxations with one patient discharge was 2 (range 0 to 3) with a medi-
software (SAS/STAT® Software). Logistic having three affected sites (cervical, tho- an neurological difference of 0 (range: -1to
regression analysis was used in order to de- racic and lumbar) and two patients having 1). The median hospital stay for conser-
termine if there were significant risk factors two affected sites (thoracic and lumbar and vatively managed patients was three days
(treatment, location of injury, cause, signal- two lumbar). The neurological status in (range: one day to 21 days). Three patients
ment, additional injuries, and compli- three patients (3.2%) were grade 0, three pa- had splints placed as part of their conser-
cations) for survival. A Wilcoxon Mann- tients (3.2%) were grade 1, 15 (15.8%) were vative management, two had cervical splints
Whitney non-parametric test was used in grade 2, 26 (27.3%) were grade 3, 26 placed for a cervical fracture and one had an
order to compare neurological status be- (27.3%) were grade 4 and 22 (23.2%) were entire body splint placed for a lumbar frac-
tween conservative and surgical cases. grade 5. ture.
When comparing between three or greater Forty-three (45.3%) patients had other Thirty-seven (38.9%) patients were
populations a Kruskal-Wallis test was used injuries, including pulmonary contusions treated surgically. The median neurological
with post hoc non parametric Tukey like ad- and rib fractures (n=14), long bone or pelvic score at presentation for these patients was 3
justments. Comparisons between the treat- fractures/luxations (n=13), abdominal (range: 0 to 5). Of these, 17 (45.6%) did not
ment groups for the parameters of days in organ injuries (n=5), head trauma (n=3) and have any motor function, two of which had
hospital, age and weight were made using a skin lacerations (n=2). The overall median no pain sensation. The median age of the pa-
students t-test. A two sided value of p < 0.05 neurological score at the time of presenta- tients in this treatment group was three years
was considered significant in all cases. tion was 3 (range 0 to 5) and the median neu- (range: six months to 15 years) and the
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Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 3/2008
Bruce et al.

median body weight was 16.8 kg (range: 1.8 ences in age between the euthanasia groups used with cervical lesions being signifi-
kg to 65 kg). The median neurological score and other two groups were not significant. cantly more likely to receive treatment with
at the time of discharge was 2 (range: 0 to 4) Also differences between groups for body pins and PMMA (75%) compared to lumbar
with an improvement in median neurologi- weight were not significant. Neurological lesions (8.3%) (p = 0.02). A trend was de-
cal score of 1 (range: –1 to 2). The median status at presentation differed significantly tected towards thoracic lesions (43%) hav-
hospital stay for surgically managed pa- between the three groups. Those patients ing a higher incidence of pins and/or screws
tients was six days (range: one day to 20 that had been euthanatized had a signifi- and PMMA fixation compared to lumbar
days). Thirty-five patients (36.8%) under- cantly worse neurological status (median = lesions (p = 0.06).
went surgical spinal stabilization using vari- 5), than either surgically treated (median = Lesion localization was a significant pre-
ous techniques that included pins and/or 3, p < 0.001) or conservatively managed dictor of euthanasia with patients with cer-
screws and PMMA (13, 37.1%), dorsal spi- (median = 2, p < 0.001) patients. Surgically vical lesions being 0.12 times as likely to be
nal process plating using a Lubra plate, (8, managed patients had a significantly worse euthanatized (p = 0.04) than patients with
22.9%), vertebral body plating (6, 17.1%), neurological status than conservatively lesions in other locations. The presence of
vertebral stapling (3, 8.6%), vertebral wir- managed patients (p = 0.03). Lesion dis- additional lesions was compared to compli-
ing (2, 5.7%), a combination of dorsal spinal tribution between the three groups was not cation rate and a significant correlation was
process plating and vertebral body plating significantly different. not identified (p = 0.49). Lastly, neurologi-
(2, 5.7%) and transilial pinning (1, 2.9%). In order to evaluate the success of treat- cal status was compared to lesion localiz-
The remaining two patients had surgical ment, the surgically treated and conser- ation. Neurological status at presentation
treatment without stabilization. One patient vatively treated groups were compared. was significantly different between patients
had multiple fractured lumbar transverse Neurological status at discharge was not sig- with cervical lesions (median = 2) and tho-
processes removed without stabilization nificantly different between the surgically racic lesions (median = 4; p = 0.002). A
and one patient had a pediculectomy per- (median = 2) and conservatively (median = trend was detected when comparing patients
formed and was euthanatized intraoper- 2) managed patients. When comparing the with cervical lesions to patients with lumbar
atively due to spinal cord transection. One change in neurological score between initial (median = 3) and multiple lesions (median =
patient was euthanatized prior to recovery assessment and at the time of discharge 4), however, neither relationship was sig-
from anesthesia when malpositioning and from hospital, the surgically treated group nificant (P = 0.09 and 0.10 respectively).
failure of the Lubra plate implants were de- (median = 1) was not significantly different Neurological status at discharge was com-
tected on postoperative radiographs, and from the conservatively managed group pared between the different locations and
two patients died postoperatively; one due (median = 0) (p = 0.09). However, improve- significant correlations were not detected.
to undiagnosed mesenteric avulsion leading ment in neurological score of the subgroup The patients with cervical lesions (median =
to septicemia, and the other due to pulmon- of patients that were treated with pins and/ 0) improved significantly less than the pa-
ary fat embolization. Five patients with cer- or screws and PMMA (improved a median tients with multiple lesions (median = 1, p =
vical lesions had splints placed postoper- of 1 grade) was significantly better than in 0.04). Patients with lumbar lesions (median
atively. Two surgically treated patients pres- conservatively managed patients (p = 0.02). = 1) improved significantly less than pa-
ented as grade 5, were euthanatized, one at A comparison of complication rate between tients with thoracic lesions (median = 1, p =
the time of surgery due to the presence of surgically treated (27%) and conservatively 0.03). Patients with thoracic lesions (medi-
myelomalacia, and the second patient four treated patients (7.1%) revealed a trend to- an = 1) improved significantly less than pa-
days postoperatively due to the development wards a higher incidence of complications tients with multiple lesions (median 1, p=
of myelomalacia. Implant removal was per- for the surgically treated patients (p = 0.05). 0.03). Although not statistically significant,
formed in five cases due to pin migration A difference in rate of euthanasia was not patients with thoracic lesions tended to im-
(n=3), Lubra plate failure (n=1) and spinal detected between conservatively and sur- prove more than patients with cervical
staple migration (n=1). Median interval gically treated patients (p = 0.22). The sur- lesions (p = 0.09).
from surgery to implant removal was 49 gically managed patients were hospitalized
days (range: 13 to 61 days). Of the five pa- for a significantly longer period of time than
tients requiring implant removal, all of them conservatively managed patients (p =
had an uncomplicated revision procedure 0.0016). Discussion
and were ambulatory with varying degrees A significant difference was not noted
of ataxia at the time of last recheck examin- for rates of complications between the vari- The proportion of patients in our study that
ation. ous surgical techniques or for each tech- were euthanatized without treatment
Comparisons made between groups re- nique compared to the overall complication (31.6%) was less than in other reports (2, 3,
vealed that surgical patients were signifi- rate of surgically treated patients. Compli- 14, 15). The decision to recommend the eu-
cantly older than conservatively managed cation rates were not significantly different thanasia of patients that are admitted with-
patients (three years versus one year, re- between fracture location. The surgical site out pain perception is likely to be heavily in-
spectively, p = 0.02), however, the differ- was a predictor for the surgical technique fluenced by the paucity of literature suppor-
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Spinal fracture luxation

ting the successful treatment of patients monly used treatment modality in human cause of the limited follow-up of many of
with such poor neurological status, follow- spinal trauma patients but is not technically our cases. The increased complication rate
ing spinal trauma. A recent study by Olby et feasible in canine and feline patients. Spinal of surgically managed patients may be in-
al. that evaluated the long-term outcome of decompression in small animals with spinal fluenced by the increased number of pa-
patients with traumatic spinal cord injury injuries typically involves surgical reduc- tients that returned for recheck examina-
revealed that regardless of treatment, none tion and stabilization. Previous reports sug- tions, or the obvious fact that implant com-
of the patients that lost deep pain sensation gest that surgically treated spinal injury in plication is simply not seen unless implants
regained deep pain sensation (15). Two of small animals had a greater neurological are used. The majority of surgical compli-
the patients in that study were considered to improvement (3). However, the findings of cations were considered severe, with two
have a successful outcome based on the re- our study did not provide very strong evi- requiring euthanasia and five requiring a
turn of ability to ambulate (15). These pa- dence for this conclusion because at the second surgery for implant removal.
tients had an abnormal gait, were intermit- time of discharge from the hospital, a sig- The difference in neurological status be-
tently fecal and urinary incontinent, and did nificant difference between the surgical and tween lesion locations along the spine is
not regain pain sensation to their limbs but conservative groups was neither detected in likely due to the previously reported larger
had a voluntary tail wag (15). It was pro- the neurological scores, nor in the change in ratio of spinal canal to spinal cord in the cer-
posed that these patients either demon- score during hospitalization. One important vical spine relative to the thoracic and lum-
strated spinal reflex walking or had surviv- factor to consider though is that our sur- bar spine. Lesion distribution within the cer-
ing axons crossing the site of injury (15). gically treated group had a significantly vical spine was consistent with previous re-
The presence of a voluntary tail wag sug- worse neurological score at the time of pres- ports (4, 20, 21) in which the majority of
gests there is a descending influence from entation than the conservatively managed lesions involved the atlas or axis (7, 70%).
higher centres lending support to the idea of group. Other contributing factors to our lack Patients with cervical lesions in this study
surviving axons (15). The authors’ con- of statistical significance was the small were significantly more likely to be treated
clusion was that a persistent absence of deep group sizes and lack of power. Also, the pa- with pins and PMMA (75%) when com-
pain sensation indicates severe injury but tients were seemingly discharged at a com- pared to patients with lumbar lesions
does not confirm complete spinal cord parable neurological score regardless of (8.3%). Current treatment recommen-
transection and that given time, some of treatment group. This is likely due to the fact dations for cervical spinal injuries are for
these patients can regain the ability to walk that patients are typically considered ready conservative therapy with splint or bandage,
in the face of absent pain sensation (15). In for discharge from our hospital when they unless the patient is deteriorating neurolog-
the current study we were unable to assess retain or have regained purposeful move- ically (4, 8), due in part to a high perioper-
the neurological recovery potential of pa- ment, can urinate normally, and are com- ative mortality rate (36–37%) in previous
tients with no pain sensation (22, 23.2%) fortable. This is evident by our finding that reports (4, 20). In the current study peri-
because all of them were eventually eutha- surgically managed patients were hospital- operative mortality was not seen following
natized. ized for longer than conservatively man- cervical stabilization but only four such pro-
The most common cause of spinal injury aged patients. cedures were performed. Although the re-
in the present study population was vehicu- Among the various surgical techniques sults should be interpreted with caution due
lar trauma (63.2%), which is similar to pre- and implants that were used for stabilization to the small sample size, our study indicates
vious reports (1–5). This finding may repre- of spinal injuries in our study, the pins and/ that surgical management of cervical spinal
sent the significant force needed to cause or screws and PMMA technique was used fracture/luxations is a successful treatment
fracture/luxation of the inherently stable most frequently, and was associated with a option that is associated with a low compli-
vertebral column. No significant relation- significantly greater improvement in neuro- cation rate and a good clinical outcome.
ships were detected between cause of trau- logical status when compared to conser- The patients with lumbar lesions had sig-
ma and severity of injury, location of lesion, vatively managed patients. This finding pro- nificantly less improvement than those with
presence of multiple lesions, presence of ad- vides support for current treatment recom- thoracic lesions. Lumbar lesions were also
ditional lesions or incidence of compli- mendations regarding surgical treatment of associated with a better neurological status
cations. spinal fractures, luxations or fracture/lux- at presentation when compared to the pa-
In humans, only a few spinal injuries are ations (8, 9, 12, 19). The problems of mi- tients with thoracic lesions although this
considered to be surgical emergencies (16). gration or failure of implants that required difference was not significant. A possible
However, early spinal cord decompression implant removal were related to the use of explanation for this difference is that the
has been shown to improve neurological re- various implants systems, which suggests cauda equina is more resistant to compres-
covery (17, 18). Experimental evidence that technical errors as well as inherent limi- sion than the spinal cord. Of note is that the
supports the concept that spinal cord com- tations of certain implants could be con- difference in neurological status between
pression is a potentially reversible form of tributory factors for failure. Indeed, the inci- the lesion locations represents less than one
secondary injury (17). Closed decom- dence of implant related problems may be neurological grade. The mean neurological
pression involving traction devices is a com- much greater than reported in our study be- score at discharge for all lesion locations
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Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 3/2008
Bruce et al.

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The treatment of acute spinal trauma caus- 12. Walker TM, Pierce WA, Welch RD. External fix- Correspondence to:
ing spinal fracture, luxation or fracture/lu- ation of the lumbar spine in a canine model. Vet Charles W. Bruce, DVM
Surg 2002; 31: 181–188. Department of Clinical Studies
xation is an evolving field. The study pres- 13. Dulisch ML, Withrow SJ. The use of plastic plates Ontario Veterinary College
ented herein supports the current recom- for fixation of spinal fractures in the dog. Can Vet University of Guelph, Guelph
mendations for surgical intervention utiliz- J 1979; 20: 326–332. Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1
ing pins and/or wire and PMMA for all lo- 14. Grasmueck S, Steffen F. Survival rates and out- Phone +1 519 823 8830, Fax +1 519 763 1276
comes in cats with thoracic and lumbar spinal cord E-mail: cbruce@uoguelph.ca
cations of injuries.

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