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Grade 3 Show and Tell

Our class will start a show and tell this Term 2. Please see the guidelines about it.


The demonstration may be on anything that is educational, for example, how to

do a favorite activity, past time, or hobby. However, students will not be allowed
to demonstrate any weapons or animals since those types of items are not
allowed in schools.

Guidelines for the demonstration include:

1) The speech should be up to 5-10 minutes only.

2) Students should also use visual aids, including hands-on supplies and props, or
anything needed to make the demonstration interesting. A rubric is provided here.
(see sample 2)

3) You will need to prepare a speech (see sample 1) and a plan for your
demonstration. Please have two questions ready for your friends. The paper be
handed up at the end of the demonstration for marking. Drawings or pictures is
optional. (see sample 3)

4) Have good eye contact, speak loudly, have good posture, etc. You will be
assessed. This is the rubric that will be used to assess your demonstration. Please
use the template provided. (see sample 4)

Show and tell will be done each day.

Please refer to the calendar below as a guide.


Mrs. Jonah

Samples and Templates

Guide Script (sample 1)

• Hello everyone! Today I will show you how to____________________. At the

end of my show and tell I will ask some questions.
• Step 1...Step 2…
• I hope you were listening. Now I will ask you some questions. First…
• Do you have any questions or comments? (Call friends)
• Thank you for listening.

Rubric (sample 2)

G3 Show and Tell Rubric

Uh oh - not Getting Well done - Wow! Grad
there yet! there! you’ve got it! Simply e
Display / Display is cluttered Display is Display is organized Display is thoughtfully
Props and missing required cluttered. Some and sentences are organized and creatively
information. sentences may be complete. Some decorated
incomplete or illustrations or images with appropriate images
unclear. are included. and illustrations to a high

Organization Student presents Student Student presents all Student presents facts in a
information out of presents some the facts in order, and well thought out order and
order. It is unclear for facts in order. the audience can makes the presentation
the audience to understand the entertaining for the
understand. material. audience to follow and be

Eye Contact Student’s eyes are Student’s eyes Student’s eyes Student maintains eye
directed at the connect with connect with contact throughout the
report, and they do audience audience members presentation, using the
not make eye members 1-2 through most of the report as a point of
contact with times throughout presentation. reference.
audience members. presentation.

Voice Voice is mumbled and Student tries to Student projects Voice is clear and
quiet, sometimes project their their voice. They engaging, using expression
making it less than voice and speak speak clearly, and confidently. Student uses
clear for the audience. clearly but is audience members correct inflection and tone
quiet at times. can hear and to grab audience attention.

Written Plan (sample 3)

Name: John Doe Grade: 3

Title of the Demonstration: How to make a paper plane
Step 1
Use a sheet of 81/2-by-11 inch paper. Fold the paper
in half lengthwise and run thumbnail along the fold
to crease it sharply. Now, unfold the paper.

Step 2
Fold down the top corners as indicated by the

Step 3
Fold the two edges toward the center line, as

Step 4
Make a valley fold in half.
Turn the plane 90 degrees as shown in figure of Step

Step 5
Create a wing crease that begins at the nose as

Step 6
Form 3-dimensional shape as shown in figure. The
Basic Dart is complete.
Bend up the tailing edge of the wings for lift if it has
a tendency to nose-dive.
Question for my friends: How many steps did it take for
me to make my paper plane?

Which part of the step was the


Written Plan Template (sample 4)

Title of the Demonstration:
Steps Drawing or Picture (optional)
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Question for my friends:


Grade 3A Calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Nov. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Franklin Reed

Eve Chevavimon

28 29 30 Dec. 1 2 3 4

Marvelous Michael Celina Liong Natalie Gracielle Emily Zoe

Ginarto Ngantung Santoso
Kenzou Lordianto
Harper Kauw Frederick Prince Neaven
Emmanuel Narciso Susanto

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Celine Evangeline
Katie Alena Tandra Gabrielle Olivia Widjaja
Gianni Velenzia Kaylee Alice
Tansri Jennifer Anastasia Yuwono

Grade 3B Calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Nov. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Tiffany Elizabeth

Jordan White
28 29 30 Dec. 1 2 3 4
Brandon Budiman Derrick Hanson Jaeddrick Alliswell Richie Maximus
Lee Tandanu
Abbygail Giovanna Xue Wen Hao
Chong Helena Mae Lock Reilyn Tio
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Wynn Tjakra Deneuve Thierr Celine Alexandra
Jaycie Grace Wijaya Wijaya Yansah
Li Wenzhe (Joe
Constantin Koh) Samantha Abigail Kimora Josephine Kenzo Alexander
Widjaja Wong Osmond

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