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Lesson 9: Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory

- Maria Rita D. Lucas, Ph.D.

“What a child can do in cooperation today, tomorrow
she/he will be able to do alone”.
-Lev vygotsky

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able

1. Explain why Vgotsky’s theory is called “Socio-cultural” theory.

2. Differentiate Piaget and Vygotsky’s views on cognitive development.
3. Explain how scaffolding is useful in teaching skills.


The key theme of Vygotsky’s theory is that social interaction plays a very important role
in cognitive development. He believed that individual development could not be understood
without looking into the social and cultural context within which development happens.
Scaffolding is Vygotsky’s term for the appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist the
learner accomplishes a task.


1. As a child, recall a skill that you wanted to learn and eventually learned well, through the
help of another person. (Like swimming, riding a bike, playing the piano, etc.)
 Riding a Bike
2. What made you interested to learn the skill? The reason why I made an interest in
learning that skill because I was jealous watching my peers riding a bike, like they can
ride it easily and I was also curious about the feeling when you are riding a bike than
pushing it.
3. Who taught or assisted you? My peers, my classmates and my family.
4. Describe how you went about learning the skill. Describe what steps or actions the person
did in order to help you learn. First thing first, they assisted me in getting on the bike,
secondly was while I was on the bike, they push the bike to everywhere within that place,
thirdly was teaching me to balance, fourthly was teaching me how to pedal, Lastly was
making me do the process on my own, even though possibly I will get hurt but they said
it was normally part of the process.


1. What factors in the environment influenced you to learn the skill? My Peers who are
already good in riding a bike, and my curiosity.
2. Did the person who taught or assisted you make use of scaffolding? If yes, How? Yes, by
teaching me the step-by-step process and once they taught me those step-by-step, they
left me and made me do on my own.


 When Vygotsky was a young boy he was educated under a teacher who used the Socratic
Method. This method was a systematic question and answer approach that allowed
Vygotsky to examine current thinking and practice higher level of understanding.
 This experience, together with his interest in literature and his work as a teacher, led him
to recognize social interaction and language as two central factors in cognitive
development. His theory became known as the Socio-Cultural Theory of Development.


 More individual in focus  More social in focus
 Believed that there are universal  Did not propose stages but emphasized
stages of cognitive development on cultural factors in cognitive
 Did not give much emphasis on  Stressed the role of language in
language cognitive development

 Social Interaction. Piaget’s theory was more individual, while Vygotsky was more
social. Piaget’s work on Piagetian’s tasks focused heavily on how an individual’s
cognitive development became evident through the individual’s own processing of the
tasks. Vygotsky, on the other hand gave more weight on the social interactions that
contributed to the cognitive development of individuals. For him, the social environment
or the community takes on a major role in one’s development.

 Cultural factors. Vygotsky believed in the crucial role that culture played on the
cognitive development of children. He looked into the wide range of experiences that a
culture would give to a child. Piaget believed that as a child develops and matures, he
goes through universal stages of cognitive development that allows him to move from
simple exploration with senses and muscles to complex reasoning.

 Language. Language opens the door for learners to acquire knowledge that other already
has. It helps the learner to regulate and reflect on his own thinking. Children talks to
themselves, for Vygotsky, this is “talking-to-oneself” is an indication of the thinking goes
on in mind of the child. This will eventually lead to private speech. Private speech is a
form of self-talk that guides the child’s thinking and action. He believed in the essential
role of activities in learning. Children learn best through hand-on activities than when
listening passively. Learning by doing is even more fruitful when children interact with
knowledgeable adults and peers.

 Zone of Proximal development. When a child attempts to perform a skill alone, she may
not be immediately proficient at it. So, alone she may perform at a certain level of
competency. We refer to this as the zone of actual development. However, with the
guidance of a More Knowledgeable Other (MKO), competent adult or a more
advanced peer, the child can perform at a higher level of competency. The difference
between what the child can accomplish alone and what she can accomplish with the
guidance of another is what Vygotsky referred to as zone of proximal development. The
support of assistance that lets the child accomplish a task he cannot accomplish
independently is called scaffolding. As a learner becomes more proficient, able to
complete tasks on their own that they could not initially do without assistance, the
guidance can be withdrawn. This is called scaffold and fade-away technique.

APPLICATION: An exercise in scaffolding: Determine how you will use scaffolding. Describe
the specific actions you will do to scaffold.

 Choose a skill you are good in.

 Computer Skills
 Identify an individual to whom who can teach this skill. Somebody who will benefit from
 My Best Friend who is an IT Student.

 Break down the steps you will take in teaching the skill.
 Firstly, I will show her how to open a device called a Laptop, for example I am
teaching her how to use her new bought Laptop and teach her how to use the
Microsoft Word that will be a good help for her studies.
 Secondly, teach her how to use the touching pad or the mouse which is very
important to know in order to click the Microsoft App in her Laptop. Also teach
her how to use the keyboard and show them the right keys in opening the
Microsoft Word.
 Thirdly, teach her the important things that she need to know about the Microsoft
 Fourthly, show her an example of making a document and teach her how to
properly save it.
 Fifthly, make her do hands on about my step-by-step process on how to open the
Microsoft Word and assist her while doing it.
 Lastly, guide her while she is doing hands on and slowly let go of her by just
watching her do it on her own.

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