Cyber Space

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Names of the students:

Shubham Kumar
Prashant Gupta
Monika Saini

Name of the mentor:

Miss KalyaneeRajan

It is certified that this is the bonafide work of the following students of
Section J, Bachelor WithHonours in Commerce- FYUP of Shri Ram
College Of Commerce.

1. MeghaMalpani
2. Shubham Kumar
3. Prashant Gupta
4. Monika Saini
5. Prerna

They have completed this project under my guidance during Semester 1

of the academic year 2013-14 in the subject Language,Literature and
Creativity II-English.The project does not contain any content which has
been previously written or published in any format,except where due
references have been cited and acknowledgements given.

Teacher’s signature:

Theme:An exploration of the virtual world of Cyber space with key focus on-
 Misuse of the Internet and other cyber facilities
 Cyber hacking,stalking,bullying and other forms of extortion
 Cyber laws made and their implementation

Duration: 3 months
Rationale and objectives: Cyber space in clear terms refers to the ‘Virtual
World’- the world of the Web. This world has been growing wide ever since it
developed. All members of my team, including myself have always been
fascinated by the Web. However far-reaching, informative and advantageous the
Web might be, it has its deadly implications too. The Web and the Internet had
primarily been invented to help people with their work, to provide them with
reliable information within seconds and to make their lives much easier than they
were. In the initial stages, the Internet did achieve all of its objectives. However,
as the saying goes, with the good part, comes the bad part too. Human beings
proved their intelligence by finding out new and diverse ways to misuse the
Internet, and thereafter came the world of incessant cyber crimes in the form of
software piracy, net extortion, software piracy, phishing, cyber stalking, cyber
hacking..and the list goes on.

As teenagers, we too have witnessed cyber frauds and other crimes committed in
the virtual world. We are also aware of the fact that not many people know about
all the various cyber crimes that can be committed. There is lack of proper
information in this topic. Also, those who know or have been victims of such
crimes too do not want to raise their voices. As students of SRCC, we wanted to
take the initiative. We wanted to spread awareness about ‘Cyber Space’, the
various crimes that have been committed in this space and how ‘Prevention is
better than Cure’. If people know about cases that have happened before, they
can learn from the mistakes of others and be more cautious themselves in the
future. Also, we wanted people to know about the various cyber laws that have
been framed by the Government in the light of the rising cyber crimes. This
project is just a humble step from our side to spread awareness about ‘Cyber
Space’ so that every person thinks twice before acting in the virtual world
because staying alert is staying safe.

Proposed treatment:
1. Searching the Web for relevant information and also find online instances of
Phishing and Cyber Hacking.

2. To try to find out and assemble information from various books as well.

3. Interview people who have actually been victims of Cyber Crimes.

4. Prepare a questionnaire to judge about awareness among people in general

about Cyber Space.

5. Prepare and record a skit to depict a real life case of Cyber Crime.

Project timeline:
Total time- 10 weeks

Research- 4 weeks

Interviews from victims- 2 weeks

Script preparation- 1 week

Enacting and filming- 1 week

Compilation of slides for the presentation and the final editing of the movie- 1

1. Quantitative data collection (content)

Research, elements of Cyber Space, Cyber Hacking methods, facts, basic


2. Qualitative data collection (interviews)

Interviews, Case Studies, Existing literature, Skit script preparation

3. Technical Review (skills enhancement)

Camera confidence, knowledge of Movie Maker and PowerPoint

Proposed outcomes:
1. A PowerPoint presentation on” Cyber Space”.

2. A short movie on a real life case of Cyber crime.

3. Awareness.

Personal statements of purpose for doing this project:

MEGHA MALPANI: I wanted to do this project because I wanted to know more
about the various methods of Cyber Crime, about terms that I have known and
many other terms that I didn’t know much about. Also, I, myself have been a
victim of Cyber Hacking. I was lucky enough to have detected my hacked account
before it got too late. I wanted to spread awareness about Cyber Crimes and also
encourage people and victims to report against such cyber criminals. I acted
cowardly in my case and I do not want others to do the same. I want people to
understand the seriousness of the virtual world and to stop playing with their
lives by revealing all correct information on the Internet. It is always “better safe
than sorry.”

SHUBHAM KUMAR: I wanted to work in this project because I have always been
fascinated by the cyber world.It is far huger than the world we live in! Our entire
lives are ruled by current technology. From socializing to working, it is all there at
your tips. Due to increased dependency on computers, the modern criminals have
found their way to tamper with security. I wanted to research and gain more
knowledge about such things.

PRASHANT GUPTA: I want to do this project because of my interest in the cyber

crime world. Through this project i am eager to learn about the different aspects
of cyber crime that takes place. Even though cyber world has become an
important part of our life still we know only a little about the crime that takes
place using internet. Through this project my aim is to spread the awareness
about the growing cyber crime to the world and providing them protection tips. I
will try to give my best to the project and learn as much as possible, under the
guidance of our mentor. In this complex cyber crime world hope with this project
I am able to contribute a bit.

MONIKA SAINI: I opted this project because I want to know about cyber crime.
And also this project will help me in gaining more knowledge about cyber crime as
it is on rise these days and also through project I will be able to know about how
harmful and insecure the consequences are.
Moreover through this I will b able to gain insight into the unsecure world and
how to be safe from it.
And this documentary on cyber crime will help people to dispel their ignorance
towards cyber crime and security

PRERNA:Arthur C. Clarke once said

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "

All around us people are learning with the aid of new technologies: children are
playing complex games, workers are interacting with stimulations that put them
in challenging situations, students are taking courses at online high schools and
colleges and adults are consulting Wikipedia. 
But as every coin has two faces, there are certain disadvantages of this rapid
advancement. With a cell phone being spotted in every single hand and computer
being used almost everywhere; there is a great risk of technology being misused. 
So, I grabbed this opportunity to learn about the other aspect of technology,
dealing with threats and crimes.
I will try to give my best to the project and learn as much as possible .







(First day of Ramesh at his college, explores the new environment ,places,people of the college and
reaches his class. A group of friends were chatting at the back of the class.)

Reema: Hello Everyone!What's up?

Riya: Hi Reema!

Kartik:Hello! So, how ere your holidays riya?

Riya: They were so boring... I just stayed back at my hostel and read novels.

Kartik: Oh really! I thought you were hanging out with your new boyfriend!

Riya: Oh shut up Kartik! It;s nothing like that.

Reema: Hey! Here comes tina. Hey Tina! What's up?

Tina: Hello every one ! So, what's up? Who is that boy sitting at the corner?

Kartik: I don't know. He looks so boring.

Tina:should we ask him to join our group? he is all alone.

Kartik: Ask him.

(Tina goes to Ramesh)

Tina:hello! I am Tina. What is your name?

Ramesh:I am Ramesh from Ranchi.

Tina:(giggles) Oh! That's nice. Come,let me introduce you to my friends.

(Ramesh gets to know all the members and soon they become good friends)

Scene 2
(At college Ramesh Starts liking Tina)

kartik: Look at that Champu over there. Whom is he staring? Tina!!! U!

Tina: What? No way!

Kartik: See for yourself.

(Tina looks at Ramesh sitting at far corner. Ramesh gets surprised and looks away)

Riya and Reema:woooohoooo......

Tina: oh! No! What do I do now?

Kartik: Hey! I've got a brilliant idea!

Tina: Oh please stop it!

Kartik:Iit's gonna be fun! Trust me! Look... send him a friend request on facebook and chat with him to
show that you are also intrested in him. That should keep the ball rolling.

Tina:And then???

Kartik:We will see.. it's our secret

(Kartik winks at Tina. Tina is cluelsss but agrees.)

(Ramesh and Tina chat for next 2 weeks everyday)


Tina: Yaar! I am so sick and tired of this. That champu is after my life. Yesterday he sent me virtual
flowers and started typing poems for me!!

Reema: Excellent! Now, since we have reached equilibruim position. Lets have some fun with your

Kartik: Yes! Now whenever you will chat, ask him to strip for you to prove you that he can do anything to
win your love..

Tina: ohooo! So this was the plan. Okay!he needs to be taught a lesson.

(Tina asks Ramesh to strip on webcam.ramesh does and the same thing gets recorded by tina. She
uploads the video on youtube and soon breaks the news in the entire college.

Scene 4:

Reema and kartik : hahahahahahahahaha guys this video has gone viral! 50Ks like already!
(soon, ramesh realises that he has been made a scape goat and plans to avenge his insult..he uploads
the contacts of the girls on pornwebsites and morphs their images with the super models.

Scene 5:

tina: hello?

Unknown caller: Is this sunny leone's number?

Tina? What?!?!

caller: I have heard that have some of the best sexual services to offer.

Tina: Wrong number!

Reema: what happened?

Tina: Some bastard was having fun..

(Reema's phone rings up)

Reema: Hello?

Caller: Is this sunny leone's number?

Reema: What the hell??

Tina: somebody is seriously messing with us. I think we should report the matter to the police.

(They go and register a complaint and return to home)


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