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Nama: Rika Asriani

Nim : 20015
Mata kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Unit 3 (page 14) Assignment week 3

Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Simple strategies to improve vocabulary, medical English vocabulary,
words thst go together

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with these adjectives. Use each
adjective only once. Isi titik dengan vocabulary dari dalam kotak.

athletic attractive cheerful confident

hardworking honest Shy talkative

1. Tae Yon always asks me questions and tells me lots of stories. She is a very talkative
2. Carlos has many problems, but he tries to be happy and cheerful with other people.
3. My brother is a confident driver becuse he has a lot of experience on the road.
4. My friend Bob is on our school’s basketball, soccer, and swimming teams. He is very
5. Mario is good-looking and very attractive in his new suit.
6. Claudia has a job during the day and she goes to school at night. She is a hard working
7. Ilyas is very timid, nervous, and shy with strangers.
8. Gina never tells a lie. She is a very honest person, and I trust her.
Source : Miller, J. L. & Cohen, R. F. (2006). Reason to write. New York: Oxford
university press.

Exercise 2
Write another 2 simple strategies to improve your vocabulary. expalin briefly. Tulis
2 strategi lain untuk meningkatkan vocabulary, jelaskan dengan singkat.

a. Post-it Moyes Van help memoriez

Post-it is usually used as a reminder of deadlines for assignments or work.
When learning English, we can also use it to remember vocabulary. Post-it in
areas that are often seen, such as bedroom doors, mirrors, and so on.
b. Practice writing and dare to contribute to a blog.
When writing, there may be words that have been learned but have
forgotten their meaning. Now is the time to recall these vocabulary words.
This process is very important where we are learning the master vocabulary
that has been in the previous memory. This activity can improve memory
and understanding of English vocabulary. of course, a masterpiece of writing
is created from extraordinary understanding.

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