Hairdressing Senior Trainer

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Job title and department: Haidressing senior Instructor

Job Grade: 6
Job Location: PSE-I Campus, PSE, Phnom Penh

Job holder reports to: Manager of School of Beauty & Spa

Roles reporting to job holder: Hairdressing instructor

Purpose of the Job: The Position is accountable for:

1- Develop and maintain the staff training in hairdressing
2- Ensure quality of curriculum and practical areas
3- Teach both students and staff to ensure the sustainability of
the school in hairdressing
4- Manage the salon, the product stocks and the investments

Dimension/Scope of job This Position is the reference for hairdressing in the school. All
aspects of salon management and training are included

Main Responsibilities:
1. Develop and maintain the staff training in hairdressing
 Develop the training plan and material for training the trainers of the schools
 Ensure the schedule of training fit into the school and class schedule
 Visit and create partnerships with professional outlets in order to send teachers for
practicing periods in a real professional and educational environment
 Participate to weekly meeting with the team

2. Ensure quality of curriculum and practical areas

 Make sure the curriculum is well understood and used by the teachers
 Suppervise teachers in class to improve their pedagogic and skill knowledge
 Adapt to the local context the methodologies and techniques to they are perfectly
 Develop ways to increase customers and practical opportunities for students

3. Teach both students and staff to ensure the sustainability of the school in
 In charge of teaching senior students in hairdressing (C2)
 Must slowly integrate the new teachers in areas where they are able to teach
 Work with Dean, concerned teachers, and other relevant Departments to solve the
problems or issues of the studnets, if any serious issues faced by students propose the
actions or resolutions with Social Department and PSE-I Central Office to cope with that
 Provide motivational or soft skill education, basic counselling, mentoring to the students
where appropriate to encourage vision, hope, coping or resilience with their problems in
life and motivated good discipline

4. Manage the salon, the product stocks and the investments

 Manage the stock of product, decide on the type, costs and quantity in line with the
 Ensure the salon is well maintained, clean, functional and plan for renovation if needed
 Propose developments, partnerships and new suppliers

Problem Solving and Decision This position involves in solving the issues students discipline,
Making: salon management, logistics and schedule of the salon. The
decision will be made together with the school manager
Communications & Internal relationship: school manager other school instructors
External relationship: Families/parents of students, companies
where studnets sent for internship if necessary
Knowledge, Skills and  At least hold Professional degree in hairdressing
Attitudes:  At least 10-years experience in salón management
 Good knowledge of MS Office, e-mail and other databases

 Good interpersonal communication skill
 Good ability in English
 Be commited in PSE’s vision and core values
 Be gentle, humble, patience, accountable and role model
to the students
 Be able to build a comercial outlet and manage it

Acknowledge and Sign by manager: _______________ Date:______________

Acknowledge and Sign by employee: _______________ Date:______________

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