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When Is It Appropriate to Order an Ionized Calcium?

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Laura M. Calvi and David A. Bushinsky

Department of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
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Convincing evidence demonstrates that ionized calcium and not total calcium is the fraction of circulating calcium in cal-
physiologically relevant component of blood calcium. Direct measurement of ion- cium homeostasis.9
ized calcium, however, is limited by difficulties in accurate analysis, lack of stan- Because ionized calcium is the most
dardization, and need for special handling, all resulting in increased cost; therefore, important physiologic component of
strategies have been developed to estimate ionized calcium from total calcium calcium and is controlled by stringent
adjusted for levels of albumin, measurements that are more available and relatively endocrine regulation, strategies either to
inexpensive. This commentary compares the advantages and limitations of direct measure it directly or to estimate it from
or calculated determinations of ionized calcium. Also examined are available data measurements of total calcium have
illustrating the settings in which measurement of ionized calcium is preferred and, emerged. Both methods, however, have
in some cases, necessary for clinical decision-making. limitations that must be understood for
appropriate interpretation of calcium
J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1257–1260, 2008. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2007121327
levels in the clinical setting.
The initial method for direct mea-
surement of ionized calcium was based
The physiologic importance of calcium is could be separated into diffusible and on a bioassay with obvious limitations of
far-reaching, with fundamental and dis- nondiffusible fractions. Of these, the applicability to clinical practice.7 While
tinct but interdependent intracellular protein-bound fraction represents 30 recognizing the ideal importance of di-
and extracellular activities. Intracellular to 55%, diffusible ionic complexes rectly measuring ionized calcium,
calcium is a crucial regulator of numer- (e.g., bicarbonate, citrate, sulfate, McLean and Hastings8 developed an al-
ous cellular events, including muscle phosphate lactate)5 comprise approxi- ternative nomogram to derive estimates
contraction, signaling, hormone secre- mately 5 to 15%, and approximately of ionized calcium from total calcium
tion, glycogen metabolism, and cell divi- 50% is freely ionized.6 Most of the pro- and protein measurements. Deriving
sion.1 Extracellular calcium not only tein-bound calcium is complexed to al- ionized calcium, however, is only an ap-
provides a steady supply of calcium for bumin, with the remainder binding to proximation based on several assump-
intracellular use but also plays an impor- globulins.5 Experiments by Moore6 tions and is affected by numerous vari-
tant role in clotting and membrane in- and McLean and Hastings7,8 confirmed ables in addition to protein, including
tegrity.1 In mammals, nearly all body cal- that ionized calcium accounts for the pH, magnesium, citrate, and albumin-
cium resides within the mineral phases of biologically active form of serum cal- to-globulin ratios.8 Because 1g/dl albu-
bone, contributing to the mechanical cium and subsequently demonstrated min binds approximately 0.8 mg/dl cal-
properties of the skeleton as well as pro- the crucial role of ionized calcium in cium, ionized calcium is estimated
viding a reservoir for extracellular ions. the calcium homeostasis of healthy in- typically from measurements of total cal-
Soluble extracellular calcium, including dividuals and patients with parathy- cium and albumin. For correction for
intravascular calcium, constitutes ap- roid abnormalities. hypoalbuminemia, 0.8 mg/dl (0.2
proximately 0.1% of the total body cal- Homeostatic mechanisms relying on
cium content.1,2 parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vita- Published online ahead of print. Publication date
As with other ionized constituents min D have evolved to defend the narrow available at
found in body fluids, the measurement physiologic range of extracellular and in- Correspondence: Dr. Laura Calvi, Department of
of total blood calcium fails to reveal its travascular calcium.1 Identification of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medi-
varied chemical forms and the portion the calcium-sensing receptor as the prin- cine and Dentistry, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 693,
Rochester, NY 14642. Phone: 585-275-2901; Fax:
that is present as free ions, the so-called cipal control mechanism for PTH secre- 585-273-1288; E-mail: laura_calvi@urmc.rochester.
ionized calcium.3 Initial dialysis exper- tion by the parathyroid glands in re- edu
iments by Rona and Takahashi4 dem- sponse to fluctuation of ionized calcium Copyright 䊚 2008 by the American Society of
onstrated that total serum calcium further supports the pivotal role of this Nephrology

J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1257–1260, 2008 ISSN : 1046-6673/1907-1257 1257


mmol/L) must be added to the total cal- poorly correlate with hypocalcemia.13–15 venovenous hemofiltration, especially
cium measurement for each 1-g/ml de- In this clinical setting, hypoalbumine- when citrate is used as the anticoagu-
crease in albumin concentration below mia, acidemia, acute elevations of free lant.25 In this instance, ionized calcium
the normal 4.0 g/dl.5 The binding of fatty acid concentrations, and lipid infu- must be measured not only in the sys-
calcium to albumin is also affected by ex- sions during parenteral nutrition may re- temic circulation but also in relation to
tracellular fluid pH. Acidemia decreases sult in poor correlation of total calcium the dialyzer to determine adequacy of
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calcium binding to protein, with conse- with direct measurements of ionized cal- anticoagulation and to detect citrate tox-
quent increases in ionized calcium as a cium.16 –18 Hypocalcemia is common in icity.26 –28 Because direct determinations
fraction of total calcium. In patients with intensive care units, where corrected se- of citrate are rarely performed, it is not
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perturbations of extracellular fluid pH, rum calcium levels fail to classify accu- possible to correct for the reduction of
each 0.1 decrease in pH increases ionized rately as many as 40% of cases of hy- ionized calcium caused by the binding of
calcium by approximately 0.2 mg/dl pocalcemia.19 No factors could be calcium to citrate; in this setting, it is im-
(0.05 mmol/L).5 identified to determine any subgroup of perative that ionized calcium be mea-
Precision in ionized calcium mea- patients in which corrected total levels sured directly.
surement was revolutionized after the in- would accurately estimate ionized calci- Ionized calcium may also have greater
troduction of ion-selective electrodes10; um.19 It is interesting that despite abun- diagnostic accuracy in hyperparathy-
however, the clinical application of this dant literature advising ionized calcium roidism, hypercalcemia of malignancy,
technique was initially limited and de- measurements in the critical care setting, and neonatal hypocalcemia.11,29 Al-
layed by its cost, susceptibility to errors, surgical practitioners still rely heavily on though ionized calcium is more sensitive
need to prevent CO2 losses from the corrected serum calcium levels.19 than albumin-corrected total calcium in
sample, and control of pH.6 Advances in In the later stages of CKD, pH and al- the diagnosis of hypercalcemia of malig-
technology for direct measurement of bumin fluctuations may also alter rela- nancy,30 the clinical usefulness of this
ionized calcium have decreased the cost tive calcium fractions unpredictably. Al- measurement is unclear. In at least in one
and improved its availability in the clin- though the Kidney Disease Outcomes study,31 slightly increased ionized cal-
ical setting since the 1980s.11 A number Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines cium levels did not predict the develop-
of limitations remain, however, particu- recommend the use of albumin-cor- ment of frank hypercalcemia in patients
larly in the outpatient setting, including rected total calcium, published algo- with solid malignant tumors.
the technical challenge of equipment rithms do not accurately predict ionized Even when symptomatic, total cal-
maintenance, frequent electrode re- calcium.20 –22 Direct measurements of cium in primary hyperparathyroidism
placement with associated downtime, ionized calcium, which are rarely done in may be normal or only intermittently el-
and redundancy of instrumentation and this patient population, are important evated, and, not surprising, ionized cal-
personnel, all leading to increased costs. for optimal clinical decision-mak- cium in this setting is superior to total
In addition, measurement standardiza- ing.11,20,23 In particular, hypercalcemia calcium measurements.32–34 Moreover,
tion is lacking. may be overdiagnosed when total cal- in a case series of 25 patients with surgi-
The technical issues with direct mea- cium and albumin measurements are cally demonstrable parathyroid adeno-
surement of ionized calcium relating to used to estimate ionized calcium, leading mas associated with hyperparathyroid-
analytical performance, standardization, to potentially inappropriate clinical ism and normal total calcium, direct
sample handling, and cost continue to choices regarding the use of vitamin D measurement of ionized calcium was
plague its application to the outpatient and its analogues, cinacalcet, or calcium- more sensitive than estimation of ion-
setting.12 Numerous studies, however, containing phosphate binders.20 In pa- ized calcium based on total calcium.35
have identified specific clinical situations tients with CKD, additional studies com- Given the superiority of direct measure-
in which direct measurement of ionized paring the direct measurement of ments of ionized calcium in identifying
calcium is clearly superior to its calcula- ionized calcium with that of estimated patients with primary hyperparathyroid-
tion from total calcium and albumin, ionized calcium using published algo- ism compared with estimates based on
even with corrections for pH. Specifi- rithms are clearly warranted. If we elect corrected total calcium, it is likely that
cally, reports suggest that ionized cal- not to measure ionized calcium directly estimates based on total calcium will be
cium is superior in identifying calcium in this patient population, perhaps more similarly inaccurate in identifying pa-
disturbances in patients receiving trans- accurate algorithms can be developed, tients with CKD and secondary and ter-
fusions with citrated blood; in critically similar to those now used to estimate tiary hyperparathyroidism.
ill patients; and in patients with the late glomerular filtration. In a case series of 33 patients with hy-
stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), Citrate also binds calcium, lowering perparathyroidism in the setting of mul-
hyperparathyroidism, and hypercalce- the ionized calcium and inhibiting blood tiple endocrine hyperplasia type 1
mia of malignancy.11 coagulation.24 Direct measurements of (MEN1), derivation of ionized calcium
In critically ill surgical patients, cor- ionized calcium are routinely necessary based on measurement of total calcium
rected total calcium measurements in patients treated with continuous and albumin alone underestimated the

1258 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1257–1260, 2008 CLINICAL COMMENTARY

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