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Engage your employees- Employee engagement is very important for an organisation to

develop. The mission and goals of the organisation should be interacted and integrated with
the goals of the employees. Building trust within the employees is a very important factor.
The managers and executive make sure that an employee is using his or her talent without
any restriction. The employees need to know that they are taken care of by their seniors.
Work Culture- The work culture should not be toxic rather it should be motivating. Too much
work pressure or cut throat competition might turn unfavourable. There should not be a war
among employees to get promotion rather it should be a healthy competition with rewards
and appraisals.
Training- All employees should receive training as per required job position. Career
orientation programmes must be conducted to ensure proper knowledge updating of the
employees. Develop vision paths for employees to enhance progress to know what their goals
are for the future.
Communicate effectively- The problem is not the quantity but the quality of communication.
To enhance communication make sure to keep the words simple and precise. Remember
communication is a two way process so managers have to check whether proper message is
being understood by the employees or not.
Salary Structure- Make sure the deserving employees are paid off well since they are the
assets of an organisation. Proper reward and promotion gears up employee’s enthusiasm to do
work. The employers should treat their employees as partners in business and the employees
should treat their employers as well wishers.
The organisation need to follow several rules and regulation in order to hire any kind of
employee into the organization its crucial for the organization to choose a efficient employee
that directly affect the performance of the organizations because efficiency work directly
affect the internal and external work efficiency. The HR management of the Uniliver need to
work efficiently in order to run better and perform well it required to retain the skilled
employee, choose a better employee provide a better quality training to the employee that
will help to develop the skill and to have an efficient employee can perform well that will
help to take organisation to better level.
Tough conversation along with tough decision
The higher key of the organisation doesn't hold the accountability of the employee and
doesn't behave well that makes them frustrated and it reduces the morale along with that it
turns to reduce the employee effort and decrease the performance of the organisation. It is
required to create better relations with the employee, try to understand the situation, provide
them a freedom of making a decision that keeps morale high and put the effort into the work
in order to complete the target and help the organisation to perform well and achieve success.
Effectively communication
The organization head required to keep a target and focus overall employee. The organization
need to have a regular meeting and casual meet intruder to make effective communication
among the employees. The regular communication makes the employee feel better and its
create good bond between the employee and employer that helps to take better decision and
to create a good understanding among the employee it improves the better quality of
understanding along with that it while having the meeting or communication with the
employee it need to have better and simple word need to be used in order to make
understandable by everyone. The timing and the communication should be done according to
the topic wise that helps better communication and help to improve the organisation work.
Employee appraisal
The higher key of the organization required to have a better care and behaviour along with
the employee. The worker and employee of the organization should be treated as important
develop the working culture of the organization always provide the help and affection
towards the employee that helps to increase the morale of the worker that sakes the employee
that they are valuable for the organization that help to provide high quality.

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