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Personal Development or PERDEV is very interesting course and can become the
most personally rewarding for you, because the subject matter for this subject is you.
Personal Development is a lifetime process. It is the journey of an individual toward self-
discovery and self-acceptance.

As a senior high school student you will enter new educational level as well the
psychological and social level. This subject will help you to further analyze and look
deeper on your development and changes on both physical and mental aspects for you
to understand and be well-known about yourself.

This subject is very substantial because it provides coping mechanism and

techniques about how we should properly handle stress to be able to protect our mental
health. This course makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage
that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people
around them as they make important decision as adolescents.



❖ Human Development and Personal Development

❖ What is Personal Development?
❖ Psychology and Personal Development
❖ Personal Development in Adolescence


✓ Understand and explain in his or her

own words what personal development
✓ Understand and explain the
psychological basis of personal
✓ Relate the concept of personal
development in his or her own
experience as an adolescent
✓ Express his or her spiritual and
religious beliefs and how these influence
his or her personal development.
❖ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Human Development and Personal Development

Developmental scientist identified the 3 aspects or domains of human development as;

1. Physical Development – covers the growth of the body and the brain, motor and
sensory skills
2. Cognitive Development – covers our capacity to learn and to speak, to understand,
to reason and to create
3. Psychosocial Development – includes our social interactions with other people,
our emotions, attitudes, self-identity, personality beliefs and values.

Personal Development is one’s own development and growth within the context of the 3
aspects of human development. Human development is also influenced by:

1. Heredity – inborn traits passed on by the generations of offsprings from both sides
of the biological parents’ families
2. Environment – is the world outside of ourselves and the experiences that result
from our contact and interaction with this external world
3. Maturation – natural progress of the brain and the body that affects the cognitive,
psychological and social dimension of a person.

Personal Development

- Defined as a process in which persons reflect upon themselves, understand who

they are, accept what they discover about themselves and learn new sets of
values, attitudes, behavior and thinking skills to reach their full potential as human

Psychology being the study of human behavior and thinking serves as the foundation
for personal development during the flourishing of Humanistic and Positive Psychology.

Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and early adulthood.

• Early adolescence – ages around 10-13
• Middle adolescence – ages around 14-16
• Late adolescence – ages around 17-20
The two (2) proponents of Humanistic Psychology were Abraham Maslow and Carl

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Old)


Direction: Give at least 3 examples in each need according to Abraham Maslow. (Don’t
copy the examples given in the illustration above.) Copying the work of your
classmates is PROHOBITED.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs EXAMPLES
1. Biological and Physiological • Air
• Shelter
• Warmth

2. Safety • Freedom of Fear

• Stability
• Protections from elements

3. Love / Belonging • Trust

• Acceptance
• Receiving & Giving affections

4. Esteem • Independence
• Dignity
• Achievement

5. Self-Actualization • Seeking Personal Growth

• Peak Experience
• Self-Fulfillment


❖ There are 3 aspects of human development: physical, cognitive, and psychosocial.

❖ There are 3 factors affecting or influencing human development: heredity,
environment, and maturation.
❖ Personal development is a process in which persons reflect upon themselves,
understand who they are, accept what they discover about themselves and learn
new sets of values, attitudes, behavior, and thinking skills to reach their fullest
potential as human beings.
❖ Psychology serves as a foundation of personal development.

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