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-- Installing iDempiere for Execution

-- 1st Download source

-- Download source (for windows or for ubunto)

-- for windows

-- Server (Database restore configure and run application)


-- Source

URl :

-- 2nd unzip below zip file

-- 3rd add Login/Group Roles in postgres database with below information

user: adempiere

pass: adempiere

-- 4th Create database (idempiere)

-- 5th goto below location and unzip the (Adempiere_pg.jar) jar file


--6th restore the database with below command

E:\iDempiere\source\idempiere.win32.win32.x86_64\idempiere-server\data\seed>psql -d idempiere -U
adempiere -f Adempiere_pg.dmp

--7th goto the browser and type (http://localhost:8088/) for application open


B. -- Installing iDempiere for Development

-- Installing iDempiere for Development video


-- 1st install jdk

-- 2nd install maven

C:\Users\abul.k>mvn -v

-- it will display below things

Maven home: E:\My_Document\Udemy_Master_Spring_Microservices_free\software\apache-maven-


Java version:, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-

Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252

OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

-- 3rd install git

--after installation open gitbash by typing gitbash and type (git --version) for checking the version like
abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~ (master)

$ git --version

git version

-- 4th install iDempiere

-- open gitbash command line

-- type pwd like below then it will display (/c/Users/abul.k)

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~ (master)

$ pwd


-- clone the GitHub idempiere repository

-- git clone

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~ (master)

$ git clone

-- clone source folder location (C:\Users\abul.k\idempiere)

-- goto the idempiere folder

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~ (master)

$ cd idempiere

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

-- if we want to work with release-8.2

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git branch

--then it will display

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git branch

* master


abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git checkout release-8.2

-- then it will display

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git checkout release-8.2

Updating files: 100% (5919/5919), done.

Switched to a new branch 'release-8.2'

branch 'release-8.2' set up to track 'origin/release-8.2'.


abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git branch

-- then it will display

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (release-8.2)

$ git branch


* release-8.2
-- if we want to work with master

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (release-8.2)

$ git checkout master

-- then it will display

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (release-8.2)

$ git checkout master

Updating files: 100% (5919/5919), done.

Switched to branch 'master'

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

-- then

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git branch

-- then it will display

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ git branch

* master


-- now compile the project mvn verify

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ mvn verify

-- if everything shows green SUCCES, we're ready for the next step
-- 5th install postgresql

C:\Users\abul.k>psql --version

psql (PostgreSQL) 10.17

-- 6th install Eclipse


--then click download-->then click download packages -->then click Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and
Web Developers (Windows x86_64) -->then click Download

-- then unzip the folder

-- 7th Eclipse setup

-- open Eclipse and select as workspace the idempiere folder cloned in step 4

-- Workspace (C:\Users\abul.k\idempiere)

--Navigate to Window --> Preferences --> Maven --> Discovery --> Open Catalog
--> Select Tycho Configurator and install it

-- Hide the welcome panel and switch to Java perspective

-- Navigate to window --> Preferences --> General --> Workspace --> Set the
New text file delimiter to Other: Unix and Apply

-- Navigate to Java --> Compiler --> Change Compiler compliance level to 11 and

-- Navigate to Installed JREs --> Add --> Standard VM --> And add the java from
the folder installed on step 1 and Finish -->Mark this java version as default and Apply and close

-- Navigate to Project and disable Build Automatically

--Click on Import project -->Maven -->Existing maven project --> And select the
folder where iDempiere is installed it must appear by default -->Click Finish and then all the projects
must appear in the Package Explorer

-- Navigate to org.idempiere.p2.targetplatform and open -->Here all the libraries are downloaded to the workspace it can
take some time (Be patient, grab a Colombian coffee if something fails, click on Reload) -->Click on Set as
Active Target Platform and close the file

-- Navigate to Project and enable Build Automatically (Eclipse builds iDempiere)

-- Navigate to Run --> Run Configurations -->Eclipse Application --> select and Run -->fill the box DB Admin Password with the postgres password assigned in step 5 -->
Save Optionally fill the self-signed certificate data

-- A double check running to ensure everything is fine, Test and Save

-- 8th Importing the Database

-- Open the command line and create the adempiere user it asks for the postgres password

-- psql -U postgres -p 5433 -c "CREATE ROLE adempiere SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD


-- Create the database (this time it asks for the adempiere password)

-- createdb --template==template0 -E UNICODE -O adempiere -U adempiere idempiere


-- createdb -p 5433 -E UNICODE -O adempiere -U adempiere idempiere

-- Set the search_path (it asks again for the adempiere password)

-- psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c "ALTER ROLE adempiere SET search_path

TO adempiere, pg_catalog"

-- Uncompress the seed postgresql dump

-- jar xvf idempiere/org.adempiere.server-feature/data/seed/Adempiere_pg.jar

-- Import the database (It asks again for the adempiere password)

-- psql -p 5433 -d idempiere -U adempiere -f Adempiere_pg.dmp


-- psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -f Adempiere_pg.dmp

-- Now open the gitbash command line

-- Navigate to idempiere folder

abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~ (master)

$ cd idempiere
abul.k@MD-ABUL-KHAYER2023 MINGW64 ~/idempiere (master)

$ pwd


-- And apply pending migration scripts

-- bash

-- Then Open eclipse

-- Navigate to Run --> Run Configurations --> server.product -->Run

-- iDempiere server starts (log message are shown in eclipse console)

-- Open browser and navigate to https://localhost:8444 (Allow access with self-

signed certificate) or

-- Click on Login to access the webui interface

-- You can login with the common default user: SuperUser/System

-- check (Select Role and Remember Me)

-- (This URL shows the information for the

default users at the left side)

-- Congratulations! (Enjoy iDempiere Open Source ERP)


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