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Honeymoon stage: People are attracted by everything around them and accept problems
as a part of the novelty. Similarities are outstanding so they feel people all around the
world are alike. This period of euphoria could last from a couple of weeks to a month.

Rejection stage: They start to experience the differences between the new culture and
the one that they were accustomed to. The initial enthusiasm turns into irritation, and
depression, then they could feel homesick, withdrawn, and irritable during this period.

Adjustment and reorientation: People gradually learn to adapt and move to this stage.
They now have a more optimistic attitude since they’re able to interpret some of the
subtle cultural clues. When things make more sense, the culture seems more familiar,
and people begin to develop problem-solving skills which help them no longer be
affected by disorientation and anxiety.

Adaptation stage: They’ve settled into the new culture, accepted the habits and customs,
and even find themselves enjoying some of the very customs that bothered them so much
previously. Then they could realize that no way is better than another, just different.
1. What is organic farming?
- It’s a type of farming with natural, rather than man-made, fertilizers or pesticides.
Techniques such as crop rotation improve soil qualities and help farmers to compensate
for the absence of man-made chemicals.
2. What are the factors affecting the nutritional values of food?
- The health value of food would be varied for several reasons such as freshness, the way
it is cooked, the type of soil it is grown in, and the weather condition such as the amount
of rain or sunlight, ….
3. Why shouldn’t people produce organic food?
- Because organic food has certain downsides. First, this kind of food could make people
ill since many of our common foods are full of toxins. Then, the closer they are to their
natural state, the more likely they will poison you. Moreover, the environmental benefits
of not using artificial fertilizers are tiny compared to the amount of carbon dioxide
emitted by transporting food. Because organic food needs to be grown in specific weather
and soil, then it could take longer to deliver to the market than other foodstuffs.

1. What’s your favorite food?

- I’m a food lover so it’s very hard to pick one favorite. But if I have to choose, it
should be dessert /dɪˈzɝːt/ such as creamy cakes, jellies, or fresh fruits. Because I
have a sweet tooth then this type of food could make my mouth water whenever I
see them.
2. Are there any food you dislike?
- I’m not into greasy foods. These dishes could have my appetite cloyed and I think
eating them could make me come down with obesity and can not keep fit or stay
3. What are some traditional food in your country?
- In Viet Nam, there are numerous conventional cuisines such as Pho, Banh Chung,
Stuffed Pancake, and round sticky rice cake, … They are all delicious with a
savory taste that could attract any fussy taste tourists coming to Viet Nam.
4. Who does the cooking in your family?
- My father is usually in charge of doing cook in my family. His dishes are so tasty
and nutritious that I’m always eager to try them even when I could have eaten so
many times before. To me, he is not only the great breadwinner but also the best
chef ever.
5. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?
- Yes, I did. Because my mom was quite busy with her work and she couldn’t go
home at noon then she decided to teach me to cook some simple dishes. Besides, I
also try to learn some new recipes for creamy cakes on youtube because I’m really
into this kind of food.
6. Do you prefer to eat at home or at a restaurant?
- It depends. If I have much free time, I would love to dine in because I prefer the
feeling of making dishes and waiting for other family members to have meals
together. On the other hand, If I was too busy with a hectic schedule, I’d love to
dine out to save time for other tasks that need to be fulfilled.
7. Do you think Vietnamese people’s diet is healthy?
- Yes, absolutely. Most Vietnamese dishes are not added too much spice, some of
them even have the taste and flavor from the ingredient. For example, some
Vietnamese soups could be sweet with stewed bones, shrimp, or vegetables as
well. Moreover, many Vietnamese people add some herbs such as basil, and
beefsteak plants, or mint leaves,… to their dishes to advoid coming down with
1. The web was devised to deal with a specific problem.
2. This platform permits journals to be published online and links to be made from one
paper to another. It also allows professional scientists to recruit amateurs to assist them.
3. It helps them to make observations about the sizes of human social networks using data
from Facebook.
4. There is a “winner takes all” phenomenon which means whereby a few sites on a given
subject attract most of the attention and the rest get very little.
5. It helps them to develop and refine their essays by reading comments given to their
writings by readers.
1. Which social media websites do you use?
Instagram is my favorite social platform. On Instagram, I can keep track of both my
friends and other users ranging from celebrities to influencers so I can learn from their
manners of living or their fashion styles. Moreover, there’re numerous dazzling filters that
I can use to edit my photos. Therefore, my shots could become much more aesthetic even
when I’m quite bad at photographing.

2. How did you first find out about social media?

The first time using social networks, I found it extremely enjoyable since I could connect
with my friends and have a chit-chat while we were far between. Moreover, at that time,
having the chance to make friends with strangers attracted me a lot. That is the reason
why I kept sending friend requestions to various individuals and waited for their
acceptance to make a new conversation with them.

3. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

I would love to include knowledgeable /ˈnɑː.lɪ.dʒə.bəl/ individuals in my social circle
because I believe that evil communication corrupts /kəˈrʌpt/ good manners. Therefore, if
I have a chance to make friends with this folk, I could have an opportunity to broaden my
horizon and have a better manner in life.

4. How much time do you spend on social media sites?

It depends. On days that I have a lot of assignments to fulfill, I will cut down on the time
for these platforms to concentrate on my tasks. On the other hand, on days with lots of
me-time, I will spend at least 4 to 5 hours scrolling down my news feed to keep myself
updated with society even though I know it harms both my mental and physical health.
5. What kind of information about yourself have you put on social media?
Actually, I do not put any information about myself on social networks but my hometown
and my university. In past, I used to share too much about my daily activities on
Facebook including my photos and my feelings. Then I perceived that it was kind of
meaningless to show others how I venture my feeling about minor things in life. As a
result, I stop putting everything on social platforms to keep myself living my life one day
at a time.

6. Is there anything you don’t like about social media?

Some social networks are pretty toxic and have severe effects on users’ lives. For
example, we can not control the type of information appearing in our newsfeed every day
so it is inevitable  /ˌɪnˈev.ə.t̬ ə.bəl/ to come across some sort of information such as
vandalism, violence, and racism /ˈreɪ.sɪ.zəm/, … These things absolutely have a negative
impact on users’ thoughts and attitudes, especially children.
7. Will you use these sites more in the future?
I guess so because, in the future, information technology would develop far more than it
does at this time. As a result, most tasks could be digitalized which will require a higher
level of social networking and constant exposure to modern media. Moreover, when
living in a volatile /ˈvɑː.lə.t̬ əl/ society, it is also crucial for me to use these sites to keep
myself updated with the news ranging from finance to politics. Therefore, I could catch
up with the speed of society and won’t be left behind.

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