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Terms of Reference

GEDSI Coordinator
Program Background
The Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT) is a facility supported by the Australian Government and
implemented by Cardno. KIAT’s overarching goal is to support ‘Sustainable and inclusive economic growth through
improved access to infrastructure for all people’. To support this goal, KIAT works with the Government of Indonesia
(GOI), Government of Australia, the private sector, Multilateral Development Banks and other development partners,
as well as civil society to help achieve the following ‘End-of-facility Outcomes’ (EOFOs):

1. Improved GOI policy and regulatory framework for infrastructure development

2. High quality projects prepared and financed by GOI, the private sector and / or MDBs
3. High quality infrastructure delivery, management and maintenance by GOI
4. Infrastructure policies, design and delivery are more inclusive for women and people with disabilities

The initial focus of KIAT Facility is on the following areas: Water and Sanitation; Transport; Gender Equality, Disability
and Social Inclusion; Climate Change; and Infrastructure Funding and Financing.

Purpose of The Position

The Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Coordinator is one of 3 positions in the KIAT GEDSI team
that support the delivery of KIAT’s inclusive infrastructure activities. This GEDSI Coordinator position will lead a
portfolio of work and manage central-level activities in three main areas, namely: (i) KIAT’s activities focussed on
Infrastructure Funding and Financing (IFF); (ii) KIAT’s GEDSI engagement on policy and technical advice to main
ministry counterparts (Ministry of Public Works and Housing and BAPPENAS); and (iii) women in leadership and
representation in the infrastructure sector.

Key Focus Areas and Activities

The position works in close coordination with the GEDSI Coordinators for Transport and Water and Sanitation. This
position also works in close liaison with other KIAT Directorates within the Facility, particularly the Performance and
Communications teams. The GEDSI Coordinator will also participate and represent KIAT in forums relating to GEDSI
as required. Under the above three technical areas of work, the key activities for the position are:

(i) Infrastructure funding and financing (IFF)

 Provide high quality technical advice and support to effectively mainstream GEDSI within KIAT
activities in the IFF Activity Stream including to: provide advice on concepts and designs, support
the development of activity M&E frameworks and dedicated GEDSI Action Plans (GAPs) for
selected IFF activities, providing technical review of regular reporting on implementation progress
and issues related to GEDSI in IFF, and provision of practical recommendations for strengthening
activity progress and performance.
 Maintain regular coordination with other donor funded programs focused on GEDSI, with a
particular focus on programs funded by Australia. Proactively identify areas for collaboration,
learning and knowledge sharing with these programs where objectives and priorities align with
KIAT’s own.
 Promote and facilitate the use of KIAT’s GEDSI Guidelines (Tip Sheets and guidance) and provide
training and mentoring within the Facility, sub-contractors, Government and CSO partners to more

effectively integrate gender, disability, social inclusion, and civil society engagement perspectives
into the design, implementation and evaluation of activities. Gather and feedback on KIAT’s GEDSI
Guidelines and use feedback to strengthen and improve the tools and their use.
(ii) Technical advice and support to KIAT’s main ministry counterparts,
 Finalise KIAT’s strategy (based on the Activity Concept Note to be developed) for providing
technical support and advice to the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) and BAPPENAS
to deliver targeted and strategic technical support and advice aligned with KIAT’s Phase 2 GEDSI
Strategy. Engage with MPWH and BAPPENAS counterparts to develop positive working relations
and finalise areas of work to ensure alignment with their priorities for KIAT GEDSI support.
 Based on the strategy developed, lead on the provision of strategic support to contribute to
improved capacity of internal stakeholders in MPWH to monitor, review and report on GEDSI
mainstreaming under the MPWH Gender Mainstreaming Roadmap, with a focus on those
programs and units KIAT supports. This may include engaging advisors to help deliver this work.
 Provide high quality and demand driven advice and input to MPWH’s and BAPPENAS’ policy,
frameworks and plans to support the effective integration of GEDSI into plans and budgets.
 Support and help to set the agenda for periodic GOI-led roundtables, events or working groups
on GEDSI practice, learning, and their sharing of knowledge and experience in infrastructure
development. Support and advise relevant KIAT Technical Committees on GEDSI related content,
including representation and presentation as necessary.
 Periodically provide verbal updates to MPWH and BAPPENAS on KIAT activity progress supporting
GEDSI mainstreaming. Remain on top of their priorities and information needs in the sharing of
learning, evidence and practice that can contribute to policy dialogue and program planning.
(iii) Women in leadership and representation
 Finalise KIAT’s strategy (based on the Activity Concept Note to be developed) for supporting
women in leadership and representation in infrastructure. This will include developing a work plan
and finalising resourcing to effectively deliver planned activities.
 Develop and maintain positive working relations with future partners such as Forum Perempuan
Insinyur Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (FPI-PII) and the Society of Women Engineers.
 Lead the management of activities related to promoting women in leadership and representation
including the administrative management of these activities, work planning, resourcing,
contributing evidence to performance review and periodic reporting. Activities include discrete
analytics to gather and analyse data and evidence on the situation of women in the infrastructure
sector, support for key events and engagement of representative bodies to strengthen networking
and advocacy efforts that address barriers women face in the infrastructure sector (public and
 Coordinate and engage with KIAT technical advisors supporting delivery of this work.
 Proactively identify opportunities to engage with other donor funded programs, particularly from
Australia, to identify synergies and carry out joint activities or collaboration where this enhances
results and achievement towards KIAT’s GEDSI work. This includes, for example, exploring
opportunities under Australian Awards Indonesia.

For the above activities:

 Ensure that KIAT is aware of any strategic and emerging issues relating to GEDSI in infrastructure
are brought to the attention of the Deputy Director for GEDSI.
 Coordinate closely with the Performance and Communications team to ensure that GEDSI
elements of activities are well-integrated within activity M&E frameworks and communications



materials, including integration within KIAT’s performance system of progress markers. These
include: liaise closely with the relevant MEL point of contact from the KIAT MEL Team on all
aspects of the activity MEL., ensure activities adhere with KIAT's MEL Strategy and Performance
System throughout activity identification, design, implementation, monitoring and review, and
participate in regular 6-monthly performance planning and review sessions with relevant activities.
 On contract management: provide strategic leadership on contract implementation, proactively
manage the contract to ensure compliance, and develop contract and amendment documentation
for consultants and Subcontractors
 On report management: liaise with Subcontractors on submission of deliverables, provide
Technical review of deliverables and reports, and provide input into key activity and facility reports,
including risk register, BPPR, Aid Investment Monitoring Report and Issues Briefs, as directed by
the Lead Adviser or Deputy Director
 On operations management: develop Descriptions of Services for new activities for review by the
Lead Adviser, Program Manager and Deputy Director; develop key procurement documents for
review by the Program Manager, including Activity Procurement Plans, Requests for
Quotations/Proposals/Tenders and Procurement Evaluation Reports; liaise with relevant
operational level staff of GOI counterpart agency on activity progress and BAST reporting; liase
with Subcontractors on implementation of activities, identifying risks to activity implementation and
escalating these to the Program Manager, Lead Adviser and Deputy Director as appropriate;
monitor performance of consultants engaged on activities; monitor activity implementation to
ensure forecast accuracy and advise the Program Manager of any potential variance or delays;
Receive requests from Subcontractors for extraordinary expenditure items and bring these to the
attention of the Program Manager, Lead Adviser and Deputy Director.
 Serve on Evaluation Committees as required
 On Safeguards: Undertake safeguard screening of all new activities; Review existing safeguard
screenings as per ESMF; Responsible for ensuring identified actions in safeguard screening process
are implemented; Test and provide input into new safeguard tools/training etc; Ensure
subcontractors have required safeguard information and report on safeguards appropriately.

Key deliverables
 Agreed workplan
 Regular reporting on progress, planning and any developments in the operating context through weekly,
monthly and six-monthly reporting as directed.
 Review of activity deliverables with respect to GEDSI including, but not limited to, activity concepts, designs
and Terms of Reference, GEDSI Action Plans (GAPs), M&E Frameworks, monthly and periodic progress
reporting and any stand-alone GDESI deliverables identified within activity designs.
 Review of GEDSI elements of contract documents, including but not limited to terms of reference, scope of
services, and basis of payment documentation (for IFF related work).
 Meeting reports/notes of coordination meetings with related stakeholders.

Selection criteria
 A postgraduate degree in a relevant subject such as sociology, social anthropology, economics,
international development or a related field.
 Fluent Bahasa Indonesia ability is necessary to be successful in this position.
 Fluent in English language in writing and speaking, including high level report writing skills (in English)



 At least 10 years of professional working experience in a comparable role

 Strong understanding and experience of theoretical frameworks and approaches for gender analysis,
gender mainstreaming, disability inclusion in government and social exclusion.
 Strong project management experience, particularly in the fields of gender and social inclusion including
design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
 Demonstrated experience in the development and conduct of gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation,
including competence in the formulation of qualitative and quantitative indicators, and the identification and
utilisation of strategic indicators for programming.
 Superior communication skills, inter-personal skills and tact in working with a range of government and civil
society stakeholders with the ability to work in a multicultural environment with respect for diversity.

Position details
Reports to: Deputy Director, Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion
Assignment: Locally Engaged Staff
Duration: 12 months with possible extension
Location: Jakarta office
Applications: Must address the above selection criteria and not exceed 4 pages.
Include a recent CV with the names and contact details of three (3) referees.

Our Recruitment Policies

Cardno is an equal opportunity employer.
Cardno is committed to child protection and safeguarding the welfare of children in the delivery of our international
development programs. Recruitment and selection procedures reflect this commitment and may include relevant criminal
record checks.
We thank all applicants. However, due to the anticipated volume of applications, only the shortlisted candidates will be


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