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Date (dd/month/yyyy): 23-03-2023

Interviewer: Note taker:

Start time (hh:mm): (00:00:01) End time (hh:mm): (00:24:35)

States: Gujarat City:

Language: Gujarati


I: The team gave tomorrow, but then it happened that we had left for another place, so that's
why I said I will come tomorrow

R: I was also thinking that you were coming

I: Our survey starts from here, my name is katha Bhai deva Bhai vasava. I am from outline India.
Our NGO had work to do which was given by JEET program and TATA 1 mg program who helping
government in initiative for TB. They are also doing some work for TB patient is that correct?

R: Yes

I: I will ask questions about how much it was good for you? And is there any changes they can
make to make it more better?

R: TATA 1 mg program's work was good but, I had face difficulty one time while getting medicine
then it solved by nearest centre

I: Okay, we will take you response how you feel about it all and I am making you sue that all the
answers given by you will be secret and it will be only used for research purpose like what kind of
changes you want in TB treatment or in JEET program or in TATA 1 mg program. We will take your
response and forward it ahead.

R: There service is very good but, as mentioned before I have to go there for medicines.

I: Okay. Now whatever answer you will give will be kept secret and this survey will be 25-30
minutes long. Your answers will also help others and are you ready give us every information
that we want from you?

R: Yes.

I: Okay, this is the agreement you have sign.

R: What is your name again?

I: My name is katha Bhai.

R: Katha Bhai?

I: Yes.

R: Where are you from?

I: I am from Surat; this work is given by outline India to us

R: I have to sign here?

I: No, this side.

R: Okay.

I: What is your full name?

R: My name Fakruddin isubhai Balti Wala

I: Fakruddin isubhai Balti Wala, is it?

R: Yes, it is

I: Is this is your native city or other?

R: I natively belong to Surat but, I was born in Navsari.

I: Yes, good.

R: Do you want to drink water?

I: No and what is your educational qualifications?

R: I have passed my SSC Exam.

I: What do you do for you living?

R: What?

I: I ask what is you work?

R: Oh, I am in hardware business

I: Are you married?

R: Yes.

I: In total how many members in your family?

R: Now we are 4 members and including my parents and brothers we are 10.

I: No, I mean the ones you eat with?

R: That's only 4.

I: When you first got treatment of TB?

R: I am assuming it was in 2020-21

I: 2020-21, is that correct?

R: Yes.

I: What was your symptoms of TB?

R: The starting symptoms of TB in me was, I was started sweating a lot. Before that I was suffering
from corona. I had a little bit symptom of corona, I consult a doctor he told me to take the medicine
and take a rest, Then I got rid of it and get checked-up for corona , report came out negative and
after that I started getting symptoms of TB

I: Okay.

R: I also get checked-up for corona after that but report came negative then the doctor told me you
have a TB and you must get treatment for it.

I: So, you started getting symptoms of TB from 2020-21?

R: Yes.

I: When you visit the doctor first time because of this symptom can you tell me what they said?

R: On that day at the centre, there was no doctor available so, I visit my family doctor he told me do
sonography and consult a high qualified doctor. Then I consult a doctor who told me that I have a
stomach TB where water fill up in my stomach.

I: How was behaviour of the staff of the doctor?

R: Because of the corona, they let me directly talk to the doctor, but rather than their
behaviour was good.

I: Have they told you to do other tests like RBSN or other?

R: No, they only had done CT scan.

I: Have you done the CT scan?

R: Yes, they get to know it from CT scan.

I: Why do you always go to the same doctor?

R: Because, he told me to come. I have to go their every month to show my report.

I: Okay.

R: And then he showed me what we should continue doing.

I: Why do you always go to the same doctor to show your report?

R: Because, he told me to do it.

I: Then, it means you like it?

R: Yes.

I: When was the last time you visited your doctor?

R: When last time i go their doctor told me not to come because it was not needed.

I: Have they take samples for TB?

R: Yes, they have taken it.

I: What they examine in samples?

R: They have pulled water from my stomach and also took blood.

I: Have they take your pee?

R: No.

I: Did they took My other samples?

R: No.

I: Have taken that samples from your home or?

R: No, they never come at home for sample, every time I went there.

I: How many times they took samples?

R: Test?

I: I asked how many times they took samples for test?

R: It was only one time when they pull water.

I: Have they take any other samples?

R: I don't remember it.

I: Okay.

R: I can only recall that they have pulled water from my stomach and get CT scan.

I: When people get symptoms of TB for first time doctor take sample of it and again take it after 2
months to check the difference. have they done same with you?

R: No, they were taking report every month.

I: What do you like between giving test at home or at hospital?

R: I always went there to give test.

I: Or their staff come at your home?

R: No, no one came here and I immediately started taking medicines.

I: So, you like to give report at hospital?

R: I have done everything in hospital. They also did check-up on me and make sure that i have
not corona.

I: What do you like between getting report at your doorstep or at the hospital?

R: I get it from the hospital and that's how also get medicines.

I: Did you get your prescription every month?

R: Yes.

I: Did you always get medicine after visiting the doctor?

R: No, I get it every month.

I: So, you take medicines without any prescription?

R: Doctor told me that I can ask his men who are sitting outside and then they will get
medicines for me.

I: Now, that prescribed medicines is given by TATA 1 mg or not?

R: Yes, they came to give me.

I: From where did you buy your medicines from the home or at the hospitals? How many times
you bought it? In weeks or in months?

R: They had always delivered 28 packets of medicines so i guess i bought monthly.

I: Did you get your medicines separately or in packs?

R: I always got it in packs.

I: Are you sure?

R: Yes.

I: From where are you likely to get your medicines from the clinic or at the home? And why?

R: I like to bought it from the home.

I: From the home and why?

R: Because I get it directly at the home.

I: Means you like that they deliver your medicines at your home?

R: Yes, there is only one medicine of acidity they are not giving.

I: So, you have taken an advantages of this service?

R: Yes.

I: Is there any reason to don't take medicines from delivery boy?

R: No, I would never say no.

I: So, you think it was good?

R: Yes, it was very good.

I: The reason to say no can be your neighbour whether they ask for what reason medicines is ?

R: No, there was not any problem.

I: Means we get to know that and we tell them not to come?

R: No, there is not any problem.

I: Did doctor inform you about the home delivery of medicines?

R: What?

I: have you been told about medicine delivery?

R: Yes, doctor told me that i will get it.

I: What do you like about home delivery of medicines?

R: That service is good because, we can get medicines while at Home.

I: Yes.

R: They have my prescription so they deliver it directly.

I: Okay. Have you faced any problem in home delivery of medicine?

R: No.

I: Or any problem in society?

R: No. People who leave around me are very good hearted person.

I: Did doctor had given you any explanation about TB?

R: Doctor told me that, I have a cough and water in the stomach So, it means that you have a TB.

I: Did he tell you that this disease is very serious or anything?

R: No, he did not tell me that directly but, he said that i don't have to get afraid of this disease.

I: Okay. Who give you the understanding of the TB?

R: Doctor told me about it.

I: And what he tell you?

R: He told me that there is not anything that I have to be afraid of.

I: What was so advantageous for your family that doctor tell you?

R: He told me that it will be advantageous if I wear Mask and maintain distance from them.

I: Did he also explain about the treatment of TB?

R: Yes, He has told me about it and instruct me to continue on my medicine every month.

I: Who told you that?

R: The doctor.

I: was that also advantageous for your family?

R: Yes, doctor was so good. He gave me A to Z guidance that i need.

I: What will you do to enhance your knowledge of TB?

R: What?

I: I Asked that, what will you do to enhance your knowledge of TB?

R: I believe that we do not have to be afraid of this disease, long ago people were afraid of this
disease because, there was no cure of it but, now we have cure of it.

I: Have you ever missed taking your medicines?

R: No, never. I have completed the medicine course of 9 months.

I: Have you take any medicine other than that?

R: Yes, I have taken the medicine for acidity as I said before.

I: Have you take them both?

R: Yes.

I: There is not any other cure of it, is that correct?

R: Yes.

I: Have you ever forget to take medicine in between those days?

R: No, I had never miss one day.

I: There are some fears in private field it means that, is there any fear in you about home delivery
of medicines?

R: No, there is not any fear in me about it.

I: Means TATA 1 mg was providing you medicines, are you afraid of that?

R: No, I was not afraid of that.

I: was there any?

R: That medicine was come from the company so, there is not anything to be afraid.

I: Do you like that they are providing medicines at home?

R: Yes, mostly I was not at home whenever they come to deliver the medicines therefore, I got my
medicines every single time.

I: Are you okay to talk with your family, friends, or neighbours about the treatment of TB?

R: Yes, I am totally ok with it.

I: And if you are not okay what topic you do not tell them?

R: No.

I: So, are you okay with it?

R: Yes.

I: Now, you have to talk about the treatment of TB thay you talk.

R: okay.

I: How was your experience when go to visit doctor for first time?

R: Doctor was so amazing. I believe that if they would not find anything me I should be dead now
because, I was not aware of this disease.

I: What can you tell about compounder?

R: I was not in contact with them but, I got everyone's support.

I: And how was the behaviour of their staff or nurses?

R: They were very kind.

I: How was the behaviour of TATA 1 mg delivery boys?

R: They were also good but, as I said before I could not meet them face to face.

I: Was they are anything that staff explained to you?

R: Doctor had told me that so there was not anything to worry about but staff also explain me
about what I can eat or what I cannot eat?

I: How was the experience with the people who took care of TB patient?

R: Yes, experience with them was very good. They also told me that I will receive 500 rupees in my

I: Did you get the money?

R: Yes, I got it.

I: Can you refer anyone to take treatment of TB in private sector after your experience?

R: Actually, I have referred my friend about it. He went in many places but he did not get proper
answer so I recommend him That Doctor who had done the treatment of Me.

I: So, it means that you can recommend people to take treatment in private sector?

R: Yes, I can do it in fact I have done it.

I: Okay, good then. Thank you so much for providing your time.


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