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To: Sam

Hey Sam!!! Yes, I have just started studying English again last week, so sorry for not informing you
about my English classes. I have thought about e-mailing you about the classes last week, but it just
slipped out of my mind.

Yes, the classes are really interesting and fun!!! My assigned class is taught by a professional English
teacher from England, he is really good at teaching us. Sometimes we have projects to understand
the subject better for example, we once have to work in groups and discuss the effects of global
warming and pollution on the planet and present it to the teacher. When we learn something history
or science related, the teacher will carefully explain every single detail in the book, making the class
both interesting and fun!

Btw, do you want join this English class with me? There is a 50% discount for new student for 6
months, it’s a really good deal, plus, you can do and learn something productive during this English
classes. I will send the link for the administration of this English class later today.

I’m looking forward on seeing you in next week’s class.

Speak soon,

Zhan Nyi

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