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The Structures of Globalization that nation is involved in the integration within a

2. Market Integration - refers to how easily
two or more markets can trade with each other. Global Integration (Global Corporation ang
It occurs when prices among different locations nasa module) is a business that operates in two
or related goods follow similar patterns over a or more countries. It is also called multinational
long period of time. company, international company, transnational
After WW II, American corporations led the
China produces toys at a cheaper price than the US. If
economic recovery and expansion. This period
foreign trade increased between the two countries,
toys could be sold to the US more easily, making the up to the re-entry of Japanese and European
more available, thus reducing price. corporation to the global scene is viewed as
multinational corporations (MNCs). From the
If the demand for baby dolls within a given end of WW II to the present is considered the
geographical market were to suddenly be reduced by period of transformation of global corporation.
50%, there is a good chance that the demand for baby
doll clothing would also decrease in proportion
within that same geographical market. Should the
baby market increase, this would usually mean that THE FINANCE FUNCTION IN A GLOBAL
the market for doll clothing would also increase. Both CORPORATION
markets would have the chance to adjust pricing in
order to deal with the new circumstances surrounding Chief financial officers (CFOs) must balance the
the demand, as well as adjust other factors, such as opportunities with the challenges of operating in
production. multiple environments in managing their internal
markets in building an advantage.
Types of markets where market integration
occurs Three Functions that can be created by Chief
Financial Officers or CFOs:
Stock Market Integration - This is a condition
in which stock markets in different countries 1. Financing - A group’s tax bill can be reduced
trend together and depict same expected risk by the CFO like borrowing in countries with
adjusted returns. Two markets are perfectly high tax rates and lending to operations in
integrated if investors can pass from one market countries with lower rates.
to another without paying any extra costs and if
2. Risk Management - Global firms can offset
there are possibilities of arbitration which
natural currency exposures through worldwide
ensures the equivalence of stock prices on both
operations instead of managing currency
exposures through financial markets.
Financial Market Integration - It is an open
3. Capital Budgeting - Getting smarter on
market economy between countries facilitated
valuing investment opportunities CFOs can add
by a common currency and the elimination of
technical, regulatory and tax differences to
encourage free flow of capital and investment FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) is
across borders. It occurs when lending rates in an investment made by a company or individual
several different markets begin to move in who has a business interest in another country. It
tandem with one another. Emergence of similar is also a major driver of extended global
patterns within the capital, stock, and financial corporate development.
markets with those trends coming together to
exert a profound influence on the economy of Methods to Establish FDIs:
1. Opening a subsidiary Nation on the other hand is an imagined political
community as both inherently limited and
2. Acquiring a controlling interest in an existing
foreign company.
 It is imagined because the members of even
3. Joint venture with another company the smallest nation will never know most of
their fellow-members, meet them, or even
hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives
BRICS ECONOMIES the image of their communion.
 The nation is imagined as limited because
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa even the largest of them, encompassing
(BRICS) is an acronym for the combined perhaps a billion human beings, has finite, if
economies of the said countries. elastic, boundaries, beyond which lie other
GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN  It is imagined as sovereign because the
SERVICES (GATS) concept was born in an age in which
Enlightenment and Revolution were
The GATS provides a framework of
destroying the legitimacy of the divinely
rules governing services trade, establishing a ordained, hierarchical dynastic realm…
mechanism for resolving disputes between nations dream of being free, and if under
countries. It is also the first multilateral God, directly so. The gauge and emblem of
agreement covering trade in services which was this freedom is the sovereign state.
negotiated during the last round of multilateral  It is imagined as community, because
trade negotiations, called the Uruguay Round, regardless of actual inequality and
and came into force in 1995. exploitation that may prevail in each, the
nation is always conceived as a deep
horizontal comradeship.


UNIT II. The Structures of Globalization
The belief that globalization imposes a forced
3. The Global Interstate System
choice upon states either to conform to free
GLOBALIZATION AND THE NATION- market principles or run the risk of being left
STATES behind is termed into a phrase called "The
Golden Straightjacket", by Thomas Friedman,
Globalization in the early years of the 21st a neoliberalism journalist and advocate, to
century has not displaced the state. According to illustrate the forcing of states into policies that
Max Weber, a state is a compulsory political suit the preferences of investment houses and
organization with a centralized government that corporate executives (Electronic Herd) who
maintains a legitimate use of force within a swiftly move away and resources into countries
certain territory. According to Hedley Bull, favored as adaptable to the demands of
states are independent political communities international business and withdraw even more
each of which possesses a government and rapidly from countries deemed uncompetitive.
asserts sovereignty in relation to a particular
portion of the earth's surface and a particular
segment of the human population
NEOLIBERALISM AND ECONOMIC power” of sovereign states which still dictates the
SOVEREIGNTY terms and tenets of globalization

Neoliberalism is the intensification of the ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL

influence and dominance of capital. It is a INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN
project to strengthen, restore, or in some cases, INTEGRATION)
constitute anew the power of economic elites.
European Integration is the process of
Economic sovereignty is the power of national industrial, political, legal, economic, social and
government to make decisions independently of cultural integration of states in Europe.
those by other governments.
European Union (EU), is an international
FOUR CONCEPTS OF SOVEREIGNTY organization comprising 28 European countries
and governing common economic, social, and
1. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL security policies. In the early 21st century EU
SOVEREIGNTY - It refers to the acceptance of expanded into central and eastern Europe with
a given state as a member of the international the following members: Austria, Belgium,
community. Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
2. WESTPHALIAN SOVEREIGNTY - It refers Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
to the acceptance of a given state as a member of Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
the international community. Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
3. INTERDEPENDENCE SOVEREIGNTY - It Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the
is the capacity and willingness to control flows United Kingdom.
of people, goods and capital into and out of the
country. Economic Integration can be described as a
process and a means by which a group countries
4. DOMESTIC SOVEREIGNTY - It is the strives to increase their level of welfare.
capacity of a state to choose and implement
policies within the territory. SEVEN STAGES OF ECONOMIC
1. Preferential trading area (PTA)
Many underdeveloped nations that resorted to foreign 2. Free trade area
assistance and interventions resulted to the 3. Customs union
deprivation of government as regard control of their 4. Common market
economy due to the disorderly domestic economic
5. Economic union
establishments. Due to this, some scholars predicted
6. Economic and monetary union
the loss of their economic sovereignty under this
form of neo-colonialism. More importantly, some of 7. Complete economic integration
the world's leading economic entities, such as the Preferential Trading Area (PTA) - happens
United States, the European Union and Japan, by
when there’s an agreement on reducing or
taking advantage of their predominant economic
eliminating tariff (tax or duty to be paid on a
status, are affecting or infringing upon other
countries' economic sovereignty. Under these particular class of imports or exports) barriers on
circumstances, an increasing number of scholars have selected goods imported from other members of
concluded that the economic dominion of individual countries with in the geographical region or
nations has come to an end. While countries areas. Agreement can either be bilateral
inevitably cede some control over their economic (between two countries), or multi-lateral (several
sovereignty to external actors, it is the “structural countries). Free Trade Areas (FTAs) are created
when two or more countries in a region agree to
reduce or eliminate barriers to trade on all goods common trade policy towards non-members,
coming from other members. The North Atlantic although members are free to pursue
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an example independent macro-economic policies is termed
of such a free trade area, and includes the USA, Economic Union. It requires coordinated
Canada, and Mexico. monetary and fiscal policies as well as labor
market, regional development, transportation
2. Free Trade Agreements (FTA) - or
and industrial policies. In economic union the
Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) eliminate
use of a common currency and a unified
import tariffs as well as import quotas between
monetary policy is considered. The best example
signatory countries. These agreements can be
of Economic union is the European Union (EU).
limited to a few sectors or can encompass all
aspects of international trade. FTAs can also Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) - As a
include formal mechanisms to resolve trade key stage towards complete integration, the
disputes. The North American Free Trade Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) involves
Agreement (NAFTA) is an example of such an a single economic market, a common trade
arrangement. policy, a single currency and a common
monetary policy. It represents a major step in the
Custom Union - Removal of tariff barriers
integration of EU economies. EMU involves the
between members, together with the acceptance
coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a
of a common or unified external tariff against
common monetary policy and a common
non-members is involved in the Custom Union.
currency, the euro. EMU is a means to provide
Single payment or duty is made by countries
stability and for stronger, more sustainable and
exporting to customs union. Goods inside the
inclusive growth across the euro area and the EU
union can move freely with no additional tariffs.
as a whole for the sake of improving the lives of
Members shared tariff revenues while a small
EU citizens.
share is retained by the country that the collects
the duty. Removing internal barriers to trade and Complete Economic Integration - is the final
requiring participating nations to harmonize stage of economic integration in which member
their external policy as well as building a free states completely forego independence of both
trade area are put up by customs union. monetary and fiscal policies. States that
participate in complete economic integration
COMMON MARKET - One major step
have no control of economic policy including
towards economic integration is Common
economic trade rules. There is full monetary
Market (CM). All barriers to the mobility of
union where regulations regarding labor and
people, capital and other resources within the
capital are shared between member states and
area in question, as well as eliminating non-tariff
this includes a single currency. There is also a
barriers to trade, such as the regulatory treatment
complete harmonization of fiscal policy which
of product standards are removed by CM aside
includes shared regulation of tax and benefit
from containing the provisions of a customs
rates involved in complete economic integration
union. The extension of free trade from just
are single economic market, a common trade
tangible goods, to include all economic
policy, a single currency, a common monetary
resources which means that all barriers are
policy, together with a single fiscal policy,
eliminated to allow the free movement of goods,
including common tax and benefit rates or the
services, capital, and labor, including removal of
complete harmonization of all policies, rates,
tariffs and reduced non-tariff barriers is the key
and economic trade rules.
feature of a common market.
Political Integration - refers to the integration
Economic Union - The trading bloc that has
of components within political systems. It brings
both a common market between members, and a
economic benefits by leading the recovery of THEORIES OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION
effectiveness in policy making.
(KAPAG NAG SEARCH ABOUT DITO SA 1- focuses on the supranational institutions of the
8 AY MAY MAS MAIKLING MEANING EU of which the main driving forces of
WHICH IS THE FOLLOWING) integration are interest group activity at the
European and national levels, political party
A preferential trade area (also preferential activity, and the role of governments and
trade agreement, PTA) is a trading bloc that supranational institutions. The European
gives preferential access to certain products integration is mostly seen as an upper class-
from the participating countries. This is done by driven process- driven by national and
reducing tariffs but not by abolishing them international political and economic upper
completely. It is the first stage of economic crusts.
A free trade area is a region in which a number provides a conceptual explanation of the
of countries have signed a free trade agreement European integration process. The main concept
and maintain little or no barriers to trade in the of the Intergovernmentalism is emphasizing on
form of tariffs or quotas among one another. the role of national states in the European
A customs union is an agreement between two integration; in another words it argues that
or more neighboring countries to remove trade "European integration is driven by the interest
barriers, reduce or abolish customs duty, and and actions of nation states". This theory was
eliminate quotas. Such unions were defined by suggested by Stanley Hoffmann. The theory
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade proposed the Logic of Diversity, which set limits
(GATT) and are the third stage of economic to the degree which the ‘spill-over’ process can
integration. limit the freedom of action of the governments...
the logic of diversity implies that on vital issues,
An economic union is an agreement between losses are not compensated by gains on other
two or more nations to allow goods, services, issues.
money and workers to move over borders freely.
The countries may also coordinate social and LIBERAL INTERGOVERNMENTALISM -
financial policies to support this common This a dominant political theory developed by
market. The European Union (EU) is an example Andrew Moravcsik in 1993 to explain
of an economic union. European integration. Application of rational
institutionalism to the field of European
The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) integration is the aim of this theory. Moravcsik
represents a major step in the integration of EU stated that 'state-society relations--the
economies. Launched in 1992, EMU involves relationship of state to the domestic and
the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, transnational social context in which they are
a common monetary policy, and a common embedded--have a fundamental impact on state
currency, the euro. behavior in world politics and that the 'universal
Complete economic integration involves a condition of world politics is globalization.' It is
single economic market, a common trade policy, the web of globalized economic, social and
a single currency, a common monetary policy, political relationships that determines the living
together with a single fiscal policy, including conditions of individual citizens, corporations
common tax and benefit rates – in short, and civic groups and shapes what they want and
complete harmonization of all policies, rates, thus what their governments want Liberal
and economic trade rules intergovernmentalists stated that the bargaining
power of member states is important in the SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE STATE
pursuit of integration, and package deals and
SOCIAL MEDIA is a computer-based
side payments also occur in the process of
technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas.
making deals.
It empowers individuals to have a voice.
emphasized the importance of institutions in the Social media have changed the ways in which
process of European integration. Its three key knowledge is being recorded and passed on.
strands are: rational choice, sociological and
MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE - This is a Feb 20. 2023
new theory of European integration. Writers THE CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL
Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks defined MLG GOVERNANCE
as dispersion of authority across multiple levels
of political governance. They stated that over the - Global governance or world governance is a
last fifty years, authority and sovereignty has product of Neo-liberal paradigm shifts in
moved away from national governments in international political and economic relations.
Europe, not just to the supranational level with
- Global governance is a tool to identify
the EU, but also to subnational levels such as
solutions to problems created by Neo-liberal
regional assemblies and local authorities.
- It can thus be understood as the sum of laws,
TRANSNATIONAL ACTIVISM IN STATES norms, policies and institutions that define,
constitute, and mediate trans-border relations
Transnational Activism - can be defined as the between states, cultures, citizens,
mobilization of collective claims by actors intergovernmental and non-governmental
located in more than one country and/or organizations, and the market.
addressing more than one national government
and/or international governmental organization -Global governance is viewed is viewed as the
or another international actor. sum of governance processes in the absence of
world government.
A SOCIAL MOVEMENT is a type of group
action. It refers to the organizational structures TYPES OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE:
and strategies that may empower oppressed
populations to mount effective challenges and
resist the more powerful and advantages elites. 2. WITH LIMITED MEMBERSHIP
describes the loose connection of individuals
and groups often referred to as a "movement of THE ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE
movements" who advocate fair trade rules. UNITED NATIONS:


is a multifaced as the internationalism through The United Nations (UN) in the world of politics has
globalization and global neo-liberalism are the roles of preventing and managing conflicts,
frames around which many activist mobilize. regulating armaments, championing human rights and
international humanitarian law, liberating the
colonized, providing economic and technical aid in
newly liberated countries, organizing elections,
empowering women, educating children, feeding the GLOBALIZATION'S IMPACT ON THE
hungry, sheltering the disposed and displaced, STATE
housing the refugees, tending the sick and
coordinating disaster relief and assistance. In policy Factors which lead to the increase and
motivation, peacekeeping is the most important acceleration of movements of people,
feature of UN activity in peace and security. information, commodities and capital:
The UN aims to save succeeding generations from 1. lifting of trade barriers
the scourge of war; tore affirm faith in fundamental
human rights; to establish conditions under which 2. liberalization of world capital markets
justice and respect for the obligations arising from
treaties and other sources of international law can be 3. Swift technological progress
maintained; and to promote social progress and better
standards of life in larger freedom.
Problems afflicting the world today which are
increasingly transnational in nature:
1. Poverty
1. Maintaining worldwide peace and security
2. Environmental pollution
2. Developing relations among nations
3. Economic crisis
3. Fostering cooperation between nations in
order to solve economic, social, cultural, or 4. Organized crime terrorism
humanitarian international problems.
Effects of greater economic and social
4. Providing a forum for bringing countries interdependence to national decision-making
together to meet the UN's purposes and goals. processes:
1. It calls for a transfer of decision to the
international level
GOVERNANCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY 2. It requires many decisions to be transferred to
local levels of governments due to an increase in
-issues that involve interwoven domestic and
the demand for participation
foreign challenges
The following can be guaranteed by the states
-global challenges of the new generation
through independent courts:
The new governance challenges in the 21st
1. Respect of human rights and justice
century entail multiple trajectories of change.
2. Promote the national welfare
3. Protect the general interest


3. Sovereignty
4. Government
FEB 27. 2023 1. Global Divides: The north and the south
UNIT III Global South refers to the regions of Latin
America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. It may also
A World Of Regions
be called "developing countries". It refers to
1. GLOBAL DIVIDES: THE NORTH AND countries' interconnected histories of colonialism
THE SOUTH and neo-imperialism.


1. It refers to economically disadvantages
7 Continents of the World nation-states and as a post-cold war alternative
Biggest to smallest to THIRD WORLD.

1. Asia includes 50 countries, and it is the Third World" is a phrase frequently used to
most populated continent, the 60% of the describe a developing nation. The phrase "Third
total population of the Earth live here World" arose during the Cold War to identify
countries whose views did not align with NATO
2. Africa comprises 54 countries. It is the and capitalism or the Soviet Union and
hottest continent and home of the world's communism. The First World described
largest desert, the Sahara, occupying 25% of countries whose views aligned with NATO and
the total area of Africa. capitalism, and the Second World referred to
countries that supported communism and the
3. North America includes 23 countries led by
Soviet Union.
the USA as the largest economy in the world.
Third World countries are largely
4. South America comprises 12 countries,
characterized as poor and underdeveloped. In
here is located the largest forest, Amazon
these countries, low levels of education, poor
rainforest, which covers 30% of the south
infrastructure, improper sanitation and poor
America total area.
access to health care mean living conditions are
5. Antarctica is the coldest continent in the seen as inferior to those in the world's more
world, completely covered with ice. There are developed nations. As a result, the terms Third
no permanent inhabitants, except of scientist World country and developing nation have
maintaining research stations in Antarctica. become increasingly interchangeable in recent
6. Europe comprises of 51 countries. It is the
most developed economically continent with 2. The Global South captures a deterritorialized
the European Union as the biggest economic geography of capitalism’s externalities and
and political union in the world. means to account for subjugated peoples within
the borders of wealthier countries, such that
7. Australia includes 14 countries. It is least there are economic Souths in the geographic
populated continent after Antarctica, only North and Norths in the geographic South.
0.2% of the total Earth population live here.
3. It refers to the resistant imaginary of a
transnational political subject that results from a
shared experience of subjugation under
contemporary global capitalism. In short North
has influence in South and Vice versa.
THREE PRIMARY CONCEPTS OF while embedded in specific geographic
GLOBAL SOUTH (additional explanation) imaginaries, represents emergent forms of
progressive cosmopolitanism. It is always
The development of the Global South must
emergent and provisional internationalism.
begin by drawing most of the country's financial
resources for development from within rather 2. LESSON 2-ASIAN REGIONALISM
than becoming dependent on foreign
REGIONALISM is the decentralization of
investments and foreign financial markets.
political powers or competencies from higher
The Global South is not relevant for those who towards a lower political level.
live in countries traditionally associated with it
but it also signifies that the South continues to
be globalized.
Globalization is an external phenomenon being
pushed into the region by world powers
particularly the United States and Europe. From
this perspective, globalization can be understood
as a process that transforms the Asia Pacific and
South Asia. It is a force for bringing economic
The ills of the global south are being globalized. development, political progress, and social and
Underdeveloped states of the global south are cultural diversity in the region.
ravaged by merciless IMF policies in the 1980’s.
The economic prescriptions of the IMF as cures
are recommended for countries in the global This refers to the regions of East or Northeast
south. Other countries like Greece realize the that includes some of the World's economically
similarity of problems in the global south that developed states such as Japan, South Korea,
inspirations were drawn from poorer nations. Singapore and Taiwan and highly impoverished
The global south has provided model of countries such as Cambodia, Laos, and Nepal. It
resistance for the world like Gandhi’s non- also includes the largest and most populous
violence that initially directed at colonial states on the globe including China and India
authority in India is now part of global protest and some of the world’s smallest such as the
culture, as well as benefits of critiques of Maldives and Bhutan.
international financial institutions from the
experiences and writings of intellectuals and
activists from the global south. A similar
globalization of the south’s concern is arising 1. Japan embarked on procuring raw materials
from the issue about global environment. Amidst like coal and iron at unprecedented economies of
the existential threat of climate change the most scale allowing them to gain a competitive edge
radical notions of climate justice are being in the global manufacturing market as well as
articulated in the global south. As global globalized shipping and procurement patterns
problems increase, it is necessary for people in which other countries modeled.
the north to support people from the south. As a
symbol and metaphor, global south is not only 2. China pursues similar pattern of development
relevant for those who live in countries at present and is now the world’s largest
traditionally associated with it. The global in importers of basic raw materials such as iron and
global south does not only mean that the south is surpassed Japan, the US and Europe in steel
the globe but also signifies that the south production. It also surpassed the World bank in
continues to be globalized. The global south lending to developing countries. It had an
enormous impact on the availability and that have spread outward to the West and the
consumption of goods around the world. rest of the world is the region. Examples include
“hello Kitty” created in Japan including Anime,
3. India opened-up and emphasized an export-
Pokemon, Power Rangers which become
oriented strategy. Textiles and other low wage
regional and global phenomenon; the regional
sectors have been a key part of the economy
and global rise of Korean popular culture called
with highly successful software development
‘K-Wave” comprising of Korean dramas, music
exports. It also plays a key role in global service
(K-pop) and the smash hit “Gangnam Style” of
provisions as trends in outsourcing and off-
Korean pop star PSY. Asia Pacific and South
shoring increase.
Asia are on the receiving end of globalization.
4. India and China have also become a major The region serves as the source of many aspects
source of international migrant labor, which is of globalization process which can be seen in
also one of the fundamental characteristics of the history, economy, political structure and culture.
era of globalization. This includes the migration
of highly skilled labor into the high-tech
industry based in Silicon Valley. India, China
and the Philippines were three of the top four The Third Wave
recipient states of migrant remittances.
Regionalization entails complex and dynamic
5. The trend of the rising regional free interactions between and among governmental
arrangements in the Asia Pacific and South Asia. and nongovernmental actors which resulted to
This kind of regionalism would mean as bulwark hybrid East Asia. The main engines of
to globalization or as compatible and even hybridization are explained by the successive
pushing forward the process of global economic waves of regional economic development that is
integration. Regionalism can promote learning, powered by developmental states and national
assuage domestic audiences to the benefits of and transnational capitalism that nurtured
free trade, and form the institutional framework sizeable middle-classes that share a lot in
to scale up from regional cooperation o global common in terms of professional lives and their
cooperation. Regionalism can act as spring lifestyles, in fashion, leisure, and entertainment,
board for globalization. One distinguishing in their aspirations and dreams. The middle-class
feature of regional institutions in Asia Pacific occupies different positions in their respective
and South Asia is the adoption of “Open societies as well as in relation to their nation
Regionalism” which aims to develop and states as they constitute the expanding regional
maintain cooperation with outside actors. This is consumer market.
meant to resolve the tension between the rise of
The product of regional economic development
regional trade agreements and the push for
in the post war era are the middle classes in east
global trade as embodied by World Trade
Asia. Regional economic development took
Organization (WTO), the only global
place within the context of the American
international organization dealing with the rules
informal empire in “Free Asia”, with the US-
of trade between nations. “Open” refers to the
led regional security system and the triangular
principle of non-discrimination, more
trade system as its two major pillars.
specifically an openness in membership and
Furthermore, the national states in the region
openness in terms of economic flows. Open
promoted it actively under democratic or
regionalism is embodied by Asia Pacific
authoritarian developmentalist regimes, both of
Economic cooperation or APEC.
which espoused the politics of productivity, a
6. In culture and globalization in the region, the politics of that transformed political issues into
source of a wide variety of cultural phenomena problems of output and sought to neutralize class
conflict in favor of a consensus on economic REGIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF MIDDLE-
The first wave of regional economic Complex historical forces shaped new urban
development took place in Japan from mid- middle classes. They are product of regional
1950’s to the early 1970s and led to the economic development, which has taken place in
emergence of a middle-class by the early 1970s. waves under the U.S. informal empire over a
The second wave took place between the 1960s half century, first in Japan, then in South Korea,
and 1980s in South Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong Taiwan, Hongkong, and Singapore, Thailand,
and Singapore and led to the formation of Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines, and now in
middle-class societies in these countries by the China. They are product as well for development
1980s. states. Their lifestyles have been shaped in very
complex ways by their appropriation of things
American, Japanese, Chinese, South Korean,
Islamic and other ways of life, often mediated by
the market.
1. Middle class formation in Southeast Asia
The political consequences of the rise of East
was driven by global and regional transnational
Asia middle classes vary. The cultural and
capitalism working in alliance with national
political hegemony of the South Korean middle
states while middle class in Japan, South Korea,
classes is embodied by single generation, while
and Taiwan were created by developmental
that of the Taiwanese middle classes manifest
states and national capitalism.
itself in the political assertiveness of an ethnic
2. New urban middle classes in East Asia, majority. Southeast Asian middle classes also
whether in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, or exemplify the diversity and complexity of class
Southeast Asia, with their middle-class jobs, formation. Thai middle classes are coherent
education, and income, have in turn created their socially, hegemonic culturally, and ascend
own new lifestyles commensurate with their politically; their counterparts in Malaysia and
middle-class income and status. Indonesia are socially divided, dependent on the
state, politically assertive eand vulnerable; and
MIDDLE CLASEES IN THE PHILIPPINES the Philippine middle classes are socially
New urban middle classes emerged in the post coherent, less dependent on the state, culturally
1986 Philippines. They were created through ascendant, but politically vacillating.
growth in retail trade, manufacture, banking, real Regional Implications of Middle -Class
estate development, and an expanding range of Formation in East Asia
specialist services such as accounting,
advertising, computing, and market research. Complex historical forces shaped new urban
Fostered by government policies of middle classes. They are product of regional
liberalization and deregulation, the development economic development, which has taken place in
of these new enterprises has been oriented both waves under the U.S. informal empire over a
toward the export and domestic markets and has half century, first in Japan, then in South Korea,
entailed increasingly diverse sources of foreign Taiwan, Hongkong, and Singapore, Thailand,
investment and variable subcontracting, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines, and now
franchise, and service relationships, with a in China. They are product as well for
noticeable expansion of ties connecting the development states. Their lifestyles have been
Philippines to other countries in East and shaped in very complex ways by their
Southeast Asia. appropriation of things American, Japanese,
Chinese, South Korean, Islamic and other ways
of life, often mediated by the market. The
political consequences of the rise of East Asia
middle classes vary. The cultural and political
hegemony of the South Korean middle classes is
embodied by single generation, while that of the
Taiwanese middle classes manifest itself in the
political assertiveness of an ethnic majority.
Southeast Asian middle classes also exemplify
the diversity and complexity of class formation.
Thai middle classes are coherent socially,
hegemonic culturally, and ascend politically;
their counterparts in Malaysia and Indonesia are
socially divided, dependent on the state,
politically assertive and vulnerable; and the
Philippine middle classes are socially coherent,
less dependent on the state, culturally ascendant,
but politically vacillating.

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