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FIs seKOLAH NENENGAH KEBANGSAAN PADANG TEMU, MELAKA 3 = UJIAN DIAGNOSTIK 2. . “— BAHASA INGGERIS. < ‘Tingkatan Satu 40 chs ee yr 38 | ONE hour/ SATU jam — 4. This question paper consists of FIVE parts: Part , Part Il, Partll, Part IV and Part V. 2. Answer all parts. ‘Arahan: 1. Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandung! LIMA bahagian: Bahagian |, Bahagian Il, Bahagian Il, Bahagian IV dan Bahagian V. 2. Jawab semua bahagian. 1) SHORTTEXT 8 Il) ERROR CORRECTION 8 Til)__ INFORMATION TRANSFER B 1V)__ SHORT ANSWER 70 V)__GAPPED TEXT i Part! - short Text [8 marks] Questions 1.8 Read the text caretuly n each question. Choose the best answer A, B, or C. For each question, mark the correct answer &, B or 6. Pudu, Sat ~Fire destroyed a row of pre-war houses in an early morning fire which kiled four people here. The house owners said that they have been staying in those houses since they were built even before World War I! started. They had nowhere to go and had put up at a community hall tis not ‘known what initiated the early morning fire. 1. From the report above we know that ‘A. the houses were newly bul some people were kiled in the fre. no one was injured inthe fre. 2. When a driver saes this sign he should A) pork his carimmediately. park his car and leave the keys init Conk for anther place to park his cay. Dear Aunt Margaret, 11am Form One student. My parents are both working and come home very late every night. {have to look after my three younger brothers as well as cook and clean the house everyday. | get. very tired and cannot concentrate on my studies. em afraid Fl fall my final year examinetion. | just don't know whatto do or who to tak to. Please help me. Distressed Jenay Distressed Jenry does all ofthe following except AL cook the meals. clean ner house. {C.90 out and earn some money. Eating the wrong kind of food or taking certain medicines can disturb the balance of good bacteria that ive naturally in our digestive system. These bacteria nelp our body to function wel. 4. The extractis mainly about: ‘A. Food can distur the good bacteria in our system. BB. Bacteria in our digestive system disturbs our body functions. CC. Medicine is important to enable bacteria to ve longer in our body. Walk-in interview Typist Venue: Times Parade Time: 9.00 am to 2.30pm Bring copies of relevant certificates anc a passport-sized photograph. For further enquiries, call 0683672109 5, The above advertisements states that A you must cal for an interview. Bony original cortifcates willbe eccopted you can walk in forthe interview at Times Parade. Silence please. Examinationinprogress. 6. From the above sign we know hat ‘A examination isto test one's understanding BB. Wwe have to keep quiet during an examinaton. ©. wo have to romain quist aftr siting for an examinaton, 7. Which of the folowing statement best explains the sign above? | AL You are not allowed to take the food or drinks out. “8, You cannot eat or drink here whenever you tke, |G. You can ony eat or chink food that is sols here. 8. The above cough medicine is in the form of O& pits |B. powder. csp. (8 marke) Part Il- Error Correction [8 marke} ns 9-4 Read the text bolow and correct the underlined erors. For each question, write he correct word in the space provided. Flood disaster at Kelantan KELANTAN: During the first night of the flood, (0) the teacher, Muhammad Apandi Hashim took his little boat through the darkness in search for victims trapped by flood. He managed (8) at save his neighbour's parents end many other vilagers. The brave man (10) say it was dificult trying to navigate his boat around the flood waters. This is (41) but it was dark, and there were many tree branches sticking out of the waters. Many people who (12) was trapped spotted him and called for help. Unfortunately, the boat was small and could only carry a few people. This made it even (13) hard for the man as he had to make many (14) trip back and forth through the dangerous waters. Luckily, the rescue team managed to arrive in time to (15) takes over the responsibilty. The people were saved from the hardship thanks to his unselfish (16) or brave act of kindness. 7 = 7 Ce 0 CO W Co) *| Co _] SC w A 2 (mars) Partill- Information Transfer [8 marks} Read the text below and answer questons 17 t0 24 Trip to Cameron Highlands My friends and | organised a trip to Cameron Highlands on the 16" of August 2018. Four of us were going, so we decided to drive there. The budget for the trip was RMSO for leach person. This included transport and food expenses. We left at 8.30 a.m from myhouse and reached there at 10.30 am. When we reached Cameron Highlands, we went to visit the Sungai Palas Tea Estate to visit the tea plantations, which is located on the hilltop. We admired the view and took some pictures together. After that, we went to the flower nurseries to see all the beautiful flowers. ‘Then, we dropped by the Smokehouse to have a cup of tea, hot chocolate and warm scones with strawberry jam and cream. ‘After that, we went to a strawberry farm to pick some fresh strawberries and bought some to bring back home. We decided to have steamboat for dinner end strawoerries for dessert before heading back to Kuala Lumpur. |had a great time with my friends in Cameron, Highlands. Questions 17-24 Complete the following table (@ marks) Choose no more than three words andlor a number from the text for each answers. For each question, write your answer in the space provided. Date of trip v,_C dd) Fare por head 18, RMSO incuding transport ang] Duration of ourey | 1g, (———d Trip to oJ Tinto | rmoctaeranue | 20 Hightands 21 Lo Tos tte Place of attraction 22, (1) strawberry farm 28. Tea, hot chocoite ang Food 2 J Steamboat PartV -Short Answer [10 marks} Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 34. Hurricane ‘The weather is very unpredictable and should be treated seriously. In places such as the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, hurricanes can form when the conditions are met. These natural occurrences are also commonly known astyphoons. A hurricane can be very deadly as ‘well as dangerous. A hurricane Is a phenomenon where a storm forms over very warm water in the ocean. The warm water heats up the air and the air rises rapidly into the atmosphere. The combination of rapidly-rising hot air and strong winds forms a hurricane. A hurricane is essentially a huge storm with strong winds spiralling inwards and upwards. In other words, it ‘pulls’ the air around it into its centre. it carries heavy rain together with strong winds. The wind speeds can vary from 100 to 350 kilometres per hour. In an event of a hurricane, people are recommended to stay indoors and keep all doors locked at all times. It is also advised to keep away from low-lying and flood-prone areas. Additional supplies are aiso required to be kept for emergencies. Questions 25-32 “Answer the questions below. choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answers. For each question, write your answer in the space provided. 25, The arte slates that he weather is 1} and should be taken serously. (1 mark) oer 28. Js another name for huricane (1 mark) Ce 27. One ofthe two main requirements fora huricane toform . (1 mark) — 28. Ahurcane can frm over the, (1 mark) — 2. one ofthe places where huricanes are known to form. (1 mak) ee 50. Ahuriane afecis the ares around iby causing strong wands and (1 mark) —) 51. People should stay indoors when a huricane stkes to (1 mark) 22. Atco] aro aso tequied tobe kept for emergencies (1 mare) uestons 39.24 Complete the table below with word rom the txt For each question, wite your answer inthe space provided Weanig Word 25: regular parm (iment) HH awieed (mary (10 mark) Part V— Gapped Text [omaris) Questions 36-40 You are going to read an aricle about Bil Gates. ‘Six sentences have been removed frem the article. Choose from sentences (A — H) fo ft each gap (25 40). Thore are two extra sentences which you do no! need to use. For each question. mark the correct answer (A ~ H) on the space provided. Bill Gates Willian Henry Gates, or more commonly known as Bill gates, was born on the 28° of October in the year 1955. He is most well known for being the richest person on earth, having consistently being ranked asthe richest person for many years. 5. il Gates is a man of many talents. Other than being « businessperson, he is abo @ writer and ohilanthropis. Bill Gates is an American born in Seattle, Washington. He grew up in an upper- middle class family and is the second of three children. At the age of 13, he enrolled in a prestigious private school called Lakeside. 36... It is at this school where he developed an interest in software programming and computers in general, Bill excelled in school and scored 1590 out of 1600 in the SATS, a test used for college admissions. He then enrolled at Harvard College in the autumn of 1973. Bill can mostly be seen using the computers at the college campus, instead of studying. He eventually dropped out of Harvard to concentrate on starting his own company, Microsoft In Miscrosoft, Bill Gates’ company, it developed the Windows operating system in 1981. This operating system became very popular and it still is the most used operating system in the world. He is very wealthy because of his business. Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, also known as the Gates Foundation in the year2000. 37, ____], Their global objectives are to reduce extreme poverty and enhance healthcare in the world. In America, the objective is to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology. Furthermore, Bill Gates has already donated more than US$28 billion to the foundation. He is widely considered to be one of the most generous people in the entire world because of the huge sum of money he has donated. Bill Gates, along with Warren Buffett, have even pledged to donate most of their net worth throughout their lifetime. 38. : Bill Gates also had a relationship with Apple founder Steve Jobs, which can be traced to when they were young. sill was quoted saying they‘ grew up together ‘. The two are quite similar_a¢ they were naively optimistic while growing up and had really big dreams. 39, the pair had mutual respect for each other and was in constant communication ‘throughout their lives and careers. ‘The pair had a complicated relationship, as they both were fierce rivals, as well as {Seen tam the hed taked orna tewuahoat thelr aren, Ha -deach other for what they had done. The both of them had change the way the public interacts with technology. ‘A [He i also the founder of Microsof. the personal-compiter software company 1B | The personal pledge Stariad io aliact cihars and hen unvelled publay as the gates: Buait Giving Podge. ‘S| They always fantassed abou bulling and learning new thngs, and they Fad achieved just tha. ‘D__| Ther relationship can be desorbed as complex E | Every household usually have a personal Computer | F | Iis one ofthe largest private foundations inthe world. G_| He is known te have produced the best phone inthe markel night now. | AtLakeste, he met Paul Allen, his future cofounder of Microsof. (6 mark) -KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT- -END OF QUESTION PAPER-

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