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Financial inclusion through fintech in achieving SDGs

The framework for achieving a better, more sustainable future for everybody is found in the
Sustainable Development Goals. They deal with issues including poverty, inequality, the
environment, and the effects of climate change. The Sustainable Development Goals were
jointly endorsed by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015, together with the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development. All 193 of the General Assembly's members—
including both developed and developing nations—endorsed the Agenda, which is applicable
to all nations. Models for financial inclusion can assist with overall economic expansion and
the attainment of more general development objectives. The supply of financial services to
the most disadvantaged groups via mobile devices, personal computers, the internet, or other
digital platforms has been greatly aided by digital finance, and cards integrated with a
trustworthy digital payment system. The cashless transaction system is achieving its growth
day by day, as soon as the market becomes globalized and the development of the banking
sector more and more people move from cash to a cashless system. The cashless system is
not just a necessity but also a need of today’s order. Financial inclusion is primarily fueled by
financial technology (FinTech), which therefore supports balanced, sustainable development,
as reflected in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With a progressive approach
to the creation of the underpinning infrastructure required to support the digital financial
transformation, the full potential of FinTech to assist the SDGs may be achieved. For women,
having access to money can transform their lives. when women take an active role they can
more effectively control risk in the financial system, and smooth consumption in the face of
shocks may provide money for household expenses like education. financing for low-income
Women's empowerment and poverty reduction go hand in hand, especially as women suffer
poverty at higher rates than men do. Women need access to the necessary financial
instruments to manage risk, save and borrow money, make and receive payments, and
manage savings. By substituting transparency built into a decentralized network for trust, a
core component of the financial system for centuries, blockchain technology opens the
internet for financial services. As a result, blockchain has the potential to empower the
unbanked, particularly women, lower transaction costs, and provide new sources of liquidity,
all of which will contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the
United Nations.
Keywords; financial inclusion, fintech, SDGs, women’s economic empowerment

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