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Reinforcement Cement Concrete

250 m3 capacity
Name of the Project : Yekikrit Janata Water supply and Sanitation Project District: Sindhuli
Project Area : Kamalamai Municipility 10
Height of stagnant water = 0.15 m

Adopt inner diameter, d = 9.80 m Total tank height = 3.50 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m Effective Volume = 252.69 m³
Dome rise, h = 1.35 m
Yekikrit Janata WSP 250 m capacity
S.N. Description No. Radius adius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
1 Site clearance(L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 13.80 13.80 190.44 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
- for leveling 0.5 11.30 11.30 0.50 31.92
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+1.00) π 6.10 6.10 - 1.00 116.90
π 6.10 6.10 - 0.6 70.14
Valve Chamber 1 2.50 2.50 1.80 11.25
Washout pipe trench 20.00 0.60 1.00 12.00
Total earth work 242.21 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (πr²h) π 6.10 6.10 - 1.00 116.90
Washout pipe trench 20.00 0.60 1.00 12.00
Deduct tank portion (πr²h'): r=d/2+t π 5.10 5.10 - 1.00 -81.71
Net backfilling work 47.19 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.60 5.60 - 0.20 19.70
Valve Chamber 1 2.50 2.50 0.20 1.25
Total soling work 20.95 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 8.20 0.45 1.80 6.64 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.60 5.60 0.15 14.778 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 3% Silica admixture

for tank base slab(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.40 5.40 - 0.25 22.902
- for wall portion(2π r't, r'=d/2+t/2) 2π 5.000 0.20 3.50 21.991
- for inner haunch portion 2π/2 4.80 0.20 0.20 0.603
- for outer fillet portion 2π/2 5.20 0.20 0.20 0.653
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) π/2 4.90 4.90 0.10 3.771
Total PCC works 49.920 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC dome work
- ring beam 2π 5.20 0.3 0.3 2.940
- conical dome
V=p.L.h1.t.tan¢ : L = √[h1²+(D/2)²] π 5.28 5.09 0.10 8.440
Valve chamber slab 1 2.5 2.5 0.1 0.625
- Deduction for
-Manhole cover for tank and VC 1 0.75 0.75 0.1 -0.056
Ring Beam for Lateral Support 2π 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.071
Lateral Portion
Pillar 4 0.15 0.15 0.65 0.059
Top slab 1 π 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.079
Deduct,Lateral opeining 1 π 0.5 0.5 0.1 -0.079
Total 12.079 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 2π 4.900 3.50 107.76
- outer portion 2π 5.100 3.50 112.15
-Ringbeam -inner and outer 2×2π 5.050 0.30 19.04
-soffit 2π 5.150 0.1 3.24
Total shuttering works 242.19 m²

10 Shuttering works for RCC for dome portion

A=p.L.h1.tan¢ : L = √[h1²+(D/2)²] 5.08 4.90 78.200
Reinforcement Cement Concrete
250 m3 capacity
Name of the Project : Yekikrit Janata Water supply and Sanitation Project District: Sindhuli
Project Area : Kamalamai Municipility 10
Height of stagnant water = 0.15 m

Adopt inner diameter, d = 9.80 m Total tank height = 3.50 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m Effective Volume = 252.69 m³
Dome rise, h = 1.35 m
Yekikrit Janata WSP 250 m capacity
S.N. Description No. Radius adius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Lateral Portion
Pillar 0.60 0.65 0.000
Top slab 0.500 π 0.500 0.50 0.785
Edge of Top slab 0.500 2π 0.500 0.1 0.157
Total shuttering works 79.142 m²

11 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 73.00 11.20 ×0.8 @ 0.888 kg/m 1161.65
top main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 73.00 11.20 ×0.8 @ 0.888 kg/m 1161.65
Circumferential reinforcement for 1.5 m outer width
Bottom main bars 10 @ 180 mm C/C -2 layers 2π 9.00 9.70 ×1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 372.28
Distribution bars 10 @ 200 mm C/C -2 layers 2.00 177.00 1.5 '@ 0.617 kg/m 327.63
total reinforcement in foundation 3023.21
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 208 4.35 @ 0.888 kg/m 803.46
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 213 4.35 @ 0.888 kg/m 822.78
Inner rings of 12 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1.75 m height 2π 15 nos 4.943 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 455.06
Inner rings of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1.75 m height 2π 13 nos 4.943 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 394.38
Outer rings of 12 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1.75 m height 2π 15.00 5.057 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 465.55
Outer rings of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1.75 m height 2π 13.00 5.057 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 403.48

total reinforcement in wall 3344.71

conical Dome
Ring beam- main bar 12 mmØ 8 31.73 @ 0.888 kg/m 225.41
stirrups - 2 legged 8 mmØ @150 mm c/c 217 1.15 @ 0.395 kg/m 98.57
meridional bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c
for whole length 19 5.16 @ 0.617 kg/m 60.49
for 7/8 length 19 4.59 @ 0.617 kg/m 53.81
for 3/4 length 37 4.02 @ 0.617 kg/m 91.77
for 1/2 length 74 2.88 @ 0.617 kg/m 131.50
distribution bars assuming average value
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 30 15.98 1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 325.37
mmØ bars for parapet for water collection 179 0.40 @ 0.000 kg/m 0.00
distribution bar - 10 mmØ 2 nos 2 32.36 @ 0.617 kg/m 39.93
total reinforcement in dome 1026.85 kg
Ring Beam for Lateral Support 12mm dia 4 2π 0.50 @ 0.888 kg/m 11.15
Pillar12mm dia 16 0.65 @ 0.888 kg/m 9.24
Top slab 8mm dia 16 0.75 @ 0.395 kg/m 4.74
Valve chamber slab 8mm dia @10cnm c/c 50 2.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 49.38
- Deduction for
-Manhole cover for tank and VC 15 0.75 @ 0.395 kg/m -4.44
Total reinforcement work 7464.84 kg

12 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster with 3% Silica admixture

-floor of tank π 4.70 4.70 69.40
- fillet portion 2π 4.80 0.28 8.44
- inner wall portion 2π 4.90 3.60 110.84
Total plaster work 188.68 m²
13 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 188.68 m²

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 2π 5.10 3.30 105.75
-outer fillet portion 2π 5.20 0.28 9.15
-beam soffit 2π 5.15 0.10 3.24
-beam outer face 2π 5.20 0.30 9.80
Reinforcement Cement Concrete
250 m3 capacity
Name of the Project : Yekikrit Janata Water supply and Sanitation Project District: Sindhuli
Project Area : Kamalamai Municipility 10
Height of stagnant water = 0.15 m

Adopt inner diameter, d = 9.80 m Total tank height = 3.50 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m Effective Volume = 252.69 m³
Dome rise, h = 1.35 m
Yekikrit Janata WSP 250 m capacity
S.N. Description No. Radius adius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
-beam upper face 2π 5.238 -0.08 -2.63
-outer surface of dome
A=p.L.h.tan¢ : L = √[h²+(D/2)²] π 5.47 5.277 90.68
Valve chamber portion -Inner side of wall 1.000 6.400 1.800 11.520
Outer side of wall 1.000 7.500 1.900 14.250
Top of slab 1.000 2.500 2.500 6.250
Deduction for MH Cover opeining 1.000 0.750 0.750 0.100 -0.056
Total plaster 247.954
15 Black Japan paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 2π 5.10 1.00 32.04 m²

16 Weathercoat paint on exposed surface of storage tank

- Wall portion(exposed portion) 2π 5.10 2.50 80.11
-beam soffit 2π 5.15 0.10 3.24
-beam outer face 2π 5.20 0.30 9.80
-beam upper face 2π 5.238 -0.08 -2.63
-outer surface of dome
A=p.L.h.tan¢ : L = √[h²+(D/2)²] π 5.47 5.278 90.70

Local wood work for chaukhat for Lateral
opeining(.635*.65m size)-2*3.14*.5=3.14-
17 .15*4=2.54/4=.635 4 2.57 0.075 0.075 0.06 m³

18 Fixing Mosquito proof wiremesh with wooden beads 4 0.675 0.69 1.86 m²

32 mmØ GI pipe /Aluminium folding ladder 45 cm

19 width -for tank Outside,inside &Valve chamber 3.00 no
20 Standard Manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.00 set
21 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
22 Leak proof Test & Site development works 1.00 job
Required data from design sheet
Leveling height= 0.50 m

Exposed height 2.50 m
Stone soling 0.20 m
PCC(1:3:6) in base 0.15 m
PCC(1:1.5:3) in base slab = 0.25 m Central half angle of lantern, d 2.928
Offset of base slab = 0.30 m
Size of VC = 2.50 m × = 2.50 m

Ring beam = 0.30 m × = 0.30 m

Thickness of dome = 100 mm
Haunch(inner) = 0.20 m × = 0.20 m

Radius of sphere = 9.79 m

Reinforcement in base slab

Bottom(both ways) 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Top(both ways) 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c
circumferencial 10 mmØ 180 mm c/c for 1.50 m
distribution 10 mmØ 200 mm c/c
Reinforcement in Wall
Inner rings 12 mmØ 125 mm c/c for 1.75 m
Inner rings 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c for 1.75 m
Outer rings 12 mmØ 125 mm c/c for 1.75 m
Outer rings 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c for 1.75 m
verical -inner 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Verical -outer 12 mmØ 150 mm c/c
haunch 10 mmØ 200 mm c/c
Central half angle of dome, F = 74.60°
central radius of C.dome 5.088
slanted side of dome 5.278
total height of with slab 1.453724175
Rise of dome slab-centre 1.401862087
outer radius of dome slab 5.276568241
Reinforcement in dome
Ring beam
main 12 mmØ 8 nos
Stirrups 8 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Dome reinforcement
meridional bars 10 mmØ 180 mm c/c
distribution 10 mmØ 180 mm c/c

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