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Composition 1

Write an assay about (influential person ) using the notes in the chart below:

Name Sulaiman bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Rajhi/ the world-renowned philanthropist

Born 1929, Al-Qassim
-changing money for pilgrims / 1970s helped migrant workers to send their earnings home
His early life
-establish a bank-
-chairman of the National Agricultural Development Company
-founder of the Al-Watania agricultural projects
-2009, established the Sulaiman Al-Rajhi University / May 2011, donating to charity
Award 2012 - King Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam

Influential person
Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Rajhi is the world-renowned philanthropist. He was born in 1929, in
Al-Qassim. He began his business by changing money for pilgrims. In 1970, he helped migrant
workers from different places to send their earnings home. He establishes Al Rajhi Bank, which is
now the world’s biggest Islamic lender.
Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Rajhi is also chairman of the National Agricultural Development Company
and founder of the Al-Watania agricultural projects. In 2009, he established the Sulaiman Al-Rajhi
University, In May 2011, he announced that he was donating most of his $7.7 billion fortune to
charity. He got King Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam, in 2012.

Composition 2

 Write an assay about ( The invention of television) using this timeline

The invention of television

The history of television goes back to eighteenth century. The first television was
seen in Paris in 1900.It was black and white. In 1907, the scientists developed a new kind
of television. The moving picture is developed in 1924. The first colored television was
introduced in 1928. In 2009, HD televisions were introduced to the public in America.
Television is an amazing invention of modern science.

Composition 3
 Write an assay about ( My Dream Job ) using the notes :
Guided words: noble -society- successful – teaching – keep - young – change - grown up -
responsible - future – country- overall - serious - focused - true.

My Dream Job
My dream job is to become a teacher, as I feel that it is a very noble job. A job that
can change society. Teaching always keeps you around the young children. A teacher can
really change the world as these children become successful grown-up men or women
tomorrow. They are responsible for the better future of the country. Overall I am very
serious and focused on my dream job. I want to make my dream true.

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