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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar

Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5

85000 Bar


1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION.....................................................................................................2
Partner country........................................................................................................................................2
Contracting authority..............................................................................................................................2
Country background................................................................................................................................2
Current situation in the sector.................................................................................................................2
Related programmes and other donor activities……………………………………………………………………………….3
2. OBJECTIVE, PURPOSE & EXPECTED RESULTS.......................................................................3
Overall objective.....................................................................................................................................3
Results to be achieved by the contractor.................................................................................................4
3. ASSUMPTIONS & RISKS..................................................................................................................5
Assumptions underlying the project.......................................................................................................5
4. SCOPE OF THE WORK.....................................................................................................................5
Description of the assignament...............................................................................................................6
Geographical area to be covered.............................................................................................................6
Target groups..........................................................................................................................................6
Specific work..........................................................................................................................................7
Project management................................................................................................................................7
Responsible body....................................................................................................................................7
Management structure………………………………………………………………………………….7
5. LOGISTICS AND TIMING…………………………………………………………………………7
Start date & period of implementation of tasks......................................................................................7
6. REQUIREMENTS…………………………………………………………………………………….7
Key experts……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Facilities to be provided by the contractor..............................................................................................8
7. REPORTS..............................................................................................................................................8
Reporting requirements...........................................................................................................................8
Submission and approval of reports........................................................................................................8
8. MONITORING AND EVALUATION...............................................................................................8
Definition of indicators...........................................................................................................................8
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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

Partner country

Montenegro and Albania

Contracting authority

Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar

Country background

The project “Skills for Sustainable Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth of Cross-Border Region
of Albania and Montenegro - Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro” Cross-Border Cooperation
Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020 under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II),
), has been implemented by 3 partner organizations:

1. Business Start-Up Center Bar, Bar, Montenegro– Lead Partner,

2. Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), Tirana. Albania

3. Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro,

and associated partner

“Go2 Albania Organization” Shkoder, Albania

Current situation in the sector

The planning process of the CBC Action commenced with the identification of the key challenges in the
cross-border region between Albania and Montenegro. Joint problems analysis suggested poor
employment prospects for young people and women in the border region, who either remain unemployed
for not possessing skills that match the local labour market needs or migrate from less developed to more
developed parts of the of Montenegro and Albania or abroad. This is accompanied by the lack of more
adequate and targeted programmes of formal and informal education for youth and women and the
insufficient use of dual education that could increase employment skills which are in demand in the
labour market, but which must be preceded by larger consultations with the employers in the CB region.
The situation has been further aggravated by the global pandemic of Covid-19, which has resulted in the
closure of SMEs, loss of jobs and specifically difficult economic situation in less developed regions of

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

Montenegro and Albania, which altogether calls for urgent interventions carried out jointly by all relevant
stakeholders in the sector of human resources development, specifically youth and women. In terms of the
particular needs and constraints of the target countries, the labour market challenges of Montenegro are
reflected in the last EC Progress report for Montenegro suggesting that ‘there is still insufficient
effectiveness and coverage of active labour market policies which should be in place to assist jobseekers
finding sustainable employment, with particular focus on re- and up-skilling’. Moreover, the problems are
identified within the Montenegro Economic Reform Programme 2020-2022 stating that ‘insufficient
matching between the supply and demand in the labour market is still a challenge’ and prioritizes youth,
women, and low-skilled unemployed persons as well as skills development programmes for adults.

Related programmes and other donor activities

Business Start-Up Center Bar has been implementing project within. 3rd call for Proposals
Cross-border programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro under the Instrument for Pre-
accession Assistance (IPA II)


Overall objective

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:

The main general objective of this project concerns “Facilitating the access to the labour market for
young people and women in cross-border areas of Albania and Montenegro”.

To achieve the proposed Overall Objective/Impact of the Action, the CB partners have developed a
comprehensive approach involving building employability and entrepreneurship skills of the unemployed
youth and women as the key target group, but also provision of sustainable support to the employers in
the CB area, who are crucial stakeholders in tackling the unemployment challenges. Given the priority
development sectors in the CB area (tourism, ICT, hospitality, agriculture and interlinked sectors), and in
consultation with the employers and other relevant stakeholders, the contribution to the Impact of the
proposed Action will be achieved through three Specific Objectives/Outcomes: OC1: Increased
professional skills and competencies of unemployed youth and women in the cross - border region to
match the employment demands in the tourism, ICT and hospitality sector; OC2: Developed self-
employment / entrepreneurship skills - strategic planning, networking, marketing and sales, e-business -
among young people and women in the cross-border region in the area of ICT, tourism, hospitality,
gastronomy and traditional crafts; and OC3: Established a cross-border brand for the promotion of local

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

products and services, with the aim of improving competitiveness, self-employment, preconditions for
further employment and increase cross border business to business cooperation in priority sectors in the
CB region. Specific Objectives/Outcomes of the Action reflect an integrated and multi-level approach
based on three interlinked pillars: 1) Theoretical and practical (on-the-job) training programme for the
selected jobseekers to increase required employability skills in the identified relevant sectors in the CB
area; 2) A comprehensive training and mentoring program stimulating self-employment for the selected
youth and women wanting to start their own businesses in the CB area; and 3) Durable and sustainable
support to the employers in the CB area to improve competitiveness and create jobs to boost employment
in the border region. These three pillars will be additionally supported and complemented by the visibility
activities of the project, dissemination of results, and the counselling/ experience exchange support
through establishing online and communication tools. Both the promotional component and the
comprehensive support programme based on the needs of both the jobseekers and the employers are
expected to contribute to the CBC Programme indicators: the proposed Action envisages minimum 70
unemployed youth and women to benefit from the programme (training and mentoring) in terms of
increasing their employability skills, and at least 25% of them are expected to find employment by the
end of 2023.


The purpose of this contract is as follows:

- To engage company that will develop a dynamic website for the Project;

- To be the first point of reference (website) on the Project activities on the Internet;

- To make key documents and activity briefs, news and updates accessible to the public through website;

- Provide a portal for interaction and information sharing among all those interested;

- To create a logo for project publications, booklets, posters, etc.

Results to be achieved by the contractor

- Website developed

- Website hosting;

- Website maintenance

- Developed a visual identity with logo

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar


Assumptions underlying the project

-The Contractor and Business Start-Up Center Bar’s Project Team, as well as partner organizations, will
closely cooperate

- All project partners will work towards exchanging experiences and business best practices.

- Project will be successfully implemented in spite of its complexity.


-Complexity of the communication and coordination, possible misunderstandings;

-Postponement of activities;

-Schedule timing may be short;


4.1.1. Description of the assignment

The Contractor will be responsible for the following duties:

-To develop website that must be simple, informative, accessible and interactive. The website should
include the possibility to add videos, infographics, and be made available in English, Albanian and
Montenegrin language;

-To develop website which each section should have interactive content with graphic visuals and
simplified language that make it clear for site users to understand the core message;

-To develop website which content should be filterable via the use of tags, site navigation or an inbuilt
search engine, so that users can quickly identify content which is relevant to their area/country;

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

-To develop website with well attuned SEO, so that the website is visible to third parties searching for
relevant information. This will be important for the survival and usability of the website post-project

-Implement a basic “blog” function with sharing capabilities on social network (Facebook) ;

-To maintain website and intervene when assistance is needed;

-To continuing hosting and maintenance of the site, which would include applying security patches,
clearing out log files, enlarging disk space before it runs out, sorting out security certificates and fixing
bugs in the code;

-To create a single unifying compelling visual identity of the Project. As for the visual identity, the
contractor is expected to develop a compelling logo;

-The logo should be suitable for any type of media and should be reproducible in any size. There must be
a degree of versatility and flexibility of the logo so that it can be easily adapted for all the applications
(off line and on line) useful for the promotion of the Project

4.1.2. Geographical area to be covered

Montenegro and Albania

4.1.3. Target groups

Youth, women, families, and business owners/employers in the CB area benefiting from the increase in
skilled labour force; municipalities and rural communities in the CB area; institutional stakeholders and
overall society in the CB area

Specific work
The Contractor will create website through which users will be able to access different activities, outputs,
results, and information of the Project. The website will host the findings from this project, including
text, photos, GIFs and infographics, PDF files, and multimedia embeds (YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud

The provider will also need to produce a coherent visual identity as well as a logo for the project

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

Project management
4.3.1. Responsible body

Foundation Business Start-Up Center Bar

4.3.2. Management structure

Contracting Authority’s management structure regarding this contract:

1. Legal representative / Authorized Person, for signing the contract and related decisions

2. Project Coordinator responsible and authorized for 1st level of communication with the Contractor and
for submitting decisions for approval to the Legal representative.



Montenegro : Podgorica, Tuzi, Danilovgrad, Budva, Bar, Ulcinj and Old Royal Capital Cetinje
Albanija: Municipality of Shkoder, Municipality of Vau i Dejes, and Municipality of Malesia e Madhe

Start date & period of implementation of tasks

All activities should be completed by the end of June 2023 from the date of inception, which is
estimated on 1 April 2021, with the exception of the ongoing maintenance and design support
which continues monthly until 31 January 2025.


Note that civil servants and other staff of the public administration of the partner country, or of
international/regional organisations based in the country, shall only be approved to work as experts if well
justified. The justification should be submitted with the tender and shall include information on the added
value the expert will bring as well as proof that the expert is seconded or on personal leave.

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Foundation Business Start-up Center Bar
Bulevar Revolucije bb, Poslovni centar kula A, sprat 5
85000 Bar

Key experts

Key experts are not required.

Facilities to be provided by the contractor

The contractor shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and equipped. In particular it must
ensure that there is sufficient administrative, secretarial and interpreting provision to enable experts to
concentrate on their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer funds as necessary to support their work
under the contract and to ensure that its employees are paid regularly and in a timely fashion.


No equipment is to be purchased on behalf of the contracting authority / partner country as part of this
service contract or transferred to the contracting authority / partner country at the end of this contract.
Any equipment related to this contract which is to be acquired by the partner country must be purchased
by means of a separate supply tender procedure.

Reporting requirements

No reporting requirements.

Submission and approval of reports

Submission and approval of reports are not required


Definition of indicators

Programme indicator to which the project main output contributes:

- Op3.2 Durable joint support, promotion, and online point of experiences exchange for potential
entrepreneurs from the CB area achieved through the creation of the ‘’No borders’’ network integrated
into the project website/portal and promoted in social media platforms.

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