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Cruz, Angel Nicole B.

Life and Works of Rizal

HIS C301-101E

Written Work 3: Reflection Paper

“Filipino Nationalism”

Nationality refers to being integrated into a particular nation or locale by means of

birth or naturalization. A person's nationality corresponds to where they are a legal
citizen, which is usually the country in which they were born. The nature of these rights
and duties varies by state. The Philippines, a Southeast Asian country, refers to the
nationality of the individuals inhabiting the country as Filipino. Being Filipino is defined
by birth, ethnicity, culture, tradition, language, and moral obligations to the country as a
citizen. Philippine identity holds significant meaning in the newly liberated country. Birth
or family background legitimacy may play a role in determining an individual's Filipino
identity, but it is not the only factor. Participating in and disseminating national issues
and decisions. The Philippines is a democratic nation. This implies that, as citizens, we
should take part in and criticize policies since we are living in the same archipelago. Our
daily lives are connected to social roles. Observance of Filipino traditions and cultures.
As Filipinos, we have constant practice embedded in our daily lives, and it is considered
a defining element of our national identity. Ideally, these are the means of being a
Filipino today: outspoken, with immense knowledge of the country’s state. Regardless
of who you are as a Filipino, what it means to be called one differs. Brown skin, an
accent, ignorance, and love from colonizers are quite indicative of Filipinos. But is it
worth being called a Filipino? The Philippines' history, how our fellow Filipinos grappled
against the colonizers, the resiliency of Filipinos, and our achievements are worth a yes.
Nationalism manifest in the assertion that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to
the nation-state exceed other individual or group interests. A nationalistic ideology
scopes the construction of a social role that citizens of a nation must abide by,
preserving our past history and nation as a whole. Jose Rizal translates nationalism
through his novels, poems, and articles that arouse Filipinos' revolt against the
Spaniards. A single act ignites a catastrophe for Filipinos, a new identity indeed. As
viewpoints mature, nationalism shouldn't be neglected or omitted, but preserved and
mandated completely. I believe that freedom and nationalism are true in nature as we
become accustomed to them as we gain consciousness. Freedom and nationalism are
interconnected since freedom precedes our liberty to speak, act, and think without the
restraint of the law or others. Our freedom has led us to regard nationalism as one
which we inculcate as basic citizens.
Jose Rizal University is an avenue that heightened and equips students with
practical skills and knowledge to ponder as ideal citizens, capable of attaining dreams
and aspirations. The courses and recreational activities offered were conceived as
practical tools that honed students’ proficiency and facilitated peer interaction. Jose
Rizal University aims to develop its students to become useful and responsible citizens
through the effective transfer of relevant knowledge and desirable values. The university
certainly produces notable individuals that will certainly excel in the near future as they
mature into better citizens.

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