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It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle
something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a
weary spirit.

Our SiyentiPEAKong Lakbay sa Napulak aims to provide holistic challenges and memorable experiences
about the world of Science. Moreover, it is not just a travel blog but a niche that alternatively promotes
a new lense for experiencing places along with discovering scientific knowledges at the peak.

DAY 1 :

4 : 30 – 5 : 00 A.M – Assembly time at Igbaras Public Town Plaza , right waiting shed

5 : 10 A. M – ETA Registration of all troupes at Igbaras LGU

5 : 20 – ETA Transport of all troupes to Barangay Bagay

5 : 40 – ETA Troupe Drop – Off for Bagay Hike Station and Tour Guide catch

6 : 00 – First warm up activity by Head Master ( Search for magnet activity )

- Magnetism test — Hold the magnet in the Mineral Test Kit near your rock. If there is a magnetic
pull, it has a metal mineral in it.

6 : 15 – First descend to Mt. Napulak

7 : 15 - First stop over at water station for snacks and 2nd activity by Head Master ( Rub off minerals
activity )

Color streak test — Test for the “color streak” of the minerals by rubbing the rock across the ceramic
plate in the Mineral Test Kit, or across smooth cement. Look up which colors indicate which minerals are

7 : 30 – Troupes follows the Tour Guide up to the 2nd water station

9 : 30 – Stop – over at 2nd water station with 3rd activity by Head Master ( Acid activity )

- Acidity test — Put vinegar in the bottle included in the Mineral Test Kit. Squeeze out a few drops
on the rock. If it fizzes, it contains carbonate.

9 : 40 – Troupes ascends to the peak of the Mt. Napulak

11 : 00 – Troupes reaches summit ( LUNCH TIME )

11 : 30 – Pack – up Lunch and activity by Head Master ( Hardness test )

- Hardness test — Scratch the rock with a fingernail, a copper penny, a glass plate or nail, and a
ceramic plate. Check your Guide to assign it a rating on the Mohs Scale of Hardness.

1 : 00 - All troupes gathers to nearest shade and station for rest

2 : 30 - ETA for assembling tents and gears

3 : 00 - All troupes report to Head Master for Activity recap

4 : 00 - Photo ops

5 : 30 – Sunset watching

6 : 30 - DINNER


DAY 2 :

5 : 00 – Wake up call time by Tour Leader

5 : 30 - Prepare breakfast

6 : 00 – BREAKFAST

7 : 00 - All troupes gather for science activity by Head Master ( Name game activity )

- Name that rock! Look at all the data you’ve collected. Use the Guide Book to compare the
results and find which type of rock you have! See what category the specific type falls under.

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