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Husnah1*, Maisarah sofyanr2, Raudhatul Jannah3, Khairun Nisa4
Staff of ClinicalNutrition Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Undergraduate MedicalDoctor Program, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Indonesia Corresponding Author*

Pregnant women need adequate nutrition for the health of the mother and fetus. If the nutritional
needs of the mother are not fulfilled, it can cause nutritional problems. However, pregnant
women often do not know that the need for nutrients increases during pregnancy. The purpose of
this article is to discuss nutritional problems that pregnant women may experience. Literature
research is used as the method. The data used is secondary information in the form of reports
from government agencies and previous research. Pregnant women are vulnerable to various
problems of malnutrition. Nutritional problems that are common in pregnant women include
chronic energy deficiency (IBD), anemia and iodine deficiency disorders. Nutritional problems
in pregnant women have a negative impact on the health of mothers and children.

INTRODUCTION usually caused by iron deficiency anemia.

Pregnant women are a group that is The main cause of iron deficiency anemia is
vulnerable to nutritional problems. This a lack of iron in the diet, especially in the
refers to the growth of the fetus and the form of heme iron. Socioeconomic factors
growth of various organs in the body to influence the occurrence of anemia.4
support pregnancy. Pregnant women need
Anemia during pregnancy is a
quality nutritional supplements that are
condition of a mother whose hemoglobin
healthy, intelligent and powerful.1A
(Hb) level is < 11 g% during the first and
common problem for pregnant women is not
third trimesters, while in the second
realizing the increased nutritional needs
trimester the hemoglobin level is < 10.5 g
during pregnancy. As a result, there are still
Anemia during pregnancy requires serious
pregnant women who do not follow the
attention because it can harm the mother and
recommendations of health workers, for
her baby.4Anemia during pregnancy can be
example, Mrs. B. took 90 iron tablets during
fatal and interfere with work, motor and
intellectual development in infants, children
Nationally, the proportion of
and adolescents. In pregnant women, anemia
pregnant women consuming more than 90
can cause low birth weight, prematurity,
tablets (90+) is still low, namely only
miscarriage, prolonged labor spasms, uterine
18.0%. With that in mind, it can be said that
atony, as well as bleeding and shock.5
the purpose of this article is to discuss
Research conducted by Amalia
nutritional problems that may arise in
(2011) at RSU Dr. MM Dunda Limboto,
pregnant women.3
Gorontalo Regency, showed that pregnant
Nutritional anemia in Indonesia is
women with anemia had a 4.643 chance of
giving birth to LBW babies compared to their offspring. A varied and balanced diet
mothers who were not anemic.6Other from conception is essential to ensure the
studies have shown a link between mother's well-being and a good pregnancy.
gestational anemia and miscarriage. Even in most developed countries, intake of
Mothers with anemia are 3,317 times more certain foods is often insufficient during
likely to have a miscarriage than pregnant pregnancy and lactation. Available data from
women without anemia.7 the Italian population indicate that intake of
selected nutrients is often insufficient, both in
NUTRITION IN PREGNANT WOMEN certain population groups and in pregnant and
During pregnancy, the mother must lactating women. This is especially true for
increase the amount and type of food, DHA, iron, iodine, calcium, folic acid and
pregnant women must meet their own needs vitamin D. Indispensable micronutrients9:
and the growth and development of their Folic acid: it is important to supplement
fetus/infant. Therefore, pregnant women need the mother's diet during pregnancy by adding
more nutrients than non-pregnant women as food (in appropriate diets) and using food
long as their diet is varied and balanced in additives during conception, according to
quantity and proportion.8 national and international guidelines.
Franca Marangoni in her article Diet and Vitamin D: there is no consensus on
Mother's Needs During Pregnancy and recommended intake. A consensus document
Breastfeeding, an Italian consensus document recently published by the Societies of
explaining that the caloric needs of a healthy, Pediatrics in Italy emphasizes the high
normal weight, and moderately active prevalence of deficiency and the importance of
lifestyle during pregnancy increase prevention also during pregnancy and
moderately (depending on the stage of lactation.
pregnancy), which can be offset by energy Iron: although there is general agreement
intake. slightly increased. Macronutrients in on the benefit of systemic nutritional
dietary guidelines. In fact, an excess of supplementation in populations at high risk of
calories and macronutrients during pregnancy anemia during pregnancy, different countries
can be just as harmful as a deficiency, offer different recommendations; In general,
especially in overweight and obese women, iron supplementation should be decided based
who have an increased risk of miscarriage, on individual clinical judgment.
gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, but also Iodine: adequate intake must be ensured
obesity and type 2 diabetes. In particular, the during pregnancy, for example through
additional needs of pregnant women is 69 iodine-rich foods and iodized salt.
kcal/day in the first trimester, 266 kcal/day in Calcium: the majority of the fertile female
the second trimester and 496 kcal/day in the population in Europe (and Italy) does not
third trimester (additional total of 76.9 reach optimal levels; In addition, special
Strong scientific evidence supports the attention should be paid to the bioavailability
importance of lifestyle and diet (adequate of different foods.
nutritional intake) during pregnancy and DHA: benefits during pregnancy and
breastfeeding for the health of women and lactation confirmed by recent studies;
Inadequate intake is linked to lower trimester, the required iron is ± 3 mg/day,
consumption of omega-3 rich fish. namely the basal requirement of 0.8 mg/day
plus the needs of the fetus and red cell mass =
IRON 300 mg and conceptus.= 115mg. As well as in
Iron is one of the most abundant micro the third trimester, the required iron is ± 5
minerals in the human body, which is as mg/day, namely the basal requirement of 0.8
mg/day plus the needs of the fetus and red cell
much as 3-5 grams in the adult human
mass = 150 mg and conceptus= 223 mg.10
body.10Iron is a micro-element that has
essential functions for the body, namely as a CONCLUSION
means of transporting oxygen from the lungs The hemodilution process that occurs
to the body's tissues, as a means of during pregnancy, the increased macronutrient
transporting electrons within cells and as an and micronutrient needs of the mother and the
fetus, and the lack of iron intake through food
integrated part of various enzyme reactions in
results in a decrease in the Hb level of
the body's tissues.11 pregnant women. To prevent this incident, the
In the body, most of the iron is need for the mother and fetus for iron tablets
conjugated with protein and is present in the must be met. Iron deficiency anemia as a result
ferrous or ferric form. The active form of iron of a lack of iron intake in pregnancy not only
is usually ferrous, while the inactive form is has a negative impact on the mother, but also
ferrous. The conjugated forms of iron are has a negative impact on the welfare of the
fetus. This was confirmed by previous studies
hemoglobin, myoglobin, transferrin, ferritin
which stated that iron deficiency anemia could
and hemosiderin.10 cause impaired fetal growth and premature
Iron in the body comes from three birth. Furthermore, in his research on the
sources, namely iron obtained from the biological mechanism of the impact of iron
destruction of red blood cells, iron taken from administration on fetal growth and the
storage in the body and iron absorbed from incidence of premature birth, he reported that
the digestive tract. The main source of iron in anemia and iron deficiency can cause stress to
the mother and fetus as a result of the
food is liver. In addition, meat, egg yolks, production of corticotropin-releasing hormone
green leafy vegetables and nuts are good (CRH). Increased CRH concentration is a risk
sources of iron.12 factor for preterm birth, pregnancy-induced
hypertension. Besides that, it also affects the
IRON NEEDS IN PREGNANT WOMEN growth of the fetus.
During pregnancy the need for iron (Fe)
averages about 1000 mg. About 500 mg is
required to increase red blood cell mass, and
about 300 mg is transported to the fetus,
mainly in the last 12 weeks of gestation. The
remaining 200 mg is needed to compensate
for involuntary losses through the skin, feces,
and urine.13
The need for iron in the first trimester is
± 1 mg/day, namely the basal requirement of
0.8 mg/day plus the needs of the fetus and red
cell mass = 30-40 mg. In the second
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