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Biomass Conversion and Bloretnery itps//do\org/10.1007/513389-022 02877-4 ORIGINAL ARTICLE m Modeling and dynamic design of an artificial culture medium for heterotrophic cultivation of Tetradesmus obliquus RDSO1 for CO, sequestration and green biofuels production: an eco-technological approach - Sanjivkumar Muthusamy?- Ravikumar Chandrasekaran? kumar Balasundaram’ Silambarasan Tamil Selvan! Dhandapani Ramamurthy* «Seni Receive 13 Api 2022 {Revised 25 May 2022 / Accepted: 26 tay 2022 O The Authors) uncer exclusive licence 1 Spriager Verlag Gb Germany, par: of Springer Nature 2022 Abstract In the prese e the new ecofriend investigation, formu low-cost commercial fertilizer for pilot cale cultivation of a ‘green microalgae, Teirudesmus obliquus RDSOL, using bubble column photo bioreactor. Initially. we optimized the four different fertilizers, viz., urea S00 mg L. |, di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) a 165 mg]. ! wsing response surface methodology (RSMD. The Teiradesines abliquus RDSOL micrealga sodium bicarbonate was produced 350.25 mg g ' of lipid, 240.35 mg g ! of earbobydrate, 17.50 g L-| of biomass, 98 caboxylase eazyme, 5.73 vc commercial ferlilizer medium. The Acctyl CoA earboxylas rhe 3D steucture homology modeling of Ac cfficieney, 325 U ml. in pilot scale euhivation in opt lar weight was observed! at 64KDa on 15% SDS-PAG ofacotyl CoA enzyme proteia 1o gas chunrmatograph mass spectrometer (G compounds, viz., Cis-8-methylicosanoate methy] ester (28.36%). 1 fd methy! ester (3.25%, tridecanoiec acid methy] ester (10.96%), tetradecanoae methyl ester (13.15%), [4-heptadeeatrienoic methyl ester (11.35%), pentaddocanoi DioetIn0!| Keywords Acciyl CoA carboxylase - Biodiesel - Bivet bliqaus RDSOL GC MIS FTIR Mightights Development ofa new micvulgal cultivation medians based 6 ferilizers with opiized eonesetratinns, vz. w Diiimg 1, astmmoniam plosphste (DAP) 380 mg. tassivm 240 ang ("and souiors Bicarbonate 16 ‘Acccnplished 95" of lipid and cachohydrateprexuction undce futrint stress conditions by enhancing the iaraceular Nest CoA Carbosylaseenzy ine eetiviy A pusiisd Acetyl CoA Carhoxyae enzyme produced by Teaanlesons obliqnas RDSOL cotsined 498 xnvinn acids resides, snd gone (ace) that prude i comand 1430 nucleotides. ‘eA mieroalgl stain Tevrdesimisobfigeas RDSO) captured SUS" of CD, 98.6% of thodione, ak! 93.3% a hioethanal praduced frome pilot sae euivation. “Extend autor information available on te last page of the aniele Published ontine: 13 June 202; |) analysis and identified the 50 biodiesel compounds. ‘The major hiodies acid methyl ester (12.57%). The pres live biodiesel such as amides, aleohols, carboxylic acids, alkenes, alkenyl, carbonyl, and Ketones groups using I \s confirmed in the peak range 3.52. min by HPLC, 101 - Biomass - CO, bio! 350 mg I. *, potassium 280 me 1! and ‘of CO, utilization < of biodiesel, and 4.25 ml. ‘ of hioetiuanol obtained enzyme protein molecu CoA eachoxylase iclure was predicted and protein encodes with 498 amino acid residues. The Acetyl CoA earhoxylase (CCD) were 1230 bp isolaced. The Fetradesmes obliguiis RDSOL mieroalga produced biodiesel was subjected 1 jcosanoie acid, methyl estor (12.36%), hexadecanoic acid es of functional groups were identified from TR, The ation - Fertilizer. RSM. Tevravlesmus 1 Introduction ‘An esculating global interest in renewable energy sources has been boosted by fossil uel depletion oil prices, the isis, and swporis about global warn ing. Since biomass-derived liquid Iuels ean be conveniently sored and transported und used directly in automobiles und other transport engines, they are the most atractive renew= able energy source, compared with solar, tidal, and wind energies [1], Land plants and squatie microalgae provide a wide range of feedstocks for photosynthesis-hased hiofucls that offer enormous opportunities (o meet the global energy demand, eliminate CO, emissions. and sequester earbon Seis Arete? Are Dr. 6. RAVIKUMAR, usc, Lona, 84, Pho, Lecturer / Physics ‘Thonthai Periyar EVR Government Polytechnic College, Vellore - 632 002. tesnational eru © sete

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