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presentation and planning by: Sara Joshi
01 Executive summary

02 Objectives

03 Market

Agenda 04 Acquisition channels

05 Pricing

06 Timeline
01 Executive summary
Key goals Timeline

1. selling all available units Our target audience is April: Beta (phase 1)
of the under-developed August: Beta (phase 2)
product. areas, colleges, January 2024: Re-
2. securing connections in schools and branding
the market universities.
and audience.
beta phase: 1 in this phase [from August-december] we
will work on reaching out to investors to
invest in our brand. we will focus on building
up the trust and reputation of our
in this phase, [from April-July] we will company. we will work in recruiting more
prioritize the sales of the current stock of people in our team for different tasks such
our product. we will conduct various as accounting, digital marketing and so on.
activities to boost the sales of our product.
we will also work towards securing as
many relations we can with our target
audience, vendors and markets in our
beta phase: 2

02 Objectives
KPIs 1

Get to 5000 sales in the
Daily website
period visits
of 6 months.
Achieve a 85%
Daily signups activation rate in our  each rs 10,00,000 ARR
meaning, 1250 sales by the end of next year
every month target audience.
KPIs 2

Daily website
Daily visitsvisits
website  ctivation rate 80%
A Conversion rate
at signups
least 100 Retention rate 60-70% LTV 45%

03 Market
Target market
our target market is mainly around women. specifically the younger generation and
women of backward class. we want to educate our audience about the dangers of
not using correct methods during their menstruation period. illiterate women should
also be our target as they are the ones with theleast knowledge among the three
described above.

01 02 03

Our customers are We're primarily

Fun fact? 50% of
not very targeting women who
women aging from
knowledgeable about are studying, or
15-25 in India still use
the cause we're housewives from rural
teaching them about.  areas. 
Market size

Total Addressable Market
What is the total opportunity ₹1 crore
for this product? The sky’s
the limit.
₹50 lakh
Serviceable Addressable
Market (SAM)
We can provide our services to ₹25 lakh
every female in our country!

Target Market ₹5 lakh
young females, backward
women etc. Or just every
Competitor analysis

Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3

Whisper became the first brand Unicharm’s feminine hygiene Stayfree is an American brand of
to show a sanitary pad in a brand Sofy has been active in the feminine hygiene products,
commercial, industry since early 60s and has Johnson & Johnson continues to
they are dominating the spread across a lot of countries. own the brands in all other
menstrual health industry in India they are a top contender regions of the world. they are a
for a long time. alongside whisper top contender and have many
best-selling pads in India.
Competitive landscape

05 Acquisition channels
Acquisition: Now vs post launch
How are we acquiring users now? What will we focus on post-launch?

Referral Happy accidents Build virality into the product

10% 10% Make referrals part of the product and
encourage word of mouth.
Drive acquisition through SEO
getting traffic from free, organic,
editorial, or natural search results in
search engines.
Leverage online communities
Paid Expand the community team and
80% acquire and engage users via a Slack
community, Reddit, etc.
e g a t s yl r a E Acquisition strategy

Channel Description

Referrals Word of mouth, referral programs

SEO Creating content around relevant product keywords

Communities Instagram, Facebook, Youtube. Twitter

Partners co-marketing


Outbound Sales
segats retaL

SEM Ads in search results

Social media Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube

06 Pricing
Pricing model
01 02 03

Lesser price for Medium pricing for Usual pricing for local
backward class campaign purchases customers

Why? A lesser price model Why? This will encourage Why? local customers are
encourages virality and wider range of purchase willing to pay more for
faster product adoption. for our for the initial stage extra features and more
[ Beta stage 1] comfort.
07 Timeline
Current plan

Beta: Phase 1

Processing feedback

Beta: Phase 2

Processing feedback

April May June July August September October-nov-dec

Marketing plan

Blog post Blog post Blog post

Case studies Video Use case

PR campaign landing pages
Search ads

Social New
Alpha Website Help center Community
media product
newsletter revamp launch launch
campaign launch

August September October November December January

Go-to-Market Strategy

Thank You
January 2022

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