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COLLECTECTIVE ACTION? There was an flooding and storms in my province in sultan
Kudarat in south Cotabato it happen on may 29 2022 our municipality of on May 29 2022
the municipality of Lutuyan and Lambayong in sultan Kudarat and also the municipality of
Tantangan in south Cotabato experienced flooding caused by the through of low pressure
area [LPA] affecting the southern section of Mindanao and the total of the 1,192 families of
5,950 persons are affected in ten barangays in region XII and also there was 86 families or
430 persons currently taking temporary shelter in four evacuation centers. The affected
population 647 families were affected, and the damage of houses is partially 13 damage
houses and the damage of agricultural of rice crops of 378 farming amount of losing ids
partially 2,392,575,00 and the damage of infrastructure is the antong dam that totally
damage, and 1 car vehicle was reportedly drifted.
it allow us to learn from our experience and grow as individuals storms whether they be
literal or metaphorical can be difficult to endure but they also provide us with valuable
lesson by reflecting on past storm we can identify what worked well and what didn’t this
knowledge can help us better prepare for future challenges and make more informed
decisions additionally focusing on the storm can help us appreciate the good times in our
lives even more it’s easy to get up in the day to day routine and forget about the struggles
we’ve overcome but by taking a moment to look back at those difficult times we can gain a
sense of perspective and gratitude for where we are now so don’t shy away from the
storms in your life
3.WHAT WAS THE SITUATION THEN? Flooding and storms rapidly
4.WHAT WERE YOU GATHERED TOGETHER? when people gather together to storm, they
are able to action. Their resources and work towards a common goal they can share
information and expertise offer support and encouragement and provide a sense of
community and belonging in times of natural disasters gathering together to storms can
mean the difference between life and death people can evacuate safety find shelter and
receive aid more efficiently when they work together in times of social unrest gathering
together to storms can bring about change by raising awareness and creating momentum
for action
5.WHAT ACTIONS HAVE YOU UNDERTAKEN? The first step is to stay informed about
the weather conditions and warnings issued by local authorities. It is essential
to have an emergency plan in place that includes evacuation routes and a
designated meeting point for family members. During a storm, it is crucial to
stay indoors and away from windows or any objects that could become
projectiles in high winds. If necessary, turn off electricity and gas supplies to
avoid potential hazards. After the storm has passed, assess any damage and
seek assistance if needed.
6.WHY THAT PARTICULAR ACTION? It is crucial to take certain actions to ensure safely and
minimize damage. One particular action that should be taken is to stay indoors
and away from windows. This may seem like common sense, but many people
underestimate the power of strong winds and flying debris. By staying inside,
you are protecting yourself from potential harm caused by flying objects or
falling trees. Additionally, being inside provides a sense of security and
reduces the risk of panic or anxiety during a storm. Another important action to
take during a storm is to unplug electronic devices and appliances. Lightning
strikes can cause power surges that can damage electronics or start fires. By
unplugging these devices, you are minimizing the risk of electrical damage. In
conclusion, taking these particular actions during a storm can make all the
difference in ensuring safety and minimizing damage. It is important to
prioritize safety over convenience in these situations and take necessary
precautions to protect yourself and your property.
8.WHAT HAPPENED? may 29 2022 our municipality of on May 29 2022 the municipality of
Lutuyan and Lambayong in sultan Kudarat and also the municipality of Tantangan in south
Cotabato experienced flooding caused by the through of low pressure area [LPA] affecting
the southern section of Mindanao and the total of the 1,192 families of 5,950 persons are
affected in ten barangays in region XII and also there was 86 families or 430 persons
currently taking temporary shelter in four evacuation centers. The affected population 647
families were affected, and the damage of houses is partially 13 damage houses and the
damage of agricultural of rice crops of 378 farming amount of losing ids partially
2,392,575,00 and the damage of infrastructure is the antong dam that totally damage and 1
car vehicle was reportedly drifted
9.WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? When their flooding or storm be ready to what will happen if
your house are in the middle of the mountain think of it its will be going some landslide so
you should be evacuated just incase the mountain going to slides down towards to your
house or if your are in the middle od driving in the riff craft slow down your car of check if
something happen on the road call for some help immediately to know where are you at
ands someone rescue you and in the storm we learn to move beyond our limitations and
move towards the truth of who we are love light and interconnected and the storms offers
perspective and storms helps us to remember what is really important to what we have
learned due to the storm or typhoon.
10.WHAT WILL YOU RECOMMEND FOR THE FUTURE? in the face of increasingly
frequent and severe storms, it is important to consider what measures can be
taken to mitigate their impact. One recommendation for the future is to invest in
infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events. This includes
reinforcing buildings, roads, and other critical infrastructure to better withstand
high winds and flooding. Another recommendation is to prioritize disaster
preparedness and response efforts. This includes developing emergency plans
that are tailored to specific communities, ensuring that residents have access
to necessary supplies such as food, water, and medicine during a storm, and
improving communication channels between emergency responders and the
public. Additionally, addressing climate change must be a priority in order to
reduce the frequency and severity of storms in the long term. This includes
reducing greenhouse gas emissions through transitioning towards renewable
energy sources and implementing policies that promote sustainable practices.
Ultimately, a comprehensive approach that addresses both short-term
preparedness efforts and long-term solutions will be necessary in order to
effectively address the challenges posed by future storms.

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