Java Full Stack

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Technologies Included: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Core Java, MySQL, Servlets, JSP,
Maven, Spring Boot, Hibernate, React Js.
HTML: History of Web, Client Server Architecture, HTTP Request- Response model,
HTTP Methods, query string, HTML Entities, HTML tags like html, head, title, meta, link,
script, body, style, anchor, image, div, list, form, input, select, table, audio, video, HTML tag
attributes and its values, usage of id and name attributes

CSS: Stylizing the web pages using different types of CSS, CSS and its types, external,
internal and inline styles, CSS comments, selectors - class selectors, id selectors, element
selectors, combining selectors, CSS units, text and font styles, setting background, margin,
padding, positioning elements, handling overflow, minimum and maximum size, order of
cascading selectors

JavaScript: JavaScript – dynamic web pages, Server side Vs Client side scripts,
Variables, Data types, String, Array, Operators, Expressions, Alerts, Prompts, comments,
decision making statements, predefined and user defined functions, Event handling,
Document Object Modeling (DOM), accessing form elements and adding new elements
using DOM, adding new styles or updating styles of form elements via DOM
Java: Java - Installation, Environment set up, Characteristics, JVM architecture,
bytecode, class loader, Unicode, class path, path, Object oriented programming, classes,
objects, attributes, methods, code reusability, modularizing the complex tasks
Core Java Programming - Introduction to Java, Java program structure, variables, data
types, operators, expressions, decision making statements, arrays, classes, member
methods and attributes, constructors and its types, access modifiers and its
appropriateness, abstract classes, inheritance, polymorphism, packages - predefined and
user defined, interfaces, exception handling, wrapper classes, Input and Output
streams, ENUM, Collection Framework, Utility classes, Garbage collection MySQL -
Introduction, Relational model and its importance in designing the database, MySQL
installation, DDL commands, operators, functions, constraints, joins, views, indexes, DCL
commands, TCL commands

Connecting database MySQL using ODBC, CRUD operations, Multithreading - Thread

model, life cycle methods, Thread class, Runnable interface, daemon thread, utility package
and utilities in the package - Access and usage of utilities.

Maven: Features, Installation and environment setup, project setup, pom.xml, maven
repository, maven commands, maven package, web application

Spring Boot : Spring Initialize, Maven integration, Spring tool suite, REST Controller, Http
methods mapping, Path Variable, Query Parameters, JSON response - handling and
dependency, Path variables, Validating request parameters, Predefined and user defined
Exception handling.

Hibernate: Integrating MySQL in spring boot application, Resolving MySQL Objects and Java
Objects mismatch, JPA, CRUD operations in web app.

Servlets: Servlet Servlet internals and servlet programming. Need for servlets, Apache
Tomcat installation and starting the service, Linking Apache tomcat and servlets, Generic
Servlet and HTTP Servlet classes, Purpose of servlet mapping and web.xml, Servlet life cycle,
Request and Response interfaces, Http Session objects, Session tracking, cookie handling,
handling form data, Sending response

JSP: Introduction, Need for JSP, Servlets vs JSP, JSP life cycle, predefined objects of JSP -
request, response, out, session objects, config, application, page context objects, JSP
directives, @page, @include directives, action tags of JSP, JSTL, database tags, looping tags,
Control tags, custom tag creation based on servlets and JSP.

React JS - Introduction to React & JSX – React components – JSX – Flux – Event handling -
Creating a Dynamic UI in React – Integration with other libraries - React Server Integration &

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