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lOA GRAMMAR relative clauses

( ) Complete the text v.rith ivho, which, tvhere, o r whose.

a place a song a number a photo a person an animal a shop an object

We asked students to tell us about their favourite things

in life:
This week Elena, a student from Brazil, tells us about hers.
I have to say that my favourite place in the \vorld is the village
ivhere I \Vas born. I've travelled all over the \VOrld but it's
still the place 2 I love the most. A song ... chat's an easy
one! It's Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh, for t\VO reasons. Firstly, it \Vas
the colo ur of the dress 3 I was wearing the night I met
my husband. Secondly, it was the song 4 the DJ played
as we danced. The number 5 I've chosen is the number
nine. My grandmother, 6 used to live with us when I was
a child, always asked me to get her a lottery ticket \vith chis nwnber. I
think that's why I like it so much. For a photo, I've chosen a black a11d
wl1ite photo of my parents - I've had for about 20 years.
Every time I look ac ic, I can see t\VO happy people in their early t\venties
lives \Vere about co change forever. Why? Well because
my mum was pregnant "vith me in the photo! My English teacher at
school was che \voman 9 inspired me co love lang11ages.
So, I've chosen her to be my favourite person. Animals? o question
about it! The animals 10 I like nlOSt are dogs. The shop
I could spend all day \vould be one selling perfumes
and cosmetics. Finally, an object 12 is very special to
me is my engagement ring, because it used to belong to my husband's
grandmother. Ie's beautiful.

G In ' vhich senten ces could you also use that?

G In which sentences could you leave out who or ivhich?

Q Combine the two sentences using a non-defining relative clause.

1 O ur neighbours are both teachers. They \vork at the same school.
Our neighbours, ivho are both teachers , \vork at the same school.
2 Pablo Picasso's best known painting is Guernica. He \Vas born in Malaga in 1881.
Pablo Picasso, , \vas bo rn in Malaga in 1881.
3 Canberra is the capital of Australia. It's smaller than Sydney and Melbourne.
Canberra, , is smaller than Sydney and Melbourne.
4 Our local post office has closed down. I used to work there.
O ur local post office, , has closed do\:vn.
5 Lionel Messi is possibly che most talented football er of his generation. He was born in Rosario in
Lionel Messi, - - - -- -- - - - -•is possibly the most talented footballer of his generation.
6 The hurricane caused millions o f dollars' \VOrth o f d amage. It \vas the \VOrst for over 75 years.
T he hurricane, , caused n1illio ns of dollars' worth of damage.

0 Read a again. Write a paragraph about your favou rite things in life.

English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Intermediate Photocopiable <O Oxford University Press 2013

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