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ALLEN Atomic Structure 1

6. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is

–13.6 eV. The energy of second excited state
1. What is the work function of the metal if the light
He+ ion in eV is :
of wavelength 4000 Å generates photoelectrons
(1) –6.04 (2) –27.2
of velocity 6 × 105 ms–1 form it ?
(Mass of electron = 9 × 10–31 kg (3) –54.4 (4) –3.4
Velocity of light = 3 × 108 ms–1 7. Among the following, the energy of 2s orbital
Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10–34 Js is lowest in :
(1) K (2) Na (3) Li (4) H
Charge of electron = 1.6 × 10–19 JeV–1)
8. Which of the graphs shown below does not
(1) 0.9 eV (2) 4.0 eV
represent the relationship between incident light
(3) 2.1 eV (4) 3.1 eV and the electron ejected form metal surface ?
2. If the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in
nth Bohr orbit in a hydrogenic atom is equal to
1.5 pa0(a0 is Bohr radius), then the value of of e–s
n/z is :

(1) 1.0
(3) 0.40
EN (2) 0.75
(4) 1.50
The upper stratosphere consisting of the ozone
layer protects us from the sun's radiation that
falls in the wavelength region of :
(1) 600-750 nm
(3) 400-550 nm
(2) 0.8-1.5 nm
(4) 200-315 nm

K.E. of
e– s
Frequency of

4. Heat treatment of muscular pain involves (2)

radiation of wavelength of about 900 nm.
Which spectral line of H-atom is suitable for 0
Intensity of
this purpose ? light
[R H = 1 × 10 5 cm –1, h = 6.6 × 10 –34 Js,
c = 3 × 108 ms–1]
K.E. of
(1) Paschen, 5 ® 3 e– s

(2) Paschen, ¥ ® 3 (3)

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(3) Lyman, ¥ ® 1
(4) Balmer, ¥ ® 2 0
Frequency of
5. The de Broglie wavelength (l) associated with light
a photoelectron varies with the frequency (v)
of the incident radiation as, [v0 is thershold
frequency] : K.E. of
e– s
1 1 (4)
(1) lµ 3 (2) lµ
(v - v0 )2
(v - v0 )2 0
energy of
1 light
(3) lµ (4) lµ (v - v )
(v - v0 )4 0

2 Atomic Structure ALLEN
9. Which of the following combination of 13. Which one of the following about an electron
statements is true regarding the interpretation occupying the 1s orbital in a hydrogen atom is
of the atomic orbitals ? incorrect ?
(a) An electron in an orbital of high angular
(The Bohr radius is represented by a0)
momentum stays away from the nucleus
than an electron in the orbital of lower (1) The electron can be found at a distance 2a0
angular momentum. from the nucleus
(b) For a given value of the principal quantum (2) The probability density of finding the
number, the size of the orbit is inversely electron is maximum at the nucleus.
proportional to the azimuthal quantum (3) The magnitude of potential energy is
double that of its kinetic energy on an
(c) According to wave mechanics, the ground
state angular momentum is equal to . (4) The total energy of the electron is maximum
(d) The plot of y Vs r for various azimuthal when it is at a distance a0 from the nucleus.
quantum numbers, shows peak shifting 14. The graph betweeen |y|2 and r(radial distance)
towards higher r value.

(1) (b), (c)
(3) (a), (b)
EN (2) (a), (d)
(4) (a), (c)
For emission line of atomic hydrogen from
ni = 8 to nf = n the plot of wave number
æ 1 ö
(v) against ç n 2 ÷ will be (The Rydberg
è ø
constant, RH is in wave number unit).
is shown below. This represents :-


(1) Linear with slope - RH
(2) Linear with intercept - RH
(1) 3s orbital (2) 1s orbital
(3) Non linear
(4) Linear with slope RH (3) 2p orbital (4) 2s orbital
11. If p is the momentum of the fastest electron 15. The ratio of the shortest wavelength of two
ejected from a metal surface after the irradiation spectral series of hydrogen spectrum is found
of light having wavelength l, then for 1.5 p to be about 9. The spectral series are:
momentum of the photoelectron, the (1) Paschen and P fund
wavelength of the light should be:

(Assume kinetic energy of ejected (2) Lyman and Paschen node06\B0B0-BA\Kota\JEE Main\Jee Main-2020_Subject Topic PDF With Solution\Chemistry\English\PC\Atomic structure.p65"

photoelectron to be very high in comparison (3) Brackett and Piund

to work function) (4) Balmer and Brackett
1 3 16. The electrons are more likely to be found
(1) l (2) l
2 4
2 4
(3) l (4) l
3 9
12. For any given series of spectral lines of atomic
hydrogen, let Dn = nmax – nmin be the difference
in maximum and minimum frequencies in
(1) in the region a and b
cm–1. The ratio Dn Lyman / Dn Balmer is : (2) in the region a and c
(1) 27 : 5 (2) 4 : 1 (3) only in the region c
(3) 5 : 4 (4) 9 : 4 (4) only in the region a

ALLEN Atomic Structure 3

SOLUTION 7. Ans.(1)
1. Ans.(3) Sol. In 'K', 2s orbital feel maximum attraction from
hn = f + hn° nucleus (So having less energy) due to more
1 æ1 1 ö Zeff.
mv 2 = hc ç – ÷
2 è l l0 ø
8. Ans. (3)
Number of ejected electrons are independent
1 of frequency of light , & kinetic energy of
hn =f + mv 2
2 electrons is independent of intensity of light.
6.626 ´ 10 –34 ´ 3 ´ 10 8 1 –31 5 2 K.E. = hn + (–hn0)
f= – ´ 9 ´ 10 ´ (6 ´10 )
4000 ´ 10 –10 2 y = mx + C
f = 3.35 × 10–19 J Þ f ~ 2.1 eV 9. Ans. (4)
2. Ans. (2) Refer Theory
According to de-broglie's hypothesis 10. Ans.(4)
n2 1 æ 1 1 ö
2prn = nl Þ 2p . a0 = n ´ 1.5 p a 0 = v = R Hz 2 ç 2 - 2 ÷
z l è n1 n 2 ø

= 0.75

Ans.(4) EN
Ozone protects most of the medium
freequnecies ultravoilet light from 200 - 315
nm wave length.
v = RH ´
æ 1 1ö
v = RH ´ ç 2 - 2 ÷
è n1 8 ø
1 RH
n 2 82
1 RH
4. Ans. (2) v = RH ´ -
5. Ans. (2) n 2 64
For electron m = RH
Linear with slope RH
lDB = (de broglie wavelength) 11. Ans.(4)
Sol. hn - f = KE
By photoelectric effect
hn = hn0 + KE æ hc ö
Þç ÷ = KE + f
KE = hn –hn0 è l øincident

æ hc ö
h ; KE
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l DB = ç l ÷
2m ´ (hn - hn 0 ) è øincident
p2 hc hc
1 KE = = = ...(1)
l DB µ 1 2m l incident l
(n – n 0 ) 2
p2 ´ (1.5)2 hc
6. Ans. (1) Þ = ...(2)
2m l¢
2 divide (1) and (2)
( E ) n th = ( E 1 ) × Z
n2 l
(1.5)2 =

Second excited state, n = 3
Þ l¢ =
22 9
E rd (He+ ) = ( -13.6eV) × 2 = – 6.04 eV
3 3

4 Atomic Structure ALLEN
12. Ans.(4) 14. Ans.(4)
Sol. For Lyman Sol. Graph of |y2| v/s r, touches r axis at 1 point so
it has one radial node and since at r = 0, it has
æ1 1 ö
nmax = R H ç 2 - 2 ÷ = R H some value so it should be for 's' orbital.
è1 ¥ ø
\ n – l – 1 = 1 where l = 0 Þ n – 1 = 1
æ1 1 ö 3
nmin = RH ç 2 - 2 ÷ = R H
è1 2 ø 4 \ n = 2 Þ '2s' orbital

RH 15. Ans. (2)

Dn Lyman =
For Balmer 1 æ 1 1 ö
= R H ç 2 - 2 ÷ Z2
l2 è n1 n 2 ø
æ 1 1 ö R Sol.
nmax = R H ç 2 - 2 ÷ = H æ 1
è2 ¥ ø 4 1 1 ö
= R H ç 2 - 2 ÷ Z2
l1 è m1 m 2 ø
æ 1 1 ö 5
nmin = R H ç 2 - 2 ÷ = R H
è 2 3 ø 36 as for shortest wavelengths both n2 and m2 are

Dn Balmer =

Dn Balmer

\ Ans. is (4)

R H 5R H 4R H R H



l1 9 m12
\ l =1 = 2
2 n1

Now if m1 = 3 & n1 = 1 it will justify the

statement hence Lyman and Paschen (2) is
2 correct.
16. Ans.(2)
Sol. P(x) = 4px2× [ Y (x)]

Probability will be maximum at a and c


4pr R (r)
2 2

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a0 2a0

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