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ENG1014 Class Test 1 (25%)

ENG 1014 English for Business

Class Test 1

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Weightage: 25% (Individual)

Submission week: Week 3


HuggaMug Cafe is a kid-friendly cafe in Kuala Lumpur that caters to families with young
children. It has a mini play area, diaper changing/breastfeeding room, children’s menu, and
birthday party packages. The cafe is also well known for its good coffee and brunch menu.

You are the Manager of HuggaMug Café. You just received an email of complaint from Ms
Naomi Chew, a customer who had organised her daughter’s birthday at your café a week ago.
The email highlighted a few complaints.

Some of the complaints were:

 Unhygienic play area

 Dietary restrictions not accommodated
 Extra charges on decorations without prior notice

Write an email of adjustment to Ms Naomi Chew at ( Address all the

issues and provide reasons for the complaints. Offer compensation for the unsatisfactory
services. Provide additional details where appropriate. Your email should be about 250 words
but NOT MORE THAN 300 words. Answers over 300 words are not considered as part of
the assignment and will not be marked.

Important reminders:
1. You are required to submit your answer (in word format) to turnitin in Elearn (maximum
20% similarity). Do not paste the question in your answer document.
2. You are required to save the word document as: <your full name> < student id number>, for
example, ‘Lee Xing Li 20012034’.
3. The assignment must be typed, double-spaced with formal fonts such as Times New
Roman (12pt), or Arial (11pt). Ensure the text is justified on both sides of the margins.

ENG1014 Class Test 1 (25%)

Late submissions:
The University requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form of assessment.
Penalties shall be applied in relation to unauthorised late submission of work are as follows:

 Coursework submitted after the deadline but within 1 week will be accepted for a
maximum mark of 40%.
 Any coursework handed in after seven days, and without an agreed extension will be
regarded as a non-submission and awarded zero.

Subject lecturers have the authority to approve extensions of deadlines for coursework within
their own subjects and such agreements will be documented.

*Your assignment is already considered late if you submit it 1 minute after the due date and

Your student handbook has explained exactly what this means (Sunway University Student
Handbook, pg. 17 and Appendix B). All assignments should be the result of your own work.
Using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement is considered plagiarism even if
it is just “a little borrowing.” Failure to cite properly, whether intentionally or otherwise, is still
plagiarism. Please adhere to the referencing style specified by your lecturer.

The penalties for plagiarism are defined in the Student Handbook and range from a warning to
dismissal from the programme. All plagiarism cases will be brought to the attention of the
School according to the process outlined in the Sunway University Student Handbook.

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