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Subtopic 3.

3.1 ()
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Contents
3.1.2 () 3.1.0 The big picture ()
3.1.1 Explaining diffusion ()
3.1.3 ()
3.1.2 Factors affecting diffusion ()
3.1.4 () 3.1.3 Practical: The effect of concentration gradient on the rate of diffusion ()
3.1.4 Practical: The effect of changing temperature on the rate of diffusion ()
3.1.5 ()
3.1.5 Practical: The effect of surface area and distance on the rate of diffusion ()

3.1.6 () 3.1.6 Summary and key terms ()

3.1.7 Checklist ()
3.1.7 ()

Section 3.1.0

The big picture

Think about each of the following scenarios:

the colour of tea spreading through water (Figure 1)

the smell of deodorant spreading around a changing room
smelling food cooking from the next room
walking past a flowerbed in full bloom (Figure 1)
a leaf carrying out photosynthesis
helium-filled party balloons becoming smaller over time (Figure 1)
oxygen moving from your lungs into your bloodstream.

3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()




3.1.7 ()

 Reuse

Figure 1. Tea spreading through water, a flowerbed in full bloom and helium-filled party balloons.
This is a wide range of different scenarios, but they all have one thing in common – diffusion. In this subtopic, you

3.1 ()
learn how diffusion works and why it is important to living organisms. Next time you smell food cooking in another
room, you will be able to explain why you can smell it!
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Before you move on to the next section, read through the learning outcomes below and answer the section questions to
3.1.2 () check that you have the prior knowledge required to understand this subtopic.

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()
 Learning intentions
3.1.5 ()
By the end of this subtopic, you will be able to:
3.1.6 ()
describe diffusion as random movement of ions and molecules along a gradient
3.1.7 ()
state random movement occurs as a result of kinetic energy

understand the importance of the movement of gases and solutes across a membrane in living organisms by
using biological examples

investigate the effects of surface area, temperature, concentration gradient and distance on the rate of

To see the full list of learning objectives, go to the Checklist (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-


  

Section questions
- Hide 3 questions
Question 1
Fill in the blanks
3.1 () The  1 cell membrane  [two words] regulates the movement of particles or ions into and out of a cell.
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()
Accepted answers and explanation

3.1.2 () #1 cell membrane

3.1.3 ()
The cell membrane is a selectively permeable layer surrounding a cell, which regulates the movement of particles into or out of a cell.
3.1.4 ()
Question 2
3.1.5 ()
Short text

3.1.6 () True or false?

3.1.7 ()
Mitochondria are only found in animal cells.

Correct answers

Answer explanation

Mitochondria generates ATP energy and plants use this energy to generate concentration gradients.

Question 3
Multiple choice

This structure of a plant increases absorption.

Correct choice #1

Root hair cell

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () Answer explanation

The root hair cell’s membrane is extended to increase surface to maximise the rate of absorption of water and
3.1.1 ()
minerals from the soil.
3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 () #2
Cell wall
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () #3
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 () #4

Section 3.1.1

Explaining diffusion
In all the scenarios in the big picture (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-fe2023/book/movement-into-and-out-
of-cells/diffusion/the-big-picture/), a substance was spreading from a region in which it was highly concentrated to a
region in which it was less concentrated. The difference in concentration causes a concentration gradient (Figure 1).
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()
Figure 1. A concentration gradient.
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a region where their concentration is higher to a region where their
concentration is lower, down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement.

Particles in liquids and gases are in constant, random motion. They move in all directions. However, more particles
overall move down the concentration gradient. This is their ‘net movement’.

Diffusion in liquids
Unless you stir your tea, the colour and flavour of the tea will gradually spread from the tea bag into the water in the
cup. The particles in the tea spread by diffusion. There is a net movement of tea particles from the tea bag (where their
concentration is highest) to the water (where their concentration is lowest), down a concentration gradient as a result of
their random movement.  If you have ever tried to make a cup of tea with warm not boiling water, you will have noticed
that the tea brews at a much slower pace. Why do you think that would be? You will find out more in subtopic 3.1.4

3.1 ()
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Watch this video, showing the diffusion of purple potassium manganate(VII). You can clearly see how the colour
3.1.2 () diffuses from the crystals into the water.

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 () Potassium Permanganate Diffusion (Time Lapse)

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

Worked example 1
Where is the highest concentration of potassium manganate(VII)?

The darker region in the centre has the highest concentration of crystals, moving along/down the gradient.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()
Diffusion in gases
3.1.1 ()
In the flower scenario, the smelly particles from flowers gradually spread from the flowers into the air around them.
3.1.2 ()
This happens by diffusion. There is a net movement of smelly particles from the flowers (where their concentration is
3.1.3 ()
highest) to the air (where their concentration is lowest), down a concentration gradient as a result of their random
3.1.4 () movement.
3.1.5 ()
The particles in gases move much more quickly than the particles in liquids. Diffusion happens much faster in gases
3.1.6 ()
than it does in liquids. This is why you need to stir your tea to spread the tea through the water quickly, but it is easier to
3.1.7 ()
smell flowers, deodorant and food cooking. During photosynthesis in a leaf, carbon dioxide diffuses quickly from the
air into the leaf.

Diffusion across membranes

Substances must cross the cell membrane if they are to enter or leave a cell. Diffusion is one way in which this can
happen. The cell membrane is permeable to many substances – they can pass freely through it in both directions. Figure
2 shows diffusion of a substance through a permeable membrane.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 () Figure 2. Diffusion through a permeable membrane.

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 () In part A of Figure 2, there is a concentration gradient from left to right across the membrane. There is a net movement

3.1.7 ()
of these particles from the left-hand side (where their concentration is highest), through the membrane, to the right-hand
side (where their concentration is lowest), down the concentration gradient as a result of their random movement.

Part B of Figure 2 shows the situation later, when the concentration of particles is the same on both sides of the
container. Although particles still move randomly in both directions across the membrane, there is no net movement
because there is no longer a concentration gradient. The system has now reached a state of equilibrium.

Diffusion through a membrane happens when a helium-filled party balloon becomes smaller, food molecules get into
your bloodstream, and oxygen moves from your lungs into your bloodstream.

Examples of diffusion in organisms

Many cell processes within living organisms depend on diffusion to deliver or remove dissolved substances, or solutes,

3.1 ()
and gases through cell membranes. Table 1 summarises examples of diffusion and where you can find out about them
in this book.
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Table 1. Diffusion in living organisms.

3.1.2 ()
Example of diffusion Where you can find out more
3.1.3 ()
movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen in topic 6 (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-fe2023/book/plant-
3.1.4 ()
leaves nutrition/photosynthesis/the-big-picture/)
3.1.5 ()

movement of glucose and other food molecules subtopic 7.5 (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-

3.1.6 ()
into and out of the blood fe2023/book/human-nutrition/absorption/the-big-picture/)
3.1.7 ()

movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen in  in section 11.1.1 (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-

the alveoli of the lungs fe2023/book/gas-exchange-in-humans/gas-exchange-in-humans/the-

section 13.1.3 (/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-

Extended 
movement of water, glucose, urea
and ions in the glomerulus and
nephron of the kidney
 Activity
3.1 ()
Look at the movement of particles in the interactive and answer the questions below.
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () Interactive Video
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

 0:00
   
 

Where is the highest concentration of particles at the start, A or B?

At the end all the particles are equal on both sides. Will the particles stop moving?
No, the particles will move back and forth at equal concentrations so there will be no net movement.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()
  

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()
Section questions
- Hide 3 questions
3.1.5 ()
Question 1
3.1.6 () Fill in the blanks

The process by which oxygen moves into respiring cells is called  1 diffusion .
3.1.7 ()

Accepted answers and explanation

#1 diffusion

Cells use up oxygen during respiration, so the concentration of oxygen inside the cells is usually lower than the concentration outside. Therefore oxygen
moves into the cells by diffusion.

Question 2
Fill in the blanks

Diffusion is the  1 net movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

Accepted answers and explanation


3.1 ()
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Diffusion involves the spreading out of particles so that there is a net movement from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

3.1.2 () Question 3
Fill in the blanks
3.1.3 ()
Passive smoking occurs when a person breathes in someone else's cigarette smoke. The smoke from a person smoking a cigarette reaches a
3.1.4 ()
non-smoker by the process of  1 diffusion .
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()
Accepted answers and explanation

3.1.7 () #1 diffusion

The cigarette smoke moves down the concentration gradient, from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, by diffusion.

Section 3.1.2

Factors affecting diffusion

Molecules and ions have stores of kinetic energy. This means that they are always moving. The energy for diffusion
comes from this energy in randomly moving molecules and ions. Diffusion is a passive process – it does not require any
energy input, because all of the energy required is already in the diffusing particles.

3.1 ()
The rate of diffusion is influenced by several factors. In general, the rate of diffusion increases if:
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () the temperature increases (due to an increase in kinetic energy)

3.1.2 () the distance decreases

3.1.3 ()
the surface area increases
the concentration gradient increases.
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()  Study skills

3.1.7 () Remember, the rate of diffusion increases if all the factors above increase, except for the diffusion distance (where
it decreases as the diffusion distance increases).

Here are four scenarios to help you investigate the effects of the factors above on the rate of diffusion. The cell
membrane (dashed line) can be modelled in the laboratory by Visking® tubing, an artificial membrane manufactured
from plant-based cellulose. Some full practicals are in the following sections.

In Figure 1 diffusion is occurring at two different temperatures.

3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()




3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

 0:00
/ 0:06    
 Rights of use

Figure 1. Comparison of diffusion rates at different temperatures.

What trend do you notice in Figure 1?

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () The rate of diffusion increases as the temperature increases. This is because increased temperature increases the
3.1.1 () kinetic energy of the particles so they move more quickly.

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
In Figure 2 diffusion is occurring at two different concentration gradients, high and low.
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () Interactive Video
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

 0:00
/ 0:06    
 Rights of use

Figure 2. Comparison of diffusion rates at different concentration gradients.

How is the rate of diffusion affected by the concentration gradient in Figure 2?

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () The rate of diffusion increases as the concentration gradient increases. Particles are constantly moving but there
3.1.1 () is faster net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to where their concentration is lower as a

3.1.2 ()
result of their random movement.

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()
In Figure 3 diffusion is occurring in two different cell shapes, round and folded.
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () Interactive Video
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

 0:00
/ 0:06    
 Rights of use

Figure 3. Comparison of diffusion rates for different surface areas.

What is the effect of the increased surface area in the cell with the folder membrane in Figure 3?

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () The rate of diffusionincreases for the folder cell as there is a larger surface area over which diffusion can occur in
3.1.1 () the folded cell compared with the round cell.

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
In Figure 4 diffusion is occurring over two different distances (thicknesses of membrane).
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () Interactive Video
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

 0:00
/ 0:06    
 Rights of use

Figure 4. Comparison of diffusion rates over different distances.

How does the thickness of the membrane affect the rate of diffusion?

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () The rate of diffusion decreases in this scenario, as random movement of particles over a longer distance takes
3.1.1 () more time.

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
  

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()
Section questions
- Hide 3 questions
3.1.6 ()
Question 1
3.1.7 () Multiple choice

The rate of diffusion increases as the temperature of the particles increases. Identify the reason for this.


Correct choice #1

The kinetic energy of the particles increases, so they move faster.

Answer explanation

As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the particles also increases. This means that they move faster,
so they are able to diffuse at a faster rate.

The thermal energy of the particles increases.
The kinetic energy of the particles decreases, so they move faster.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 () #4
The kinetic energy of the particles increases, so they move in straighter lines towards the membrane.
3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 () Question 2
Multiple choice
3.1.3 ()
Where does the energy for diffusion come from?
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()
Correct choice #1
3.1.6 ()
Kinetic energy of particles
3.1.7 ()
Answer explanation

The energy for diffusion comes from the kinetic energy of random movement of molecules and ions.

Electrical energy of particles

Gravitational energy of particles

Radiation energy of particles

Question 3
Multiple choice
In what way do the particles move during diffusion?

3.1 ()
3.1.0 () Correct choice #1

3.1.1 () At random

3.1.2 () Answer explanation

3.1.3 () Random movement of particles allows their net movement down a concentration gradient towards areas of lower
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()
Towards a membrane
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
Against their concentration gradient

In straight lines

Section 3.1.3

Practical: The effect of concentration gradient on the

rate of diffusion
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()
3.1.1 () To investigate the effect of concentration gradient on the rate of diffusion.

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 () Safety
3.1.4 () A full risk assessment must be carried out before starting this practical activity (see section 0.0.1

3.1.5 ()
(/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-fe2023/book/introduction/introduction/introduction-and-key-features/) for
more information). 
3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 () Avoid getting iodine solution on your skin or clothes, as it stains.

Setting up your experiment

You will need the following equipment:

Visking® or dialysis tubing

starch solution
iodine solutions in concentrations of 0.1 and 0.01 mol/dm3.

Running your experiment

1. Fill a length of Visking® tubing with starch solution.

3.1 ()
2. Pour iodine solution of concentration 0.1 mol/dm3 into a beaker.
3. Place the starch-filled Visking® tubing in the iodine solution.
3.1.0 ()
4. Record the time for the solution in the Visking® tubing to turn blue-black.
3.1.1 () 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with a more dilute iodine solution, of concentration 0.01 mol/dm3.
3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
Analysing your results
3.1.4 ()
The starch in the Visking® tubing becomes blue-black in the presence of iodine. The higher the concentration gradient,
3.1.5 () the quicker the iodine diffuses into the Visking® tubing. This means that the starch becomes black more quickly in the
3.1.6 () first part of the experiment.

3.1.7 ()
The video below shows a time lapse of the experiment to show how the starch changes colour to blue-black in the
presence of iodine.
Starch Iodine Diffusion Demonstration
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

Starch will react with iodine and change from a ‘tea’ colour to a dark blue-black. The iodine molecules are small
enough to pass through the membrane whereas the starch is a large molecule and so stays within the Visking® tubing.

In the beaker with a higher concentration gradient, the iodine will diffuse into the Visking® tubing more quickly and
reacts with the starch in a shorter amount of time.

This video gives a good analogy for remembering the effect of concentration gradient on the rate of diffusion.
2) Concentration Gradients
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
  

Section questions
- Hide 3 questions

Question 1
Short text

True or false?

As the concentration of iodine increases the rate of diffusion decreases.

Correct answers

Answer explanation

As concentration gradients increase, the molecules move quicker across a membrane.

3.1 ()

3.1.0 () Question 2
Multiple choice
3.1.1 ()
How would the rate of iodine diffusion change if the length of the Visking® tube was increased.
3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
Correct choice #1
3.1.4 ()
No change
3.1.5 ()
Answer explanation
3.1.6 ()
The increased length would not affect the rate because the starch solution’s concentration is unchanged.
3.1.7 ()



It would stop

Question 3
Fill in the blanks

Is this statement true or false?

If the concentration of starch inside Visking® tubing was increased, the rate of diffusion of iodine from the beaker to the Visking® tubing
would lower.  1 false
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

Accepted answers and explanation

3.1.1 ()
#1 false
3.1.2 ()
3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 () An increase in the concentration of starch will not affect the concentration gradient of iodine. Therefore, the rate of iodine diffusion would remain the
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

Section 3.1.4

Practical: The effect of changing temperature on the

rate of diffusion

To investigate the effect of changing temperature on the rate of diffusion.

A full risk assessment must be carried out before starting this practical activity (see section 0.0.1

3.1 ()
(/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-fe2023/book/introduction/introduction/introduction-and-key-features/) for
more information). 
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Be careful to avoid scalds from the hot water.

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
Setting up your experiment
3.1.4 ()
You will need the following equipment:
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 () two glass beakers

two teabags
3.1.7 ()
access to hot water, such as a kettle.

Running your experiment

1. Fill two identical beakers with the same amount of water. The water in beaker 1 should be cold and the water in
beaker 2 should be hot.
2. Add a teabag to each beaker at the same time. Do not stir the water or jiggle the teabag.
3. Record your observations over 3 minutes.

Analysing your results

The solution in beaker 2 should become darker more quickly as you will see in the video below (the hot water is in the

3.1 ()
beaker to the right of the clock in the video). If you leave the solutions longer they will eventually become the same
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()
Teabags in hot and cold water: Observational experiment
3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

The results show that the rate of diffusion from the tea bag into the hot water occurs more rapidly.

The hot water increases the movement (kinetic energy) of the water molecules, which increases the diffusion of the tea
particles in the water.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

Figure 1. Tea particles diffusing in hot water.

3.1.7 ()
Credit: KarpenkovDenis, Getty Images

  

Section questions
- Hide 3 questions

Question 1
Fill in the blanks

Complete the following statement. 

1 Temperature is the independent variable in this experiment.

Accepted answers and explanation


3.1 ()
Temperature is the variable that changed, i.e. the independent variable. The rate of diffusion of the tea is the dependent variable.
3.1.0 ()
Question 2
3.1.1 () Short text

3.1.2 () True or false?

3.1.3 ()
In the experiment, the concentration of tea is equal.
3.1.4 ()

Correct answers
3.1.5 ()
3.1.6 ()
3.1.7 ()
Answer explanation

The answer is true because the tea bags are the same size and contain the same amount of tea.

Question 3
Multiple choice

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower
concentration. What causes this?


Correct choice #1

The particles move randomly.

Answer explanation

Random movement of particles allows them to move towards areas of lower concentration.
The particles move in straight lines.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 () #3
The particles move against their concentration gradient.
3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 () #4
There is a change in temperature.
3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
Section 3.1.5

Practical: The effect of surface area and distance on the

rate of diffusion

To investigate the effect of surface area and distance on the rate of diffusion.

A full risk assessment must be carried out before starting this practical activity (see section 0.0.1

3.1 ()
(/schoolstaff/app/cambridge-igcse-biology-fe2023/book/introduction/introduction/introduction-and-key-features/) for
more information). 
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () Wear eye protection.

3.1.2 () Rinse any splashes of acid off the skin immediately.

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 () Setting up your experiment

3.1.5 () You will need the following equipment:
3.1.6 ()
agar cubes
3.1.7 ()
dilute hydrochloric acid
phenolphthalein indicator

Phenolphthalein indicator is not part of the syllabus. It is used in this practical as it can detect the specific point at which
an alkaline solution is neutralised as it changes from pink to colourless. Universal indicator is used to determine the
approximate pH of a solution. If used in this practical, it would be much harder to identify the end point.

Running your experiment

1. Take some agar that has been made up with the addition of sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein indicator. (You
will need your school laboratory technician to complete this step.)
3.1 ()
2. Cut the agar into cubes of different sizes: 0.5 cm3, 1 cm3 and 2 cm3.
3.1.0 ()
3. Place the three cubes in a beaker of dilute hydrochloric acid.
3.1.1 () 4. Leave the cubes for 5 minutes.
3.1.2 () 5. Using a stopwatch, time how long it takes for the acid to diffuse into each cube, turning the colour from pink to
3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()
The following video demonstrates this method.
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()
Why Are Cells Small
3.1.7 ()

Analysing your results

The phenolphthalein turns colourless as the acid diffuses into the cubes.

3.1 ()
The rate of diffusion of acid into the agar is the same for each cube.
3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 () So the cube with:

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()
the shortest distance for the acid to diffuse (0.5 cm × 0.5 cm)
the greatest surface area to volume ratio (0.5 cm × 0.5 cm)
3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () will turn colourless first.

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
The margin or edges of the of the agar cubes will change to colourless as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Margins of cubes turn colourless as acid diffuses in them.

3.1 ()
As the hydrochloric acid diffuses into the agar with phenolphthalein the colour changes to colourless. The smallest cube
3.1.0 () (0.5 cm3) will fade the quickest, as the distance is shortest and surface area/volume is highest in the smaller cubes.
3.1.1 ()
Each cube represents a cell of a different size. The experiment shows that the greater the surface area to volume ratio,
3.1.2 ()
the shorter the time needed for a substance to diffuse to the centre of the cell.
3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()
 Making connections
Each cube represents a cell of a different size. The experiment demonstrates that the greater the surface area to
3.1.6 ()
volume ratio, the shorter the time needed for a substance to diffuse to the centre of the cell.
3.1.7 ()

  

Section questions
- Hide 3 questions

Question 1
Short text

True or false?

As surface area to volume increases, the rate of diffusion decreases.

Correct answers

3.1 ()
Answer explanation
3.1.0 ()
As the surface area to volume ratio increases the rate of diffusion increases.
3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 () Question 2
Multiple choice
3.1.3 ()
Which of the following causes a decrease in the rate of diffusion?
3.1.4 ()
3.1.5 ()
Correct choice #1
3.1.6 ()
An increase in the diffusion distance.
3.1.7 ()
Answer explanation

Increases in temperature, concentration gradient and surface area all increase the rate of diffusion, rather than
decreasing it. The rate of diffusion will decrease if the distance over which particles must move increases.

An increase in the temperature.

An increase in the concentration gradient.

An increase in the surface area.

Question 3
Multiple choice

Which of the following are all factors that affect the rate of diffusion?
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()
Correct choice #1
3.1.1 ()
Surface area, temperature, concentration gradient, distance
3.1.2 ()
Answer explanation
3.1.3 ()
Surface area, temperature, concentration gradient and distance affect the rate of diffusion. Humidity, concentration
3.1.4 ()
(without a concentration gradient) and surface type do not affect the rate of diffusion.
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 () #2
Surface area, humidity, concentration, distance
3.1.7 ()

Volume, temperature, concentration gradient

Surface type, temperature, concentration gradient, distance

Section 3.1.6

Summary and key terms

Particles in liquids and gases are in constant random motion.
The particles will spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, in a process
3.1 ()
known as diffusion.
3.1.0 ()
The rate of diffusion is affected by various factors: temperature, distance molecules/particles travel, surface area of
3.1.1 () membrane and the concentration of the molecules/particles.
3.1.2 () The rate will increase as each factor increases, except for distance, where the rate decreases.

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()
 Key terms
3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()
Review these key terms. Do you know them all? Fill in as many gaps as you can using the terms in

3.1 () this list.

3.1.0 ()
1. is a passive process and does not require energy input.

3.1.1 () 2. In liquids and , particles are in constant motion due to their

3.1.2 ()
stores of energy.

3. Diffusion is the movement of molecules and ions from a region of

3.1.3 ()
concentration to a region of concentration due to their random
3.1.4 () movement.

4. Once the concentration is the on both sides of a membrane, particles still move
3.1.5 ()
randomly in both directions across the membrane. However, there is no because there
3.1.6 () is no longer a concentration gradient. This state is called .

5. In plant and animal cells, diffusion is one of the processes by which substances cross the
3.1.7 ()
in order to enter and leave a cell.

6. Various factors affect the of diffusion: the rate as the

temperature, concentration gradient and of a membrane increase, but
as the diffusion increases.

high distance random kinetic gases equilibrium increases low rate

net movement Diffusion decreases same net cell membrane surface area

 Check

 Reuse
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()

3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 () Section 3.1.7

3.1.6 ()
3.1.7 ()

 What you should know

After studying this subtopic, you should be able to:


Describe diffusion as the net movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a region of
their lower concentration (i.e. down a concentration gradient), as a result of their random movement.

State that the energy for diffusion comes from the kinetic energy of random movement of molecules and ions.
State that some substances move into and out of cells by diffusion through the cell membrane.

Describe the importance of diffusion of gases and solutes in living organisms.

Investigate the factors that influence diffusion, limited to: surface area, temperature, concentration gradient
and distance.
3.1 ()

3.1.0 ()

3.1.1 ()

3.1.2 ()
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3.1.3 ()

3.1.4 ()

3.1.5 ()

3.1.6 ()

3.1.7 ()

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