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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of College of Teacher

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Language Research I

Clarissa De
Guzman Glenn
Recto Jess Modesto
Rachel Auro Shara
Marie Bernardo

First Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education Department
Millionaire’s Village, Novaliches Quezon City



and RECTO, GLENN. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of
Secondary Education, Major in English.




Accepted and approved by the committee on the Oral Examination with the grade
of PASSED, on November 2022.




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree,


College of Teacher Education, Dean

Date panel: November 27, 2022

Chapter 1


With the spread of the covid-19 corona virus disease across the globe, many

countries have ordered the closure of all educational institutions which made the

educational institution have come to a functional stand still since they must protect

their students from vírus exposure, which are likely, in a highly socializing student

community. According to UNESCO, 186 countries have implemented nationwide

closure by the end of April 2020, affecting approximately 73.8 percent of all

registered learners (UNESCO). Background of the relative to this phenomena,

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) MEMORANDUM Order no.4 series of

2020 avoiding and limiting the risk of infection of the academic community has

become a primordial concern. Hence, with the implementation of community

quarantine, conduct of classes needed to be immediately suspended. The herculean

challenge then is how to continue teaching and learning beyond the usual face-to- face

instruction. Thus, it has become an urgent need to explore other innovative learning

modalities that will facilitate migration from traditional to flexible teaching and

learning options. As learners are differently situated in terms of time, pace, and place,

those options allow customization of delivery modes responsive to students' need for

access to quality education. Also, this will give students the option to choose the

delivery mode most convenient to them as early as the time of their enrollment. The

implementation of flexible learning as a delivery mode shall be adopted beginning

AY 2020-2021 and may be extended upon consultation with the stakeholders

concerned and upon review of the Commission. HEls may be subjected to a midyear

or annual monitoring and/or assessment by the CHED Regional Offices (CHEDROS).

As the school and college are shut for an indefinite period, both educational

institution and students are experimenting ways to complete their prescribe syllable in
the stipulated time frame with the academic calendar. These measures have prompted

examples of educational innovation.CMO-No.-4-s.-2020- Guidelines-on-the-

Implementation-of-Flexible-Learning.pdf (


Responding to the pandemic, the institutions of education, from kindergarten to

college, have temporarily discontinued face-to-face classes in most nations. The

Philippines is currently adapting to a new system of instruction.

According to an article What Is Distance Learning and How Does It

Work? posted by Moneymax last June 2020, distance learning is a teaching approach

in which the instructor and learner are distanced geographically, with no face-to-face

engagement between students and their teachers. The objective of distance learning,

also known as flexible learning, is to provide alternative learning opportunities for

students through modular learning, online learning, blended learning, and radio and

television methods.

Thus, in accordance with the directive of the office of the President that no

face-to-face classes shall be held until the vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available,

Bestlink College of the Philippines implemented the distance learning delivery

modalities following the CHED memorandum Order no.4 series of 2020 that the

implementation of flexible learning as a delivery mode shall be adopted beginning

AY 2020-2021. BCP offered two modalities of learning which is the online and the

modular learning to ensure sustainability of learning and to continue to fulfill its

mission and vision to deliver quality of education. This will allow the learners to

choose what is convenience for them.

Online distance learning is intended for students with strong and stable

internet access, and devices (Desktop, laptop, mobile phones, iPad) at home. Online

distance learning can be synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous refers to the

learning activities which require students to be online on the same platform at the
same time. It involves using real-time conferences or instant giving of feedback or

making clarifications, and most importantly, having a sense of connectedness and

belonging. Virtual learning in which students learn with the teacher at the same time.

On the other hand, asynchronous denotes about learning activities where students log

in and communicate with others at different times. There is no need to be on the same

platform at the same time. In these activities, self-paced learning and learner

independence are essential principles that guide the learners. Students can contribute

to the learning process at their most convenient time. The teachers will upload

lessons, video and the learning activities for the students to be accomplished.

Learning occurs without real time interaction. Lessons can be sent through

email.SGA-PSH Meeting A.Y. 2020-2021 (

English as a subject aim to help students improve their listening, speaking,

reading, writing skills and viewing skills. Listening is a sort of information

processing. It entails auditory discrimination and cognitive understanding skills.

Speaking abilities include the ability to correctly use linguistic expressions and

grammatical structures in oral communication. Competence is simply defined as the

one's ability established by knowledge and experiences to reach their purpose. For

this reason, the term "English Competency" refers to a person's ability to

communicate in English. English language mastery means being proficient in the four

language skills. The development of one skill will contribute to the development of

other skills because English skill always connects with the other skills in English.

When the learners just master one of a skill, they have a guarantee for studying all of

the skills in English for being proficient. There are five skills in English, those are

speaking, writing, reading, listening and viewing. It is not only in writing, but also in

speaking to be considered a successful language. It is one of the skills in English that

makes learners have some idea of how to express the learners' skill to be effective in

communicating with another country. When the learners combine both skills, they can

be successful in communicating in oral and written English.

It is on the above premise that the researcher focused on this study. The need

to determine the impact of online distance learning on the English competencies

among the respondent since the new system of education and the mode of delivering

instruction is brand-new, Thus, the researcher has been challenged to conduct this

study simply because it can give solution to the problems, issues and concerns about

the Impact of Online Distance Learning on the English competencies of 4th year CTE

students at Bestlink College of the Philippines. study can provide concrete proof or

solution, then it surely will enlighten the readers and researchers into the importance

of this research.


This study aimed to determine the Impact of Online Distance

Learning on the English competencies of 4th year CTE students at Bestlink

College of the Philippines during the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of English competencies of the respondent’s in

terms of;

1.1 speaking skills;

1.2 writing skills;

1.3 reading skills;

1.4 listening skills and,

1.5 viewing skills?

2. What are the performances of the respondents in using online distance Learning in terms of;

2.1. attendance;

2.2 participation;

2.3 activities;

2.4 project and,

2.5 major exam?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the English competencies and the performance of

the respondent in using online distance learning?

4. What are the problems encountered by the respondent in using the distance learning?

5. How may the result of the findings they utilize in improving the English competencies of

the respondents.


There is no significant relationship between the English competencies and the

performances of the respondents in using online distance learning.


The researchers assumed that:

1. The gathered data are valid and reliable

2. The impact of online distance learning on the English competencies of the

learners will be determined.

3. The performances in online distance learning will be determined.

4. There is a significant relationship between the English competencies and the

performance of the respondents in using online distance learning.

5. There are problems and challenges encountered by the student respondents in

online learning.

6. The result of the findings will be used in crating guidelines to improve the

performances of CTE students.


This research focused on the Effect of Online Distance Learning on the

English competencies of fifty (50) fourth year CTE students at Bestlink College of

the Philippines.

This study is delimited to CTE students to determine the progress of

English competencies in an online distance learning.


This study aimed to determine the Effect of Online Distance Learning on the
English competencies of 4th year CTE students at Bestlink College of the

Philippines. The findings of the study will benefit to the following:

Students. They will be benefited from the study because they are the

ultimate recipient of online distance learning and to improve their performances.

Parents. The study will benefit them, so that they can guide their children

on how to balance time wisely and use EdTech properly. As a parent they are

tasked to motivate their children to prioritize their study and to know the effect of

online distance learning on their child’s English competency.

Teachers. The information that they will get in this study will guide them

to give proper attention to their students who are engage in online distance

learning. It will also help the teacher to understand the situation of the student who

engages in online distance learning. Through this study the teacher will able to

adjust what is the needs of their students and address them.

School administrators. This study will be useful when they make policies

with regards to the Learning Material Systems (LMS). Through this study, they

will be able to identify the necessities of the students.

Researchers. The result of this study will give insights to the researcher

and will cater to continuous inline distance learning.

Future Researcher. The study will give them some background

knowledge regarding about this research study. It will serve the future researcher

as a reference or guidelines if they conduct the same study in relation with this



Asynchronous Learning. It is a learning program that allows the students

to learn on their own schedule, within a certain timeframe.

Blended Learning. It is also known as hybrid learning, is a method of

teaching that integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led

classroom activities, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning


Distance Learning. It is an educational process where students receive

instruction through online classes, video recording, video conferencing or any

other audio/ visual experiences.

Educational Technology. It refers to new technological implementation in

the classroom.

English Competency. It is a term used to describe someone’s level of

knowledge of the English Language.

Flexible Learning. it is a method of learning where students are given

freedom in how, what, when, and where they learn.

Innovative Learning. it is the process of creating an atmosphere where

students learn about new things regularly, question them, and think of new ideas on

their own.

Online Learning. it is a method of education whereby students learn on a

fully virtual environment.

Synchronous Learning. Refers to a learning event in which a group of

students are engaging in learning at the same time.

Technology. It is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or

applications, wither in industry or in our everyday lives.

Chapter 2


This topic presents the related literature and studies that have direct and indirect learning

on the present investigation. The review of related literature and studies is a necessity to

make sure that the present study is not a repetition of a previous work, and that important

work of others are not overloaded. It also provides information pertinent to the study that

has been explored. Moreover, it also helps the researcher resolve problems confronting

the research.

Local Literature

As explained by Dave D. et al (2021), The article entitled DepEd Learning

Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021 by Mark Anthony Liego stated that

Online Distance Learning emphasizes the teacher as a guide and facilitator in which

learners actively participate in the teaching learning process using educational

technologies accessed over the internet while geographically separated during instruction.

The internet was utilized to facilitate learning teacher and peer- to- peer contact, making

it more engaging and providing real-time responses than traditional methods of remote

learning. Learners can use the internet to download content, complete and submit

assignments online, and participate in webinars and virtual classes. Live synchronous

training is possible with online learning.

In addition, supporting the claims of Liego as stated by Dave D. et al, Philippine

education (2020) assert that synchronous learning is done through chatting online

teleconferencing and sitting in a classroom. This form of training is less flexible and has

a significant impact on the student’s daily life.

Nonetheless, because it facilitates interaction between students and teachers, it is

the most popular form of distant learning and continuing education programs.

Synchronous learning is ideally suited to degree programs that includes communication,

such as nursing, counseling psychology, general psychology and education.

As stated by Dave et al (2021), Codamon assessed that Online Distance Learning

(ODL), is practiced effectively by using a Learning Management System or related

technologies. These include the Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle

etc. which may Synchronous wherein it is applied to various forms of individual, digital

and online learning where students learn from the teachers in real time but no physical

appearance is required or Asynchronous which is self-directed and self-pace that does not

require all the learners to be virtually present at the same time uses message boards,

discussion groups and self- paced online courses.

As reported by Ramil Arciosa (2022) on Flexible learning and its effectiveness in

teaching college subjects amidst Covid 19 Pandemic results revealed that the difference

weighted mean between the pre-test and post-test is 10.16, which signified a clear

graphical presentation of positive skewed in all respondents, which signified the

effectiveness of flexible learning. In terms or qualities of three (3) online learning

modalities like FB Group, Google Meet and SKSU ELEADS, where Google Meet got a

highest mean of 3.68, as indicated that respondents need an interactive discussion even

though there is no Face to Face (F2F), due to the COVID-19 pandemic era. Among the

three (3) online learning platforms, Facebook Group (FG) got F (7,6) = 9.617, p < 0.05
and significantly liked among the respondents due to easy accessibility in rural areas.

Abisado et. Al (2020), revealed in their study that when the students do not have

any access to the Internet, different ways can be done to deliver through the barangay

when the students live in the remote and far areas and there should be an asynchronous

course delivery consisting of the design of outcomes-based teaching and learning plan,

course materials, schedule on-line and face-to-face meetings, technology, and center for

technology education.

Laguador (2021) stated in his study that almost half of the students have a

moderate level of changes encountered in conducting flexible learning where they

expressed difficult problems on the achievement of learning outcomes and attendance to

synchronous learning classes with low internet connectivity as well as loss of electricity

as major concerns in rural areas. On the other hand, students from urban areas have the

luxury of time to ask technical assistance from people within the city where their internet

problems can be easily fixed because of their proximity. Finally, he noted that the

economic aspect of flexible learning is considered an issue among the students regardless

of their location. Students from suburban areas felt that they were receiving less support

from their family members. Students from rural areas have expressed significantly more

difficult challenges in terms of limited communication with teachers, while there are

moderate challenges with the delivery of instruction and achievement of learning

outcomes regardless of location. The COVID 19 pandemic forced the Philippines Higher

Education Institutions to use different online platform modalities.

Moreover, Mobo (2020) suggested that there is a new alternative flexible learning

that will ease up the situation of the current pandemic in all education levels, including
the integration of Virtual Reality of AR learning content as part of the education

authoring tools, a web-based platform for the development of augmented content, the

distribution of which is accomplished through standardized Learning Management

System (LMS) using SCORM packages library.

The study of Gogotano et. al. (2021) also shows that most students possess just

mobile phones and use mobile data as their primary internet access, ranging from

moderate to poor connections. The majority are not fully equipped with adequate skills in

digital media. Finally, they revealed that among the challenges are students experiencing

the unavailability of a network, economic instability, digital divide, shortage of digital

devices, distractive learning environment, expensive internet data, health-related

problems, lack of resources, lack of digital literacy skills, and loss motivation. They also

found out that even if flexibility online learning is the best solution for the university to

replace face-to-face classes, it is not the best applicable and suitable to all students living

in rural areas or other places with unstable networks, and students who belong to

financially unstable families.

Ali (2020) finds out that universities worldwide are moving increasingly towards

online learning or E- Learning and in which resources, staff readiness, confidence,

student accessibility, and motivation play important function in Information

Communication Technology (ICT) integrated learning. Furthermore, they propose online

and remote learning as a necessity in times of lockdowns or social distance due to

COVID-19 pandemic.

Agormedah et. Al. (2020) concluded that students had a positive response to

online learning, using known platforms like UCC, platform, Alison, and Google

Classroom. They would also like to use other social media platforms. Further, they had a

negative response to online learning (not ready/prepared) because they lacked formal
orientation and financial unpreparedness. Finally, the management of the university

should provide resources to help students assess whether they are ready to take an online

course and offer suggestions for preparation.

Also, Taylor-Guy & Chase (2020) revealed that the lecture may deliver the same

lecture or go to a tutorial via video that they would deliver face-to-face and they may use

online discussion boards or chat rooms to try and replicate small group work in tutorials.

Finally, they also emphasized that the students may work through course materials on

their own and have little connection with each other or their lecture beyond real-time

video or chat interaction. Further, their research shows that these sorts of practice which

can be more accurately described as “remote learning” rather than “online learning”-

promote student disengagement and dropout.

Foreign Literature

A study conducted by Deepika Nambiar (2020) ”The impact of online learning

during COVID-19: students’ and teachers’ perspective” indicates that face-to -face

learning was perceived more positively than online learning in terms of social presence,

interaction, satisfaction, and overall quality. Even through online classes were reported to

be convenient in terms of saving time, both teachers as well as the students perceived it

to be less effective and structured when compared to classroom mode of learning.

Technical support was found to be an important factor critical to determining satisfaction

with online classes.

Moreover, Mona Ibrahim Kamal et al (2021) Distance learning impact on the

English language teaching during COVID-19 figured out the better effectiveness of

distance English learning compared to traditional face-to-face education was confirmed

by the calculations of the Student’s T-test. The average value of all evaluated indicators

during the in-class training was 5.40, whereas their average estimate during the distance
education comprised 7.76. While analyzing this variance through the Student’s T-Test, a

significant difference between the effectiveness of distance and classroom education in

favor or the first was noted. Notwithstanding this, the average survey results for distance

training during the COVID-19 pandemic (5.97) showed that the effectiveness of distance

study has fallen almost to the level of in-class education. Despite the absence of a notable

distinction between the results of distance learning during pandemic and classroom

training, when examining the corresponding samples with the Student’s T-Test, the

average value for distance learning during COVID-19 appeared to be somewhat higher

than for the classroom one.

On the other hand, Muthuprasad et al (2021). Students’ Perception and preference

for online education in India during COVID-19 pandemic. Primary purpose of this study

was to examine the preference and perceptions of the students regarding the online

classes majority to the respondents prepared online classes to cope up with the

curriculum due to lockdown is lifted. To provide this matter, analysis of the perception of

the respondents regarding online classes was required.

The researcher identified the learner’s perception of successful components and

hindrance in online learning. One of the primary factors tested for determining the

success of online classes was the structure of online classes, to enhance the connectivity

well there are student’s/learners’ long duration classes should be avoided and sufficient

break should be given between classes. Technical proficiency of teachers and learners

related to usage of computers and Internet was a major factor determining the

effectiveness of online classes. It was found that the learner’s open success for the course

from their home computer, the most convenient location for them. In the wake of

adapting to the change heights innovative solutions like 3D virtual labs are being devised.

The teacher’s competence in communication as well as his ability to use the multimedia
content for effective presentation are very important in these functions. The study results

clearly highlight that the lack of the teacher competencies could be a major reason for

failures of online classes. Developing and sustaining collaborative learning space is

essential for maximizing the satisfaction of the participants. Online classes must engage

participants through frequent meaningful activities. Suggestion taken from the participant

was that appropriate content connectivity, recorded videos along with proper follow-up

makes online classes on par with the traditional classroom education.

In the study of Takhar University (2021), the Effects of Using Blended Learning

in Teaching and Learning English: A Review of Literature indicated that blended

learning can be effective in enhancing the four skills of the English language such as

reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In conclusion, as one can consider the literature

of the present study, the use of blended learning in teaching the English language cannot

be neglected. Therefore, this approach can be suggested to the stakeholders and

practitioners to consider it for the enhancement of the language and teaching process.

As explained by Joko Joko et al (2020), the Effectiveness of Mobile Learning

Implementation in Increasing Student Competence and Preventing the Spread and Impact

of COVID-19 emphasize that Supporting factors the suitability of m-learning-RPS-

material-video-interactive modules-evaluation-time duration have adequate supporting

tools, the ability to access information-online materials and use collaborative software,

the discipline of the COVID-19 protocol, parental support, happy, e-learning platform

compatible with mobile phones, smooth internet, mobile screen size, ability to

communicate via email- WhatsApp, accuracy in completing assignments- evaluations,

relax, ability to plan-use time policies, conducive environment. Factors that hinder the

ability to understand English content; M-learning can prevent the spread and impact of
COVID-19; M-learning is effective in improving student competence in terms of gain

quite high 0.49, the mean pretest 38.41 is significantly different from posttest 76.38. The

research results can contribute to developing a distance-learning model in abnormal


Consequently, Jumatul Hidayah (2021), her study on the English students’ self-

resilience and challenges in distance learning uncovered two pieces of data: English

students’ distance learning resilience and the challenges they face when studying online.

In terms of student learning resilience in distance learning, English students’ learning

resilience has reduced and deteriorated. This is demonstrated in two ways: first, the

psychological feature of sad students, and second, their physical eye health deteriorates,

resulting in a decline in psychological quality. Third, pupil is bored mentally. Fourth,

kids find it challenging to concentrate mentally. Fifth, students’ psychological quality

suffers due to their lack of participation in the social component while learning.

Furthermore, English students had issues with internet signals, 2) financial restrictions in

purchasing internet quotas, and 3) difficulty locating references in the distance learning

process, all considered poor skills. Technology for students. More studies are needed to

identify ways to increase students’ distance learning resilience and overcome

technological, psychological, and psychological barriers to distance learning.

The study about English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ perceptions of

online distance learning for enhancing English language learning during COVID-19

Pandemic of Hazaymeh et al (2021) data analysis indicated that the participants had a

positive attitude of online distance learning which empowered them to develop high

scores of creativities and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and

information fluency, critical thinking, problem-solving , decision-making, and digital

citizenship. The results also showed that most respondents (86.66%) acquired language

proficiency successfully through online distance learning which indicated few drawbacks

of online distance learning due to technical problems and the lack of physical

interactions. The results suggested that instructors should be aware of the effectiveness of

digital technologies as an instructional method for empowering their students to achieve

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards within the online

EFL classroom.

Untari (2020). Learners’ Perception on Their Online reading Comprehension

Learning at the English Education Department of University of Islam Malang study result

that online reading give benefits for students. It showed that the highest percentage of the

advantages of online reading was 48.5% students stated that they agree with save printing

paper, while the highest percentage of the disadvantages of online reading was 48.5%

students agree with inability to leave marks and make notes.

The data indicated that online learning gave beneficial support to students’

reading performance through the feature of digital online platforms benefits them in their

reading. Moreover, the students stated that the activities of reading online helped them to

understand the text easily. The other advantages that had contributed to their learning

were improving their translation skill because the feature of online media offered

translation and mostly wrote in English.

Regarding the disadvantage of online reading, the availability was the major

problem, some online media required special specs of the platform that might be

unavailable for the students. This could cause the students to not have access to the

material. The other problem was more related to eye health problems as the students read

through the light source of the screen directly and not from the reflection of light when
reading by printed media. The most noticeable benefit of online learning was the

flexibility of the media and easy access to the information itself. Online information was

wide. By reading online we could get information that originated from various places in

the world. Online reading was also flexible in terms of reading time and environment, the

students could read online anywhere and anytime based on their preference. The

completeness of the facilities available online encourages their enthusiasm to read and

understand the meaning as much as possible.

Kadirova Firuza Rustamovna (2021) on the significance of developing reading

skills and the use of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic study stated that

teaching a foreign language to students reading skills has a great impact as other skills

such as listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is about understanding written texts. It

is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Readers typically make

use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text

and other strategies to help them understand written text.

Local Study

In the study of Jessie S. Barrot et al (2021) Students’ online learning challenging

during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines found out

that the extent of challenges and strategies varied from one student to another. Hence,

they should be viewed because of interaction with several many factors. Students’

responses suggest that their online learning challenges and strategies were mediated by

the resources available to them, their interaction with their teachers and peers, and the

school’s existing policies and guidelines for online learning. In the context of the

pandemic, the imposed lockdowns and students experience.

While most studies revealed that technology use and competency were the most

common challenges that students face during the online classes ( see Rasheed et

al.,2020), the case is a bit different in developing countries in times of pandemic. As the

findings have shown, the learning environment is the greatest challenge that students

need to hurdle, particularly distractions at home (e.g., noise) and limitations in learning

space and facilities. This data suggests that online learning challenges during the

pandemic somehow vary from the typical challenges that students experience in a pre-

pandemic online learning environment. One possible explanation for this result is that

restriction in mobility may have aggravated this challenge since they could not go to the

school or other learning spaces beyond the vicinity of their respective houses. As shown

in the data, the imposition of lockdown restricted students’ learning experience (e.g.,

internship and laboratory experiments), limited their interaction with peers and teachers,

caused depression, stress, and anxiety among students, and depleted the financial

resources of those who belong to lower- income groups. All of these adversely impacted

students’ learning experience.

Moreover, Jarett John Gilbert (2021),on A Phenomenological Study of

Community College Career and Technical Education Graduates’ Perceptions of the

Impact of Online Delivery on Their Employability Skills Preparation uncovered five

major findings: (a) participants broadly perceive dependability, adaptability, and work

ethic as the most desirable employability skills; (b) participants define strong teamwork

skills as the ability to delegate and communicate tasks based on a realistic assessment of

individuals’ abilities within the team; (c) participants believe that strong communication

skills are relational, and marked by honesty and transparency, self and situational

awareness, and non-verbal skills such as listening and body language; (d) participants

understand strong results orientation as the ability to effectively plan to clear outcomes
and implement; and participants understand strong results- orientation as the ability to

effectively plan to clear outcomes and implement; and (e) employability skills can be

taught and learned in an online modality, provided the appropriate technology,

preparedness of the instructor, and alignment of assignments or activities.

Furthermore, Agripina F. Banayo, Ed. D et al (2021) study of OnlineEducation as

an Active Learning Environment in the New Normal findings proved that the

respondents have a favorable perception on their online learning environment in terms of

collaboration, computer competence, active learning, teacher support, information design

and appeal, material environment, and reflective thinking. The outcomes exhibited a

positive perception of learners towards social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive

presence in their learning experiences. The findings of the current investigation also

pointed out that there is a significant relationship

between learners' online learning environment and their learning experiences in the new

normal education.

On the other hand, Veronico N. Tarrayo (2021), the Issues and Challenges in

Open and Distance e-Learning: Perspectives from the findings indicated that most of the

problems were minor. However, the most crucial concerns include comprehension of

learning content, student engagement, and internet connectivity, which were likewise

claimed by the participants as disadvantages of FL. The analysis also revealed two

benefits: convenience, and enhancement of teaching and learning. Further, the

participants emphasized the following suggestions to improve FL: planning,

implementation, and monitoring of school administration; provision of adequate internet

and technological resources; and capacity-building and training.

Along with the study of Thessalou E. Gocotano (2021) Higher Education

Students TM Challenges on Flexible Online Learning Implementation in the Rural Areas:

A Philippine Case results revealed that most mothers are high school graduates, while

fathers enjoy an elementary-level and belong to under low-income families. Most

students possess just mobile phones and use mobile data as their primary internet access

source, ranging from moderate to poor connection. Also, the majority are not fully

equipped with enough skills in digital media. For challenges, students experienced the

unavailability of a network, economic instability, digital divide, the shortage of digital

devices, distractive learning environment, expensive internet data, health-related

problems, lack of resources, lack of digital literacy skills, and loss of motivation .Hence,

even if flexible online learning is the best solution for the university to replace face-to-

face classes, it is not best applicable and suitable to all students living in rural areas or

other places with an unstable network and students who belong to financially unstable

families. Administrators and educators must consider alternative learning modes that suit

students' backgrounds during the pandemic, like using non-digital technologies.

In addition, based on the findings stated in the study of Michael B.Cahapay

(2021) results revealed six themes of problems encountered by the students in the online

assessment. These problems are incompatibility of browsers; anxiety over tracking tools;

unstable internet connection; electric power interruptions; distractions in the

environment; and unknown accessibility issues. The study suggested that, in selecting the

application to use for online assessment, school administrators should consider the

complexity of the application but without compromising its capacity to guard assessment

integrity. Moreover, given the knowledge about the selected

application, teachers should prepare alternative measures should inevitable problems like

the ones found in this study occur. Lastly, to keep the students guided throughout the

online assessment, it is proposed that courses should include a test orientation with

manual for the students.

Herefore, A I Hipol et al (2020) Impact of blended learning instruction in

academic performance of grade 10 students in a selected private high school in San Juan

City, Philippines study revealed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test

and post-test scores of the classes. This implied that the BLP helped the students

comprehend the lesson. Furthermore, the findings showed that there is a significant

difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and controlled

practitioners. group in favor of the experimental group. This implied that 60% blended

learning instruction is more effective than 20% blended learning instruction.

As emphasized by Abad et al (2021), Patricia Arinto on "Issues and Challenges in

open and Distance E-Learning Perspective from the Philippines Rapid Advances in

Information and Communication Technology in Digital Age have brought about

significant changes in the practice of Distance Education (DE) Worldwide". This paper

discusses the issues and challenges that the ODeL poses for the Philippines open

university from the point and view of the institutions leading ODEL practitioners.

Foreign Studies

With the immediate sending and shutting down of university students from all the

campuses in China and elsewhere worldwide, many courses have been delivered

virtually. There have, however, been some noticeable teething issues. According to

observers, there are some possibilities for the future to be present (Bao, 2020; Donitsa-

Schmidt & Topaz, 2018; Filius et al., 2019). The use of technology in education has

advanced in two decades. In several schools that have adopted digital

learning (Murphy, 2020). There has been an increase in complexity and quality.
UNESCO estimates that COVID-19 has drawn over 1.5 billion students in 165 countries.

This indicates 87% of the student population worldwide.

In line with the statement made by the UNESCO Secretary-general Audrey

Azulay (2020), we have never witnessed the disruption of educational institutions on this

large scale. This would help us to get an idea about how big this destruction is and the

impact that his malfunction can create. The entire global academic calendar has been

disturbed and the student is directly affected by this. In the present situation, the schools

and colleges have immediately closed and turned into the online academic system with

which most of us are not familiar. According to the observations made by different

educational experts, they think that the future is going to be like the present and we need

to be prepared for this. They believe that our coming generations and the young children

might not be able to see the traditional methods of schooling which normally occurs in

educational institutions. In the past few decades, humans have made a lot of

technological advancements in this sector, but the challenge has still arisen that they need

to formulate an extensive system under new conditions (Demuyakor, 2020). The recent

studies conducted by UNESCO have claimed that about 1.5 billion students out in 145

different countries have been affected by the pandemic and this accounts for a total of

87% of the student population. Another survey conducted by the 'Times Higher

Education' among 200 different respondents in 45 different countries of the 6 continents

and most of them is convinced of the fact that the online education system is not

equivalent to what they get while physically attending the school or college. On the other

hand, 63% of the educational institutions in 2030 would be offering their courses online.

Whether the students have accepted this new model of education or not, the educational

institutions in their new policies are focused on converting their mode of education to an

online system.
All students in the Chinese mainland were required to stay at home and continue

to learn online from kindergarten through the doctorate. This came to an end in January

following the New Year Lunar break. 30 million tertiary students in some 3000

institutions were affected by the pandemic. Many of these institutions have taken

advantage of precipitated online classes (Bao,2020; UNESCO,2020) to try to fill the gap

in areas which are adversely affected by the eventual academic term. It's not only the

Chinese students but also students from other countries who were affected by the

pandemic. Nearly half a million international students had to leave their home countries

to continue learning and gain access to the required learning materials (Bao, 2020).

Meanwhile, the travel restriction on returning to the campus is also exploring alternatives

in other countries around the world for millions of students. Higher education institutions

have had to stop studying and close their campuses in other adverse regions such as Italy,

Iran, and Singapore and have moved into online learning rather than face to face

interaction (UNESCO 2020).

Blended learning was examined by Kurt and Yildirim (2018) to determine student

satisfaction and what they considered to be important features of the blended format. The

results indicated that the Turkish students who participated, almost unanimously felt that

BL was beneficial and that their own role and the instructors' role was central to their

satisfaction. The authors stated, "the prominent components in the process have been

identified as face-to-face lessons, the features of online course materials, LMS used,

design-specific activities, process-based measurement and evaluation, student-student

interaction and out-of-class sharing respectively."

Wan (2020) notes that COVID-19 has shown students a significant difference in

the digital divide. A student needs to have access to the website to effectively learn

online via different platforms. In terms of connectivity, learning from the online platform
would be the requirement for learning from devices such as a computer, laptop, tablet, or

smartphone and the internet. There are concerns in urban areas that some students need to

share computers, and because of poor internet access or lack of technology, they do not

completely use the lessons online. However, internet coverage is poor in rural and remote

areas where most of the international students are situated. Some villages don't even have

access to electricity, or night-time usage is very small.

Cheng (2020) says that while making their decisions to close their physical

campuses and transfer to online classes, colleges and universities have also neglected to

acknowledge that many international students do not have a home outside of those

universities. While some institutions give exceptions for special needs students, they

frequently ignore international students when designing these policies. That's particularly

worrying given that studies have shown that when it comes to reaching out for support,

international students may be culturally impaired. When a problem occurs, not many

international students are prepared to speak for themselves.

As mentioned by Khlood (2019) the use of blended learning hasbeen emphasized

by the recent research that examines the academic and social benefits of this teaching

approach. Because it combines traditional and online teaching modes, the promise of

blended learning rests on the strengths of both teaching approaches. The present review

of the literature revealed that blended learning can be used effectively to develop

language skills, enhance the English learning environment, and promote students’

motivation towards learning the language. There is a dearth of literature that examines

the challenges that face language teachers when using blended learning. Hence, more

research has to be done to identify and deal with this challenges.


The reviewed literature and related studies are essential in thesis writing since

they provide the rationale for the study's structure. The researchers examined a variety of

studies, and it has been proven that all of the reviewed studies and literature relevant to

the current study are credible. The collected data dealt with the Impact of online distance

learning on the English competencies of 4th year CTE students at Bestlink College of the

Philippines. Based on the review of related studies the following authors presented their

similar ideas and concepts about the impact of online distance learning. A recent study

conducted by Joefreim Delicano (2021) On the perceived impact of online classes

brought by the pandemic found out that the sudden move to online mode of education

affected students' perception on their learning process, both on positive and negative

notes. Overall, students perceived online classes to be effective in ensuring continuity of

learning despite the pandemic. Connectivity, financial and mental issues are some of the

disadvantages following the transition to online mode of learning. Students' mental,

emotional and social aspects were found to be critical in their learning process, which are

often overlooked in the design and implementation of online classes. The immediate shift

to online classes due to the pandemic has left many students struggling to catch up on

their studies. Meanwhile, self-regulation, flexibility and learning continuity are among

the advantages of the online set-up. Online learning induced improvements to students'

learning comprehension and self-regulation. Solutions to issues associated with the

current educational set-up resulting from the pandemic are already available and it will

be just a matter for educators and school administrators to carry out strategies that best

apply to their institutions. Improvements in the implementation of online classes through

adequate planning of activities and deadlines, as well more synchronous sessions and

provision to help improve access and connectivity are suggested. The mental and

emotional states of students must be considered in the design and implementation of any

learning strategy online.

Another study by Humaira Akhter et al (2018) entitled "The Impact of Online

Education on Student's learning at University Level in Pakistan" reveal the larger part of

the learners strongly agreed that from the online instruction they come to know about PC

education and got fundamental abilities in utilizing the PC like the utilization of

Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. They likewise got the expertise of Web looking

on the grounds that online instruction relies upon the PC. Students finish their work on

the PC and connect with the instructor through chat and video gatherings. The

investigation uncovered that most of the learners concurred that independent study helps

in online instruction on the grounds that in online training students' study at their own

pace which creates inspiration among students, and they feel more zealous towards their

learning. The medium of direction in online instruction is advantageous and adaptable for

learners. Students study online 8 to 18 hours in a week and get A and B grades in their

final exams. Majority of the students said that after completing an online degree they get

a chance to acquire a good job or also get a chance to give online classes or become a

good teacher to teach through an online system. Online education increases the creative

attitude among them, thus among e-learners, creativity increases, and they have new

ideas for their study and online medium of education stimulates creativity among them.

Further, Jenny Ngo (2018) the impact of blended learning on students'

performance in English grammar courses study revealed that students engaged much

more in the learning process and scored higher at the post test. The study indicated some

implications of using blended learning approach for both students and teachers. For
students, since learning is a lifelong process, a blended learning approach with Edmodo

respects individual differences, helps students foster their autonomous learning, and

makes learning more convenient and effective since it allows students to learn and reflect

about what was taught in class anytime, anywhere. It also allows students to improve

their learning through active participation in online discussions and tasks. For teachers,

blended learning redefines the role of the teacher which offers them more flexible

delivery options, depending on the content, subject, and capabilities of the students. It

means that teaching can now be far more engaging, and teachers can focus on student

understanding. However, teachers need training on how to employ a blended learning

instruction approach, prior to school/university starting on the software and content that

is part of the blended learning platform.

The literature and studies mentioned above were significant as a foundation for

this study. Aside from the valuable information they provided, the researcher acquired

great insights into the current study. The literature and studies strengthened the theories

and served as vital resources in the formation of guidelines and parameters for this

study's accomplishment.


This research is anchored on the theory of April Stauffer (2021) that focuses on a

student-centered approach for online learning, with all other aspects of online education

revolving around the learner. While the online classroom exists within technology,

technology itself is not to be the focus of learning. Students learn both independently and

through their relationships with others such as peers, the instructor, and the community.

Motivation and initiative are the driving forces behind a student's will to sustain learning.
Interaction and collaboration, combined with inquiry, are essential to learning, for it is

"only by working together that individual students reach their own highest potential.

Content should be developed according to a student's specific learning needs. Both the

learner's personal world and shared world must be considered. Students are more likely

to acquire knowledge when subject matter is relevant to their interests and needs. Finally,

assessment encompass the framework, providing the support and guidance required to

help students proceed more effectively with their learning.

Figure 1. A student – centered online learning by April Stauffer et al,(2021)


The foregoing discussion of related literature and studies, this

conceptual framework of the study was developed. This is presented through the paradigm

which consists of three frames.

Frame 1 the input, illustrates level of English competencies of the

respondents in terms of; speaking skills, writing skills, reading skills, listening

skills, viewing skills and the Performance of the respondents in

terms of; attendance, participation, activities, project and major exams.

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