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Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

Instruments and Methods

Quantitative diatom analyses—a faster cleaning procedure

F. Abrantesa,, I. Gila, C. Lopesa,b, M. Castroc
Departamento de Geologia Marinha, Instituto National de Engenharia, Technologia e Inovac- ão-INETI, Aptdo. 7586,
Estrada da Portela, Alfragide 2721, Portugal
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, USA
Centro de Ciencias do Mar, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Received 13 June 2003; accepted 27 May 2004
Available online 11 November 2004


Laboratory techniques employed for cleaning marine sediments for quantitative diatom analyses are time consuming
and expensive. In an attempt to reduce preparation time, the method in use in our laboratory, has been compared to six
other different methods, which derive from Barron’s procedure for rapid sample preparation at sea.
Based on the statistical analyses of the results all the methods in which centrifugation was used, were eliminated.
From the two methods that did not show differences from the control method, the cleaner and better preservation of the
diatom specimens observed in the slides produced by method M2 lead us to elect this procedure as the best. This
method distinguishes itself from other techniques in using of a non-dried sample dispersed before the chemical attack.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diatoms; Cleaning procedure; Quantitative analyses; Paleoproductivity; Paleoceanography; Paleoclimatology

1. Introduction diatoms in particular may have in climate regula-

tion in the future as major players in the
Diatoms constitute the basis of the food chain sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere. The
and are the dominant phytoplankton in the most need to understand their distribution, abundance
productive regions of the world’s oceans, the and species composition in past oceans, as well as
upwelling areas (both coastal and equatorial). In their relation/reaction to past climate change is
papers recently published, Falkowsky (Falkowski therefore, of primary importance. At present,
et al., 1998; Falkowski, 2002) calls the attention coring technology is capable of retrieving long
for the importance that phytoplankton and sedimentary sequences from marginal regions with
sedimentation rates high enough to resolve past
Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 21470 5535; fax:
climate variability at a decadal scale. How-
+351 21471 9018. ever, current laboratory preparation methodolo-
E-mail address: (F. Abrantes). gies, quantitative microscopic counting, and

0967-0637/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

190 F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

observation techniques are very laborious and consisted in modifications of the rapid procedure
time-consuming and prevent diatomists from ful- (Barron, 1985).
filling the need of simultaneously obtaining long
and high-resolution diatom records. A number of 2.1.1. The control method—control
procedures have been employed to clean siliceous The method in use in our laboratory (Abrantes,
microfossils (cf. Schrader and Schuette, 1968; 1988) is a follow up of the method of Fenner
Schrader and Gersonde, 1978; Fenner, 1982; (1982) and includes the following steps:
Scherer, 1994). Abrantes (1988) has combined
and adapted Fenner’s cleaning procedure (Fenner,
 Weight a known volume of sample (about 2 cc),
dry over night at 40 1C and weight again.
1982) with Battarbee’s technique for quantitative
slide preparation (Battarbee, 1973). The method
 Place the material in 250 ml beakers and attack
for carbonate and organic matter destruction
has been successfully used in several distinct
with 25 ml 10% hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
diatom studies over the last several years
25 ml 35% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2–110 V).
(cf. Abrantes, 1988; Nave et al., 2001). However,
Let the reaction take place at room temperature,
the cleaning procedures for clay and/or organic
when finished, put the beakers over a hotplate at
carbon-rich sediments, keep samples in the labora-
120 1C until reaction stops.
tory for long periods of time, with the danger of
loss of siliceous material by dissolution during
 Add distilled water and leave to settle for about
8 h and then gently remove the excess liquid
preparation. In an attempt to reduce the labora-
(correspondent to a 9 cm height) with the help of
tory preparation time, Barron’s procedure for
a vacuum pump. Repeat this operation until the
rapid sample preparation at sea (Barron, 1985)
solution has a neutral pH.
was used as the basis for the new approaches. In
order to control the representativeness of the
 To remove the clay fraction, fill the beakers with
a 0.5% sodium pyrophosphate solution and
concentration/absolute abundances of microfossils
leave for 8 h, then remove the excess liquid of
as estimated from sample aliquots, marker micro-
the suspension with the help of a vacuum pump.
spheres (ECRC divinylbenzene microsphere solu-
Add distilled water, let rest for another 8 h and
tion) were added to a set of 25 samples randomly
gently remove excess liquid with the help of a
selected from the samples/areas under study at the
vacuum pump. Repeat sodium pyrophosphate/
INETI’s Marine Geology Laboratory.
distilled water washing until no clay remains in
This paper presents the results obtained with the
tests of various laboratory methods, as well as
with the test of the counting procedure, and,
2.1.2. New methods
proposes a new, faster and more efficient labora-
The new methods followed from modifications
tory methodology.
of the rapid cleaning procedure proposed by
Barron (1985) for fast sample preparation at sea,
and start with a bulk non-dried sediment sample:
2. Materials and methods Method 1—M1 (Barron’s laboratory pro-
2.1. Sample cleaning procedures
Seven different methods were tested on a single  Weight about 1 g of bulk sediment and place it
sample (GeoB 6003-1 35–36 cm). The differences in 50 ml centrifuge tubes.
introduced are restricted to the cleaning metho-  Attack carbonate with 25 ml 10% HCl.
dology; all other phases of the quantitative  Decant excess acid.
estimation were maintained, according with the  Attack organic matter with 25 ml 30% H2O2.
routine protocol. One of the methods, the control,  Clean off excess acid and H2O2 through
followed the cleaning procedure used routinely centrifuging 2 min at 1200 rpm with distilled
until now (Abrantes, 1988) and the other 6 water.

F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198 191

 Decant liquid, wash in distilled water and repeat Method 4—M4 (same as 1 without cen-
washing/centrifuging 3 times. trifuge)
 For clay dispersion and remotion, put the
solution in a 250 ml beaker, add a 0.5% sodium  Weight about 1 g of bulk sediment and place it
pyrophosphate solution and leave for 8 h. in 250 ml beakers.
Gently wash sodium pyrophosphate solution  Attack carbonate with 25 ml 10% HCl.
with the help of a vacuum pump, add distilled  Attack organic matter with 25 ml 30% H2O2.
water, let rest for another 8 h, and wash excess  Clean off excess acid and H2O2 by decanting
liquid with the help of a vacuum pump. Repeat liquid, wash in distilled water and repeat
sodium pyrophosphate/distilled water washing decantation until clays start to be in suspension.
until no/little clay remains in suspension.  For clay cleaning add a 0.5% sodium pyropho-
sphate solution and let rest for 8 h. Gently wash Method 2—M2 sodium pyrophosphate solution with the help of
a vacuum pump, add distilled water, let rest for
 Weigh about 1 g of bulk sediment and place it in
another 8 h, and wash excess liquid with the help
250 ml beakers.
of a vacuum pump. Repeat sodium pyropho-
 Promote clay dispersion by adding a 0.33%
sphate/distilled water washing until no clay
calgon water softener (Calgon contains sodium
remains in suspension.
phosphate and sodium carbonate) and let
sample rest over night or by about 12 h.
 Attack organic matter with 25 ml 30% H2O2. Method 5—M5
 Attack carbonate with 25 ml 10% HCl.
 Same as Control method.
 After reaction cease, clean off excess acid and
 Clay cleaning in centrifuge tubes (less height
H2O2 by decanting liquid, wash in distilled
implies faster settling of particles and less than
water and repeat decantation until clays start to
8 h waiting time between washes).
be in suspension.
 For clay cleaning, add distilled water, let rest for
8 h and decant remnant. Repeat distilled water Method 6—M6 (same as 2 with centri-
washing until no clay remains in suspension. fuge) Method 3—M3 (Barron’s procedure for

 Weigh about 1 g of bulk sediment and place it in
50 ml centrifuge tubes.
rapid cleaning at sea+clay cleaning)
 Promote clay deflocculation by adding a 0.33%
 Weight about 1 g of bulk sediment and place it Calgon solution and let sample rest over night
in 50 ml centrifuge tubes. or by about 12 h.
 Attack carbonate with 25 ml 10% HCl.  Attack organic matter with 25 ml 30% H2O2.
 After reaction ceases and no material is in  Attack carbonate destruction with 25 ml 10%
suspension decant excess acid. HCl.
 Attack organic matter with 25 ml 30% H2O2.  Clean off excess acid and H2O2 through
 Clean off excess acid and H2O2 through centrifuging 2 min at 1200 rpm with distilled
centrifuging at 1200 rpm/2 min with distilled water.
water.  Decant liquid, wash in distilled water and repeat
 Decant liquid, wash in distilled water and repeat washing/centrifuging 3 times.
washing/centrifuging 3 times.  For clay cleaning add a 0.5% sodium pyropho-
 For clay cleaning, shake residue with 0.5% sphate solution and leave for 8 h. Gently wash
sodium pyrophosphate centrifuge twice at sodium pyrophosphate solution with the help
1200 rpm/2 min. Then shake residue with dis- of a vacuum pump, add distilled water, leave
tilled water and centrifuge 3 times at 1200 rpm/ for another 8 h, and wash excess liquid with
2 min. the help of a vacuum pump. Repeat sodium

192 F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

pyrophosphate/distilled water washing until no 5 fields

2.5 mm
clay remains in suspension. 2.5 mm
20 fields

2.2. Slide preparation 5 mm

20 mm
50 fields

5 mm
For slide preparation, a known volume of the 20 fields
solution resultant of any of the preparation 2.5 mm
5 fields
procedures is poured in the ‘‘Battarbee circular
2.5 mm
evaporation tray’’ (Battarbee, 1973) after stirring
the solution for homogenization. Then, the plate Fig. 1. Representation of the distribution on the slide of the
is let to rest in an undisturbed environment to 100 fields of view observed for the quantitative estimation of all
allow particles to settle randomly into the four groups.
20 mm diameter cover slips placed in the evenly
spaced wells made on the tray floor (Fig. 2 in
Battarbee, 1973). When evaporation is com- raw sample, and (S/s) is a constant for each
plete and cover slips are dry, cover slips are microscope.
removed and mounted on slides with Permount The counting procedure and definition of
mounting medium. counting units followed those of Schrader and
Gersonde (1978).
Twenty-two fractions of the sample were ob-
3. Diatom quantification tained, 4 were processed according with the
control method and the other 18 were separate in
Quantification of diatoms is done at 1000  s six groups of 3 per each of the new methods. For
magnification using a Nikon microscope with each fraction four slides were prepared according
differential interference contrast (DIC) illumina- to Battarbee’s plate method (1973). Three slides
tion. Quantitative abundance estimates of the were counted and the median of the counts for
several groups considered (centric diatoms, pen- each parameter (log transformed) constituted the
nate diatoms, freshwater diatoms, Chaetoceros basic data for the statistical analysis.
resting spores, fragments of centric diatoms,
fragments of pennate diatoms) are based on the 3.1. How represenatitive of real abundances are the
median value obtained for each group/variable estimated diatom concentrations?
from the counting of 100 random fields of view on
3 replicate slides for each sample. For the The fact that only a known volume aliquot of
quantitative estimation all groups lying within the sample solution is put to dry rather than the
each field of view are counted, and the 100 fields of total sample, may raise questions relatively to the
view observed per slide are distributed as shown in representativeness of the concentrations of micro-
Fig. 1. With this counting method, and knowing fossils absolute abundances estimated from these
the area of each microscopic field of view, the aliquots. Besides, the different laboratory meth-
absolute number of diatom valves per g of odologies were to be evaluated on the basis of
sediment can be calculated as follows: statistical analysis of the median values resultant
from the counts of aliquots, we needed to test the
No: valves=g ¼ ððN nðS=sÞÞnðV =vÞÞ=W ; reliability of our slide preparation and counting
where N is the median of the number of valves procedures. To do so, we have randomly selected
counted in 100 fields of view in the three replicate 25 samples from different locations and variable
slides, S is the area of the evaporation tray, s is the diatom abundances (Table 1). Each sample was
area of the slide counted, V is the volume of now prepared according to the control method
solution in the beaker, v is the volume of solution and after the last wash, that is, right before
put into the evaporation tray, W is the weight of pouring the solution into the plates, each sample

F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198 193

was spiked with microsphere markers following therefore compared using a non-parametric tech-
Battarbee and Kneen (1982). The known micro- nique, the Kruskal–Wallis test (Table 2) (Hol-
sphere concentration solution used was the ECRC lander and Wolfe, 1973). For the variables
divinylbenzene microsphere solution. The volume showing significant differences for the method
of solution added to each sample was calculated used (p-valueo0.05), all possible combinations of
on the basis of the sample initial weight according two methods were compared using the Wilcoxon
to the ECRC instructions, and pipeted after 1 min test for two independent samples (Hollander and
sonication, to guaranteee homogenization of the Wolfe, 1973). The same test was used for compar-
microsphere solution. ing the control method and the new method
considered the best in terms of the qualitative
4. Statistical analysis The preliminary data exploration of micro-
sphere addition for the estimation of microfossils
A test of homogeneity of variances was done concentration in the sample, suggested a correla-
prior to deciding which group comparison tests tion between the concentration with the order of
should be used. The Leven’s test for homogeneity sample preparation. A Sperman correlation test
of variances (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980) was used to test microsphere concentration and
showed that two of the dependent variables order of the sample.
considered did not have homogenous variances All statistical analysis was done using the
(p-valueo0.05) (Table 2). The methods were software SAS (SAS Ins., 2000).

Table 1
List of samples spiked with marker microspheres (ECRC divinylbenzene microsphere solution)

Sample ID Sequence No. Geographic location

LEG 175 1083D 4H-2W (32–34 cm) 1 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 4H-2W (132–134 cm) 2 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-3W (92–94 cm) 3 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
GeoB M4241-11 (87–89 cm) 4 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4241-11 (91–93 cm) 5 NW Africa–Canary Islands
LEG 175 1083D 3H-4W (2–4 cm) 6 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-6W (97–99 cm) 7 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-6W (112–114 cm) 8 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-6W (122–124 cm) 9 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-7W (22–24 cm) 10 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-7W (42–44 cm) 11 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 3H-CCW (12–14 cm) 12 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
LEG 175 1083D 4H-1W (2–4 cm) 13 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
GeoB M4242-5 (47–49 cm) 14 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M5559-2 (42–44 cm) 15 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (137–139 cm) 16 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (142–144 cm) 17 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (87–89 cm) 18 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (462–464 cm) 19 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (472–474 cm) 20 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (382–384 cm) 21 NW Africa–Canary Islands
LEG 175 1083D 3H-3W (107–109 cm) 22 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)
GeoB M4241-11 (137–139 cm) 23 NW Africa–Canary Islands
GeoB M4242-5 (58–59 cm) 24 NW Africa–Canary Islands
LEG 175 1083D 4H-2W (97–99 cm) 25 SW Africa (ODP LEG 175)

194 F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

5. Results cedures, are presented in Fig. 2 which shows the

estimated vs the range of expected number of
5.1. Sample cleaning procedures microspheres in each sample. The range of
expected numbers was calculated from the volume
The first important result is that all 6 tested of microsphere solution added to each sample and
methods allow a reduction in laboratory prepara- the estimated number based on the counting
tion time of at least 2 weeks (Table 3). The procedure described in Section 3 (diatom quanti-
abundances estimated for the groups considered in fication). With the exception of 7 samples
each replicate of the 7 methods utilized, the (3,6,7,8,9,23,25), the median of the estimated
control method plus the 6 new tested methodolo- number, used as the accepted concentration, are
gies are available on request (Electronic Supple- within the expected limits.
ment Table).
5.3. Statistical analysis
5.2. Slide preparation and diatom quantification
The results of Leven’s test for homogeneity of
The results of the test to the reliability of the variance, and the Kruskal–Wallis test for methods
slide preparation and diatom quantification pro- comparison are presented in Table 2. Only for
spores, the overall comparison of the 7 methods
was significant. For this variable, pairwise com-
Table 2 parisons of all possible combinations of the
p-values associated with the Leven’s test for homogeneity of methods were done using the Wilcoxon test. The
variance and the Kruskal–Wallis test results are shown in Table 4.
From the microscopic observation of all
Variables Leven’s Kruskal–Wallis
samples prepared (3 slides for each three replicates
Centric 0.0846 0.1105 of the 6 methods, and three slides for each of
Pennate 0.0943 0.1199 the four replicates of the control method, in a total
Fragments centric 0.0426 0.0635 of 66 slides), it became clear that the slides
Fragments pennate 0.3047 0.1201
Spores 0.6414 0.0408
produced by test method 2 were cleaner in aspect
Total diatoms 0.0480 0.0932 and diatom valves showed better preservation. The
control and method 2 were compared for all
Centric—centric diatoms; Pennate—pennate diatoms; Frag- variables considered using the Wilcoxon test
ments centric—fragments of centric diatoms; Fragments
pennate—fragments of pennate diatoms; Spores—resting
(Table 5) and none of the comparisons was
spores mainly of the genus Chaetoceros; Tot diatoms—Sum significantly different (p-values ranging from 0.16
of centric and pennate diatoms. to 0.72).

Table 3
Comparison of the 7 methods main procedures and laboratory preparation time

Method Sample dry Sample dispersion Chemical attack Clay cleanning Total time

(with centrifuge) (with centrifuge) (days)

Control Yes No No No 25
M1 No No Yes No 7
M2 No Yes No No 5
M3 No No Yes Yes 1
M4 No No No No 7
M5 No No No Yes 1
M6 No Yes Yes No 5

F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198 195

Fig. 2. Comparison of the expected and estimated number of microspheres. Maximum and minimum expected values are calculated
based on the concentration of marker microspheres in the solution indicated by the producing company. Estimated value is the median
value of the three counted slides for each sample.

Table 4
Table showing the combinations of method with significant differences with respect to the variable spores

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6

Control 0.0771 0.1573 0.0339 1.000 0.0339 0.7237

M1 0.8273 0.2752 0.5637 0.2752 0.0495
M2 0.1266 0.1266 0.5637 0.1266
M3 0.0833 0.8273 0.0495
M4 0.0833 1.0000
M5 0.0495

Method M2 and M4 did not show any differences when compared with all the other methods. Comparisons were made using the
Wilcoxon test, the p-value of the test is shown in the cells. Significance considered for p-valueo0.05 (values in bold).

6. Discussion and conclusions Table 5

Comparison of the control method with M2
Paleoceanographic and paleoproductivity re- Variable p Value
constructions based on diatoms, impose the
calculation of diatom accumulation rates. For Centric 0.6067
Pennate 0.1366
that to be achieved, diatom abundances have to be
Fragments centric 0.4375
determined in a quantitative way and density and Fragments pennate 0.7749
porosity of the sediment has to be known. This Spores 0.8057
requires a known volume of sample to be dried, Total diatoms 0.4041
resulting in the ‘‘cooking’’ of the clay component
Comparisons were made using the Wilcoxon test.
of the sediment and consequently making dispersal
of sediment and removal of the organic matter can nowadays be estimated through automatic and
difficult, often requiring more than one H2O2 continuous non-invasive measurement systems,
attack. Given that sediment density and porosity such as the GRAPE system (Ortiz and Rack,

196 F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

1999) available in multisensor tracks (MST) and methodologies), significant differences in abun-
used in most coring campaigns, cleaning proce- dance values were found only with respect to
dures can now be done without drying the spores and for methods M3, M5 and M6 (Table 4).
samples. This is the main difference between the The group spores corresponds to the resting spores
control method and the new tested methods, a of the genus Chaetoceros Ehrenberg that generally
difference that appears to be of great importance, dominates diatom assemblages both in the plank-
given that it reduces the time needed for sample ton and the sediment record of coastal upwelling
preparation from 25 to 5 days at the most. areas (cf. Estrada and Blasco, 1985; Abrantes and
Moita, 1999; Abrantes et al., 2002). As so, it is
6.1. Slide preparation and diatom quantification important to understand the reason behind the
observed differences. Spores are heavily silicified
Given that the methods comparison is based on and resistant to breakage and dissolution when
the various groups concentrations, as estimated compared to other diatom species. Its occurrence
from known volume aliquots of the whole solution in higher numbers when the method used for
resultant from the laboratory treatment, we will sample preparation includes centrifuging for clay
start by discussing the results of the test used to cleaning (M3 and M5), can be interpreted as the
check its representativeness, that is the addition result of breakage and/or loss of the more fragile
of a known quantity of marker microspheres to and/or less resistant pennate forms as indicated by
25 randonmly selected sediment samples with the increase in abundance of pennate fragments
variable diatom abundances (Battarbee and found for this method. It should also be noted that
Kneen, 1982). spores estimated abundance is different between
The results (Fig. 2) show that most estimated M6 and all the other methods that involve
numbers (76%) are within the range of expected centrifugation (M1, M3, M5), indicating that the
values confirming Battarbee’s settling tray method spores concentration effect is less important if
and slide counting technique as reliable for diatom sample dispersion is done before the chemical
quantification. However, a closer observation of attack and centrifuging as in M6. Given the
the graphic, reveals a tendency for the estimated importance of this group in coastal productive
values to decrease between the first and last sample areas and the shown tendency to become concen-
prepared, a tendency that is confirmed when the trated by any laboratory preparation method that
difference between the estimated and expected involves centrifugation, this group should always
average value is calculated (Fig. 3). This difference be counted separately from other diatoms.
although not clearly related to the volume of Even though methods M1, M3, M5 and M6 are
microsphere solution added to the sample (Fig. 4), faster due to the use of centrifugation to separate
does show mainly negative values, that is, less the fraction of interest, the reported differences
microspheres estimated then expected, for the advice for discontinuation in their use, in parti-
small volumes and mainly positive differences for cular for diatom quantitative studies.
the larger volumes. These results indicate that the Of the two methods that showed no difference
ECRC stock solution was not well homogenized at to the control method, M2 and M4, microscopic
the time it was sampled and increased in micro- observation of the slides showed cleaner samples
spheres concentration with utilization, meaning (easier for microscopic observation) and better
that longer sonication time is needed for a better preservation of diatom specimens on the slides
mixing of the microsphere solution before addition produced by M2, in which dispersion was done
to the sample. previously to the attack for carbonate and organic
carbon destruction, and no centrifugation was
6.2. Sample cleaning procedures applied.
Method M2 is then proposed as the more
From the statistical analysis of the results appropriate for the cleaning of marine sediments
obtained by all 7 methods (control, plus 6 new when the quantitative estimation of diatom

F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198 197

Fig. 3. Diference between the average expected number and the median estimated value, along the sequence of sample preparation.

Fig. 4. Diference between the microsphere average expected number and the median microsphere estimated value versus the volume of
stock microsphere solution added to the initial sample.

198 F. Abrantes et al. / Deep-Sea Research I 52 (2005) 189–198

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