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Answer First | Provide a high-level overview of the analysis and the strategic


Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Could be considered an executive summary of the presentation

1 • Briefly state situation, complication and goals / question for

the organization (e.g. the case question)
3 2 • Summarizes the proposed solution and recommendations

3 • Comparing your strategy to alternative solutions proves that

you have considered other possible ways of achieving the
organizational goals

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 1
Situation & problem identification | Highlight the situation and the issues for the
case company to tie up the solution

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the situation and
complication the organization is facing
– Build a burning platform which the later recommendation(s) will help
1 solve
2 – Situation and complications will sometimes be overlapping as in this

1 • Communication through graphs and figures help convey the

message clearly

2 • The complication is easily visuzalised

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 2
Solution | Help the organization overcome the problem and achieve their
organizational goal through strategic recommendations

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

1 • Key take-aways
– Should be directly related to the complications identified in the
problem identification
– The solution can consist of many different recommendations
– The solution should be backed by analysis explaining why the solution
is relevant

1 • First we present the why, then the how

Analysis: Why
Indonesia and India?

Solution: What to do
in these countries?

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 3
Impact | Quantify and explain the financial impact of the solution

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Show the financial impact of the suggested solution considering both
revenue and cost drivers
2 – Including a scenario analysis can prove the solution’s viability under
changing circumstances

1 • A sensitivity table is a good way to do a scenario analysis of

the financial impact

1 3
2 • Easy to understand graphs that shows you are reaching the

3 • Stating assumptions up front to create ‘trust’

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 4
Risks | Identify the risks that potentially could impact the proposed solution and
business case

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Show the critical risk factors that could impact the viability of the
– Put up suggestions of how to mitigate the most critical risks

1 • Probability and impact are often important parameters to

consider in the risk assessment

2 • Mitigation suggestions are not expected to eliminate the

risk, however, they should reduce the impact significantly

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 5
Implementation | State how the solution should be implemented

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Answer the ‘how of the solution through an implementation plan for the
– The plan should incorporate an implementation timeline for all strategic

1 • Explicitly stating Must Win Battles can be a good way to

communicate the central parts of the plan

2 • Ensure alignment of implementation initiatives with CAPEX

1 2 expenses and other costs from the business case

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 6
Back up material | Should include other slides that support the analysis and
recommendations that might be relevant in a Q&A session

Solution Supporting
Impact Next step,
Answer first, backed by arguments
Situation Complication (business Risks implementa-
incl. SCQ data driven and back up
case) tion
analysis material

• Key take-aways
– Back up slides should support the analysis and solution. Back up
slides could include
> Calculations for business case or other data points in the analysis
> Supporting arguments for the solution not included in the main deck
> Other solutions considered

1 • An index of main and back up slides with page numbers can

ease navigation in a Q&A session

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for training purposes; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent. ATL 220131_TrainwBain_Crack the Ca ... 7

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