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SESSION: 2022-23
Revision Worksheet based on Ch-11

Q1) Define the following terms:

a) locomotive: a railway engine that pulls a train

b) helipads: a small area where helicopters can take off and land
c) ports: a place where people and goods can be loaded and unloaded from
boats and ships
d) voyage: a long journey especially by sea or in space

Q2) Fill in the blanks:

a) ……Submarines …….can go under the sea.

b) …Air Transport……… the fastest and costlier means of transport.
c) Two broad groups of trains are …Passenger train and ..Goods train
d) Panama canal connects Atlantic ocean and Pacific ocean.

Q3) Give the answer in one word:

a) A car that is more than 50 years old Vintage Car

b) The ship carried goods are called …Cargo ship

Q4) Answer the following questions (Answer May Vary)

a) Write an advantage and a disadvantage that a helicopter has over an

Ans It is easier to land a helicopter at places with natural disasters and
rescue people. The disadvantage is that not many people can travel in a
b) Write any one similarity and difference between the Suez Canal and the
Panama Canal.

Ans: Suez Canal and Panama Canal are both supporting the travel of ships by
shortening the distance. Panama Canal is 65km long while Suez Canal is 193 km

C) What can be the advantages and disadvantages of high speed trains like maglev
in India?

Ans Advantages of maglev trains will be that people can travel fast and will
reach their destination in less time. But they are expensive as special tracks
have to be built for them. This is their disadvantage.

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