See The Unseen

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See The Unseen

Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum.

I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.

The words, quoted from the famous philosopher Rene Descartes, became the foundation in
responding to our very existence — that thinking manifests a man's reality.

Our thoughts are what constitute our identity. It reveals a lot about ourselves and provides a list of
qualities that define how much of a person we are.

Seems like a piece of cake, right?

What seems to be clear on the outside has something more complex that is yet to be understood on
the inside — your thoughts, which you have had throughout your life, will turn their backs against you,
and then you become your enemy.

Then that’s where the monsters are born, but to call them monsters is an understatement.

No words can ever equate to the misery of someone who is trapped in a physical vessel while being
manipulated by the metaphysical powers of dark thoughts, so dark that you can’t even see what lies
ahead of you anymore.

This is the struggle — the struggle to remain calm amidst the adversities from within and the struggle
that some people are trying to win, yet only a few understand.

Our ignorance of giving a profound understanding of the things we cannot see is being revealed by
how we pay no attention to issues like mental health. Oftentimes, we pass them by as if it is
something that is made up to make someone sound cool or to merely call attention to themselves —
but they are not.

We sometimes hear people cutting their wrists, tying a rope around their neck, overdosing themselves
with meds, or trying to flirt with gravity, hoping to end their miserable lives. Yet the first thing they
receive from us is judgment — so much self-righteousness, right? From a religious perspective, it is
pointed out how these people are going to be in hell for their actions, but rarely do we ask ourselves
what one shot of hell they have already experienced whilst still living here on earth.

Depression. Anxiety. Bipolar. OCD. Among others.

These are the monsters that try to redefine someone’s identity. According to statistics, one in five
Filipinos suffers from mental health problems. Though large in number, only a few services are given
to address their needs. The sufficient number of professionals and facilities, inadequate budget,
absence of legislation, and most of all, lack of proper education add to the misguided attitude of
people toward mental health issues.

Behind the curtains, there are still a number of people trying to deny themselves the treatment they
deserve because of the stigma brought about by an uninformed society.

Do not allow your dark thoughts to consume you and transform you into someone you are not. Be
stronger than your thoughts, be stronger than your monsters.

Seek help! Talk to us!

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