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Consultancy Total Billed Outstanding

S. Project Mobilization CEG Share Exc. Rate as on

Project Name Country Client Partner Contract date Commencement Currency Fee (CEG/SKES Total Payment Due Payment Amount in eq. INR Remarks
No. ID Advance % 08.02.2023
Share only) (in Lakhs)

Design for the project "Rehabilitation

& Upgradation of 2-lane National
Highway Road NR-1 from PK 24+000 to
1 S104 Gabon AFCONS NA Dec-20 Euro 515,609.00 100.00% 440489.97 399793.22 40,696.75 88.73 36.11
PK 105+000 in the country Gabon

Consultancy Services for Route

Selection, Feasibility Study,
Environment & Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA), preparation of USD 568,790.00 68254.80 68254.80 0.00 82.68 0.00
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP),
Concept Engineering Design, PPP Ethiopian Roads Saba Invoice-1 raised and
2 I107 Ethiopia 26-Oct-21 15-Feb-22 Not Claimed 53.00%
Advisory Services and preparation of Authority (ERA) (JV Partner) payment received
Procurement Documents of Addis
Ababa - Kombolicha - Dessie
Expressway Project ETB 23,397,900.00 70794.00 70794.00 0.00 1.54 0.00

Consultancy Services for Route

Selection, Feasibility Study,
Environment & Social Impact USD 561,982.00 461,803.77 225,278.41 236,525.36 82.68 195.56 1. Invoice-1,2,3,4,5,6
Assessment (ESIA), preparation of raised
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), 2. Payment for Invoice-
Ethiopian Roads Ethios Infra
3 I108 Concept Engineering Design, PPP Ethiopia 11-Aug-21 Sep-21 Not Claimed 50.96% 1,2,3 received.
Authority (ERA) (JV Partner)
Advisory Services and preparation of 3. Payment for Invoice 4
Procurement Documents of Addis is under progress
Ababa - Jimma Expressway Project ETB 28,566,000.00 3,836,481.86 2,909,385.00 927,096.86 1.54 14.28 (cheques are prepared).

Consultancy Services for the

Barcayville Klowne – Sasstown Road
20% of
Construction Supervision Project in
Ministry of Public Consultancy fee
4 I113 the Republic of Liberia. (RFP No. Liberia TSC Global 15-Mar-22 USD 2499600 62.00% 0.00 498711.52 82.68 0.00 Advance of 20% received
works, Liberia against Advance

USD 872789 126784.00 0.00 126,784.00 82.68 104.83

Consultancy services for Enhancing DMEC (Lead),
Ethiopian Roads Invoice-1 raised,
5 I114 ERA's Institutional Capacity for PBRMC Ethiopia Ethio 24-Oct-22 21-Nov-22 NA 95.00%
Authority (ERA) payment to be received
Design & Management (Associate)
ETB 8310790 560032.00 0.00 560,032.00 1.54 8.62

Consultancy services for Strengthening

Road Asset Management Capacity for
Pavement and Bridge Management Invoice-1 raised,
489000 100% 48900.00 0.00 48,900.00 82.68 40.43
Works payment to be received
6 I116 Ethiopia Consultants Co. NA 44789 44789 NA USD
Trave, Visa,
2832.00 0.00 2,832.00 82.68 2.34

Exclusive of Liberia
402.17 Project

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