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University of Information Technology

The Faculty of Software Engineering

Object-Oriented Software Development Project

UI Design
Sport Center Management
Version x.y

Dao Tan Hao
Vu Khanh Hoang
Mai Pham Quoc Hung
Nguyen Ngoc Quang Huy
Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Document change record sheet

Date Version Description Authors

dd/mm/yyyy x.y …………………………………… ……………………..

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Table of contents
Table of contents
1. The list of screens 3

2. Screen in detail 3
1. Login screen
2. Home screen
3. Booking screen
3.1. Sport field detail
3.2. Add field
3.3. Edit field
3.4. Fast booking
4. Order screen
5. Payment screen
5.1. Bill detail
6. Storage screen
7. Employee screen
8. Setting screen

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

1. The list of screens

List all the main screens in the project

.No Name of screen Description/Note
1 Home Screen View all income data and chart
2 Order Screen Order goods for customer
3 Payment Screen Pay bill for customer
4 Booking Screen Book sport field for customer
5 Storage Screen Manage goods in storage
6 Employee Screen Manage employee
7 Setting Screen Check bill report, change password or clear data
8 Login Screen Login to application

2. Screen in detail
For each screen in the project, it is necessary to clearly describe the presentation form and the
treatment for main events in the screen.

You need to specify to introduce in detail how to use and handle on each screen for related
(Với mỗi màn hình trong đồ án, cần mô tả rõ hình thức trình bày và các xử lý đối với từng biến
cố trong màn hình.

Cần ghi rõ để giới thiệu chi tiết cách sử dụng và xử lý trên mỗi màn hình)

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

1. Screen: Login

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

Enter input as
1 username_text Edit Text Type in edit text
Enter input as
2 password_text Edit Text Type in edit text
Navigate to login
3 login_button Button Click the button
home screen

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

2. Screen: Home

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

1 reload_button Button Reload chart Click the button

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Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

3. Screen: Booking

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

Navigate to
1 football_button Button football field Click the button
Navigate to
2 volleyball_button Button volleyball field Click the button
Navigate to
3 basketball_button Button basketball field Click the button

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

3.1 Screen: Sport field detail

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

1 add_button Button Add new field Click the button
2 edit_button Button Edit field detail Click the button
Fast booking
3 fastbooking_button Button field for Click the button

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

3.2 Screen: Add field

No Name Type Feature
1 add_button Button Add new field Click the button
2 cancel_button Button Exit screen Click the button
Enter input as
3 fieldname_text Edit Text Type in edit text
field name
Select child
Select field
4 fieldtype_combobox Combo Box elements of combo
Select child
Select field
5 fieldcondition_combobox Combo Box elements of combo

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

3.3 Screen: Edit field

No Name Type Feature
1 edit_button Button Edit field detail Click the button
Enter input as
2 oldfieldname_text Edit Text Type in edit text
old field name
Enter input as
3 newfieldname_text Edit Text Type in edit text
new field name

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Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

3.4 Screen: Fast Booking

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

1 addFastBooking_button Button Edit field detail Click the button
2 cancel_button Button Exit screen Click the button
Enter input as
3 name_text Edit Text name of Type in edit text
Enter input as
4 phone_text Edit Text phone of Type in edit text
Click on button
5 date_button Button Select date
Click on button
6 starttime_button Button Select start time
Click on button
7 endtime_button Button Select end time

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

4. Screen: Order

No Name Type Feature
Add item in
1 item_button Button menu to current Click the button
Select child
Choose field
2 fieldname_combobox Combo Box elements of combo
Clear all item
3 clearall_button Button Click the button
in current order
4 order_button Button Confirm order Click the button

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

5. Screen: Payment

No Name Type Feature
View all bill in
1 basketball_button Button Click the button
basketball field
View all bill in
2 volleyball_button Button Click the button
volleyball field
View all bill in
3 football_button Button Click the button
football field

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

5.1. Screen: Bill detail

No Name Type Feature
1 pay_button Button Pay for the bill Click the button
Select child
Choose bill to
2 listbill_listbox List Box elements of list

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

6. Screen: Storage

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

Click the text box
1 searchbar_textbox Text Box Search item
and type text
View all the
Choose the child
2 storage_listview List View items and choose
elements of list
item to edit
Enter input as
3 name_text Edit Text Type in edit text
name of item
Enter input as
4 unit_text Edit Text Type in edit text
unit of item
Enter input as
5 price_text Edit Text Type in edit text
price of item
Add new item to
6 add_button Button Click the button
7 edit_button Button Edit item details Click the button
8 delete_button Button Delete item Click the button
9 selectimage_button Button Select image Click the button
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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

7. Screen: Employee

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

View all the
employees and Choose the child
1 employee_listview List View
choose employee elements of list
to edit
Enter input as
2 name_text Edit Text employee’s Type in edit text
Enter input as
3 role_text Edit Text Type in edit text
employee’s role
Enter input as
4 salary_text Edit Text employee’s Type in edit text
5 phone_text Edit Text Enter input as Type in edit text

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Name of the project Version: x.y
Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

phone number
Enter input as
6 birthday_text Edit Text employee’s Type in edit text
Add new
7 add_button Button Click the button
Edit employee
8 edit_button Button Click the button
9 delete_button Button Delete employee Click the button
Select avatar of
10 selectavatar_button Button Click the button

8. Screen: Setting

No Name Type Feature Calling Condition

1 cleardata_button Button Clear data Click the button
View all bill
2 billreport_button Button Click the button
3 logout_button Button Log out Click the button
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Statement of the project Date: dd/mm/yyyy

4 changepassword_button Button Click the button

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