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ICS 93.



Classification index G 71
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1.1 Scope
This standard refers to the appliances for expansion joints cover for the road bridges superstructure from
reinforced and prestressed concrete.

1.2 The expansion joint is the space left free on the entire width of the bridge achieved by superstructure
interruption in order to allow its free deformation under the action of mobile loads, temperature variations, shrinkage
and slow flow of concrete.

1.3 The appliances for joints cover are realized by interrupting the roadway or by its continuity from the joint.

1.3.1 The appliances with roadway interruption straight to the joint can be:
- Sealed appliances with rubber profiles (fig. 2....4);
- Not tight appliances with metal sheet (fig. 5 and 6).

1.3.2 The appliances with roadway continuity straight to the joint are performed by:
- the reinforcement of the asphalt coating (fig. 7);
- the continuity of the carriageway (fig. 8 and 9).

1.4 The selection of the appliance for expansion joints cover is done according to section 3.1.

1.5 This standard contains the construction principles for some appliances for expansion joints cover; the
principles of performance of the appliances are stipulated by type projects.

1.6 The appliances for expansion joints cover provided in this standard are not limited; based on the projects
established by specialized institutes of investigations or designs, other types of appliances can be used.


2.1 The maximum distance between the faces of the adjacent structures D are determined with the relations:
D = d + δ f on the abutment, with dead abutment and bearing blocks from neoprene (fig. 1a) or metal (fig.1c);
D = d + δ m on the abutment, with movable bearing and bearing blocks from neoprene (fig. 1b) or metal
D=d+ δ f + δm on the pile, with one dead abutment and one movable bearing, with bearing blocks from
neoprene (fig. 1e) or metal (fig. 1f);
D = d + 2δ f on the pile, with two dead abutments;
D = d + 2 δ m on the pile, with two movable bearings;


Adresa poştală: str. Mendeleev 21-25, 70168, Bucureşti 1, Direcţia Generală: Tel.: +40 1 211.32.96; Fax: +40 1 210.08.33,
Direcţia Standardizare: Tel. : +40 1 310.43.08; +40 1 310.43.09, Fax: +40 1 315.58.70,
Direcţia Publicaţii: Serv. Vânzări/Abonamente: Tel: +40 1 212.77.25, +40 1 212.79.20, +40 1 212.77.23, +40 1 312.94.88 ;
Fax : +40 1 210.25.14, +40 1 212.76.20

© ASRO Entire or partial multiplication or use of this standard in any kind of publications and by any means (electronically, mechanically,
photocopy, micromedia etc.) is strictly forbidden without a prior written consent of ASRO
STAS 8270-86 2

d minimum distance between the faces of the adjacent structures, which depends on the construction
characteristics of every appliance for expansion joints cover; the values of the minimum distances are
specified in table 5;
δf longitudinal movement of the superstructure end with dead abutment; is determined with the relations
(1) and (3);
δm longitudinal movement of the superstructure end with movable bearing; is determined with the
relations (2) and (4).
When dealing with bearing blocks from neoprene δf and δm are determined with the relations:

n coefficient that takes into consideration the admissible maximum deformation of the neoprene bearing
block; is determined according to s.2.1.1;
∆l movement of joint structure due to bending under the action of mobile loads; is determined according
to s. 2.1.2;
When dealing with metallic bearing blocks δf and δm are determined with the relations:

∆lt1 and ∆lt2 movements of joint structure due to temperature variations, is determined according to s. 2.1.3;
∆lc movement of joint structure due to concrete shrinkage; is determined according to 2.1.4;
∆lcl movement of joint structure due to increase in time of concrete specific deformation under the
influence of slow flow of concrete; is determined according to s. 2.1.5.

2.1.1 The coefficient n is determined with the relation:

u f + um
uf admissible maximum deformation of neoprene, fixed bearing block;
um admissible maximum deformation of neoprene, movable bearing block.

For the neoprene bearing blocks according to STAS 10167-83, the coefficient n is determined from table 1
depending on the report between the height of the fixed bearing block hf and the height of the movable bearing block

Table 1
19/19 30/30 19/41 30/41 30/52 30/63 41/63 37,5/81 37,5/110 52/110 54/129
n 0,5 0,5 0,25 0,4 0,33 0,29 0,38 0,29 0,22 0,30 0,27
3 STAS 8270-86

2.1.2 The movement due to bending under the action of mobile loads ∆l is determined with the relation:

∆l = h θ

h height of superstructure
θ rotation of beam section on bearing
STAS 8270-86 4

2.1.3 The movements due to temperature variations ∆ lt1 and ∆ lt2 is calculated with the relations:

NOTE: tmax and tmin are introduced in absolute value.

αt coefficient of linear deformation, having values (according to STAS 1545-80);

1,2 x 10-5 for metallic bridges

1,0 x 10-5 for concrete bridges;
0,8 x 10-5 for stone masonry bridges

tmax maximum temperature in construction

tmin minimum temperature in construction
to construction temperature during the assembly of the appliance for joint cover
l superstructure length between the expansion joints.

Due to the absence of sure facts, can be admitted the following values of maximum, minimum temperature and
of mounting temperature according to STAS 1545-80:

tmax : +50oC for metallic bridges;

+25oC for massive bridges;
tmin : - 30oC for metallic bridges;
- 15oC for concrete bridges;
to +5...+15oC, depending on the season or region where the construction takes place.

2.1.4 The movement due to concrete shrinkage is determined with the relation:

∆ lc = εc (1 - Kt) l
εd deformation produced by concrete shrinkage determined according to STAS 10111/2-77;
Kt coefficient, having values depending on the period of time calculated from the moment of shrinkage
operating, according to STAS 10111/2-77 and table 4;
l superstructure length between the expansion joints
εc is determined with the relation:

ε c = K’b Kp KR ε∞
Kb coefficient, having values depending on the minimum dimension of the cross section b;

K’b = 1,25 for b ≤ 20 cm

K’b = 1 for b = 21 .... 75 cm
K’b = 0,75 for b > 76 cm

Kp coefficient, having values depending on the type of prestressed reinforcement:

Kp = 1 for pre-extended reinforcement;

Kp = 0,6 for post-extended reinforcement.

KR coefficient, having values depending on the period of time from the date of placing of concrete in beams till
the date of mounting the appliance for joint cover:

- for pre-extended reinforcement KR = 1

- for post-extended reinforcement KR according to table 2.
5 STAS 8270-86

Table 2

Number of days from placing of concrete in beams till

mounting the appliance for joint cover Kn
28 1

45 0,9

60 0,85

90 0,75

180 0,65

>360 0,60

ε∞ normal deformation produced by shrinkage concrete depending on the environment where

there is the construction element and on the concrete consistency, having the values from table 3.

Table 3

Environment where there is Spreading of concrete

the construction element STAS 1759-70 ε∞ * 10-5 φ∞
cm, max
In water 42 0 1
50 0 1,5
Above water 42 10 1,5
50 15 2,2
In open air 42 25 2
50 37 3
In dry closed spaces (dry air) 42 40 3
50 60 4,5

Table 4
Period of time
30 45 60 90 180 369 1080 (3 years)
Kt 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,80 1

2.1.5 The movement due to increase in time of specific concrete deformation under the influence of slow flow of
concrete ∆ lcl is determined with the relation:

σ compressive stress under the action of permanent loads;
φ characteristic of final slow flow, which is determined according to STAS 10111/2-77,
with the relation:

φ = Kb KR φ∞

Kb coefficient having values depending on the minimum dimension of cross section b:

Kb = 1 for b ≤ 75 cm
Kb = 0,9 for b = 76.....150 cm
Kb = 0,8 for b > 150 cm
STAS 8270-86 6

KR according to section 2.1.4

φ∞ characteristic of normal final slow flow, having the values from table 3;
Kt, l according to section 2.1.4
Eb modulus of elasticity of concrete.

2.2 The distance between the faces of the adjacent structures at mounting A is determined with the relations:

- when dealing with bearing blocks from neoprene:

A = d + n ∆ lt1 on the abutment, with dead abutment (fig. 1a);
A = d + (1 - n) ∆ lt1 on the abutment, with movable bearing (fig. 1b);
A = d + n ∆ l’t1 + (1- n) ∆l’’t1 on the pile, with one dead abutment and one movable bearing (fig. 1e);
A = d + n ∆ l’t1 + ∆l’’t1 on the pile, with two dead abutments;
A = d + (1 - n) ∆ l’t1 + (1- n) ∆l’’t1 on the pile, with two movable bearings

- when dealing with metallic bearing blocks:

A = d on the abutment, with dead abutment (fig. 1c);
A = d + ∆ lt1 on the abutment, with movable bearing (fig. 1d);
A = d + ∆ lt1 on the pile, with one dead abutment and one movable bearing (fig. 1f);
A = d on the pile, with two dead abutments;
A = d + ∆ l’t1 + ∆l’’t1 on the pile, with two movable bearings

d, n, ∆ lt1 according to section 2.1
∆ l’t1 and ∆l’’t1 movements due to temperature variations determined according to section 2.1 for
the lengths of joint adjacent superstructure.

2.3 For a bridge with more openings one takes into consideration the resulted distance D with the highest value.

2.4 Under the action of convoy loads takes place the elevation adjustment of the superstructure ∆h which is
determined with the relation:
∆h = a θ
a distance from the suspension axle to the superstructure end;
θ according to section 2.1.2

The value of the movement ∆h is, in general, small.

When using neoprene bearing blocks, due to their possibility of settling, the elevation adjustment ∆h is

2.5 In the case of the appliances realized by reinforcement of concrete, the length of zone where the coating is
separated from the structure of resistance Lf is determined with the relations:

Lf = D – d/ εl
D and d according section 2.1
εl admissible specific elongation of cast asphalt, determined experimentally.

Due to the absence of sure facts, one takes εl = 0,5 %.

2.6 For appliances for joints cover performed with metallic plates, the plate should be verified when bending under
the action of convoy loads, multiplied with a coefficient according to STAS 1545-80.
To the thickness resulted from calculation are added 5 mm for wear.

2.7 For appliances for joints cover fabricated with reinforced-concrete plates double hinged, the plate is
proportioned at bending moment, and the hinge at cross force from direct loading with mobile and permanent loads.
If the plate is double built in its proportioning is done at the resulted bending moment considering the structure

2.8 In annex A is given an example of calculation.

7 STAS 8270-86


3.1 The selection of the appliance for joints cover is done according to table 5 depending on the maximum
distance between the faces of the adjacent structures D determined according to section 2.1.

3.2 The appliance for joints cover should be continuous on the entire width of the bridge between balustrades, at
asphalt level, following the cross gradient from the road and the sidewalk.
The formation of the appliance for from the sidewalk should be identical to the one from the road.

3.3 The appliances for joints cover should be constructed so that one could easily replace them, with minimum
modifications to the structure of resistance.

3.4 For increasing the operation time of the construction one should use sealed joints.

3.5 The elastic elements from the composition of the appliances for joints cover should be wear-proof,
atmospheric agents and chemical agents.

3.6 The performance of the appliances for expansion joints cover should be done so that in road plans it would not
produce inequalities.
The appliances should be set so that they would not fall through during bridge exploitation.

3.7 The quality test of the appliances for expansion joints cover is done at their receipt on the site; the positioning
test of these ones is done during their final setting from the superstructure.

3.8 During bridge exploitation the appliances for expansion joints cover are supervised in accordance with the
provisions of STAS 2920-83.
STAS 8270-86 8

Teble 5
Type of the appliance for expansion joints cover
Dmax d Figure Notes
mm On the carriageway On the sidewalk mm
Reinforcement of asphalt coating Fig. 7 It’s also used for existing bridges
Continuity of Continuity of carriage plate of Double hinged plate Reinforced asphalt Fig. 9
the superstructure 30
45 the roadway
Double built in plate Reinforced asphalt Fig. 8
50 joints Elastic plate P 30 20 Fig. 4 It’s also used for existing bridges
70 Elastic band and metallic section B 50 30 Fig. 3
100 Interruption of Elastic element and metallic section V 70 40 Fig. 2
the roadway Not-
100 Metallic plate 30 Fig. 5
200 joints Comb shaped metallic plate Metallic plate 30 Fig. 6
9 STAS 8270-86

1 – roadway, 2 – mortar of bit protection, 3 – waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete,
5 – structure of resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 –rubber elastic element, 8 9 – massive plate, 10 – anchors OB 37.

Fig. 2

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3 – waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 – structure
of resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 – rubber technical band, 8 – rubber hose, 9 – 10 – flat steel, 11 angle, 12 – anchors.

Fig. 3
STAS 8270-86 10

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 –

structure of resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 – rubber continuity elastic element, 8 – rubber technical band, 9 –
prefabricated element, 10 – metallic plate, 11 – nosing.

Fig. 4

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 – structure
of resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 – technical rubber band, 8 – angle, 9 – spiral spring,10 – massive plate, 11 –
anchors OB 37.
11 STAS 8270-86

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 – structure of
resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 – comb shaped metallic band, 8 – bands, 9 – angle, 10 – anchor OB 37, 11 – plate trough.
Fig. 6

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 – structure of
resistance, 6 – welded wire mesh, 7 – sulphite paper type I, 8 – elastic plug from bituminous mortar.

Fig. 7
STAS 8270-86 12

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient

concrete, 5 – structure of resistance, 6 – continuity plate from reinforced concrete.

Fig. 8

1 – roadway, 2 – asphalt mortar, 3- waterproofing, 4 – mortar of equalization and gradient concrete, 5 –

structure of resistance, 6- Romtix plug, 7 – double hinged plate, 8 – zinc coated sheet, 9 – bituminous mastic.

Fig. 9
13 STAS 8270-86



The establishments of the type of appliance for expansion joint cover for a bridge:
- with two openings L = 2 x 30 m;
- with superstructure made of sectioned prefabricated concrete beams simply supported, with height h =
1,95 m and minimum dimension of cross section b < 20 cm;
- bearing blocks are from neoprene, with dimensions:
at dead abutment: 230 x 450 mm hf = 41 mm
at movable bearing: 230 x 450 mm hf = 63 mm
- maximum bending moment from mobile loads = 5500 kN.m
- mounting temperature to = + 10oC
The maximum distances between the faces of adjacent superstructures D is determined with the relations:
on pile: D = d + δf + δm
on abutment: D = d + δm

According to the table for

for post-extended reinforcement
at 45 days from the placement of concrete (according to table 2)
in open air (according to table 3)
for 30 days (according to table 4)


in open air (according to table 3)

STAS 8270-86 14

Is considered d = 30 mm
- on pile D = d + δf + δm = 30 + 11 + 17 = 58 mm
- on abutment D = d + δm = 30 + 17 = 47 mm

The maximum distance between the faces of the adjacent superstructures D being 58 mm, is chosen the sealed
appliance for joint cover with elastic band and metallic section B 50 continuous on the roadway and on the sidewalk
(Dmax = 70 mm > 58 mm).

The distance between the faces of the adjacent superstructures at mounting A results:

' ''
A = d + n ∆l t1 + (1-n) ∆l t1 = d + n ∆l t1 = 30 + 0,38 x 4,5 + (1-0,38) 4,5 = 34,5 mm


Project coordinator: Collaborators:

MTTc – Institute of Designs for auto, nautical and aerial - Institute of Investigations and Technological Designs in
transportations Transportations
Eng. Alexandrina Berbescu - Roads Department from the Ministry of Transportations
Final elaboration: Romanian Association of and Telecommunications
Standardization - Institute of Railways Designs
Eng. Magdalena Ionescu - Institute of Investigations in Constructions and Economy
of Constructions

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