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My Stepmom and I

From my view, I can see Swetha is a stubborn girl who has a big ego.When her stepmom
comes into her life, she got more troubled and thought her father was trying to replace her mom.
When her mom takes the initiative to get close to Swetha by picking her up from school. She
saw Swetha and another girl fighting each other and they were surrounded by kids. Her
stepmom came and stopped it from going any further. Then when she had a parents meeting
with their class teacher, she realized that Swetha wasn’t being bullied at school, but the
opposite. She has been bullying the other kids and the teachers had tried to have counseling
time with her to let her express her feelings. Then her stepmom tried having a talk to talk with
her, but she still has the anger and thoughts of her replacing her mom. Then, her stepmom
talked to her dad, but he thought that Swetha did what was right to hit a boy because he didn’t
raise her up to be a pushover. Then, they had some disagreements and finally came to a
conclusion where they are gonna try the way her stepmom thinks it’s correct. The next day,
Swetha’s stepmom teaches her how to be an adult since she decided to behave as one. So her
stepmom made her do her laundry, dishes and run some errands together. After buying the
groceries, Swetha and her stepmom went out for dinner. There, Swetha did not behave herself
and her stepmom slapped her out of frustration. At the house, her father and her stepmom had
an argument. Her father had it with her and her attitude. Then, her father talks to her and finds
out Swetha is crying out of stress. They both had memories about Swetha’s mom. They had an
agreement on Swetha helping her stepmom get close to her. On the next day to school, her step
mom dropped her off at her school. The situation was awkward. Her stepmom apologized to her
and they both made up.

Then, at the end of the video. They gave a quote that is. ‘A step parent-child relationship
is so much more than it seems. It’s choosing to love someone as your own not because you
have to but because you want to. Love is unique and special.’ I agree with this statement. This
video makes us realize that having a relationship between parents and children is very
important. If there is anything that makes them stressed it might affect their mental health and
studies. So parents must have a close relationship with their child to understand them better.

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