Midterm Test C I Read The Text Carefully and Answer The Questions Bellow

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FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NAME and INDEX NO._____________________________________


I Read the text carefully and answer the questions bellow (6)

Active research into augmented reality has been going on for more than ten years but it isn’t until recently that the
technology has made it possible for extensive use. One of the earliest forms of the technology was for aircraft
maintenance, where a schematic on a display was overlayed onto aircraft wire harnesses which were being repaired.
This saved the technicians having to look away at the instruction manuals all the time. In the early days, researchers
had to carry backpacks of equipment to make it work, but now mobile phones and laptops are so powerful that they
can be used and have therefore made the technology much more of a commercial prospect. And the mobile phone is
currently driving the development.

Augmented reality technology works by superimposing graphics, audio and other sensory enhancements over a real-
world environment in real time. Taking the elements from TV and computer screens, it allows the user to see the
world in a different way. It is in fact a hyper-environment, a tri-dimensional and interactive environment generated
by computer and made up of real objects and virtual objects

iPhone apps have led the way, although all major phone manufacturers are now involved. One of their apps is an
instant English/Spanish translator which works by holding the phone’s camera up to a sign in either of those
languages. Other popular apps involve astronomy, measuring distances, a theodolite, finding your car and of course
the ubiquitous guides to restaurants and bars. Developed in the Netherlands, Layar is very popular application which
uses your phone’s camera and GPS to gather information about the surrounding area. It then shows information
about restaurants and other site on the phone screen. One new application is a pair of goggles for skiers, which tell
them in real time how fast they are going as well as the time and the temperature. Advertisers have seen the
potential of this technology as it allows them to reach consumers closer to their merchandise and send them
information about the product they are looking at. Furthermore it also has many applications in the medical industry
from training doctors to performing surgery.

4 Read the text an decide if these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG)
1. Augmented reality research started more than a decade ago. ________

2. Aircraft maintenance used some of the first augmented reality technology. ________

3. Mobile phone companies are doing all the current research. ________

4. Virtual reality consists of real and virtual objects. ________

Find the words in the text which mean the same as:

To place, or set over, above, or on something else. ________

Goods bought and sold in business; commercial wares. ________

II Choose the best or most appropriate response (5 pts)

1. Many oil and gas companies have given support voluntary initiatives to ____________ climate change.
a. make b. introduce c. produce d. address
2. They found a ______________ in the pipe leading upto the waterfall.
a. leak b. vessel c. surge d. stock

3. 7 The ________________ of a substance is its ability to bend without breaking.

a) resistance b) resilience c) resolution d) radiation

4. An alternative term for a power cut, especially in North American English, is power _______________.
a. circuit b. surge c. outage d. load

5. We’ll place an order _______________you give us a discount.

a. in the event of b. as long as c. proviso d. shall

III Provide appropriate words for the explanations below (10 ):

1. a process in which two substances or pieces of a substance join together to form one thing f...................................
2. legal responsibility for something, especially for paying money that is owed lia.................................
3. a tall metal structure that is used for carrying electricity wires high above the ground p........................
4. to officially stop using a nuclear power station .d.......................................
5. to break or act contrary to (a law, promise, etc.) b.....................................
6. preceding in time or in order; earlier or former; previous:...........................
7. to propose (someone) for appointment or election to an office. ap........................
8. to make an express demand or arrangement as a condition of agreement sti..................................
9. decision or announcement that a planned event will not take place; call off: ..............
10. a company that provides electricity, water, etc.

IV Complete the sentences using prepositions (6p).

1. The most important thing is to educate people _____ energy.
2. Please let us know if you are satisfied _____ our product.
3. A small container is not sufficient ____ our purposes.
4. The number of towns installing microchips in rubbish bins has increased ____ 50 per cent.
5. The power produced by the wind farm is fed _____ high voltage transmission lines.
6. Energywatch acts _____ behalf of vulnerable consumers who may feel exploited by powerful energy companies.

III Rewrite the sentences using the words in italics. There should be no changes to the words in italics (9 pts)

1. One of its priorities is to tackle the issues of fuel poverty in Britain.

(go) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. We’ll have to reduce the number of the new staff, to make sure they know what they are doing.

3. I’m afraid these batteries go dead very quickly so they are not suitable for our products.

4. We would like to submit a proposal to install our system.

5. I strongly recommend that you select the full utilities package.

(for) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
6. We will reduce the price on condition that day pay on time

(proviso) __________________________________________________________________________________________
V The graph below shows electricity consumption in the UK during the last ten weeks of 2012. Summarise the information
by reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. You should write between 150-200 words. (15p)



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