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Rootedness to the Word The priest in Jesus form is called Persona Christi who forgives

us during penance.
1. Was Jesus abandoned by God the Father?
No, In Psalm 22 he was praying/worshiping God. He found
joy in rescuing

2. Why did God call Mary as “woman”?

Jesus connected Mary to the first woman - Eve; with this,
new Adam can be Jesus

New Testament : Mary is the Arc of the Covenant (Jesus)

Old Testament : King David

3. Cite verses of the coming of Jesus?

Numbers 24:17-19 Genesis 22
Psalm 60:7 Romans 5:8
2 Samuel Isiah 7:14

4. Did he stop working on the seventh day?

No, he continued to sustain all of his creation otherwise,
they would return to nothingness.

The Book of Genesis

- First book in the Old Testament.
- Tranquility is created in the seventh day of creation

The Creation
Day 1 - God said “Let there be light”
Day 2 - the sky
Day 3 - dry land, seas, plants and trees
Day 4 - the sun, moon and stars
Day 5 - living creatures
Day 6 - humans
Day 7 - rest

By nature we are a relationship towards harmony and unity

according to the Trinity.

To God
To Others
To Nature
To Oneself

Leo Trece - preached natural gifts of human or the gifts we

received before the fall

1. Natural Knowledge of God

2. Inner Tranquility
3. No Experience of Death
- only a span of life
- automatically united to God
- Death is the separation of body and soul

The only commandment was “ to not eat the fruit of knowledge”.

Disobedience is the sin of man.

Effects of the Fall or Original Sin

The effects of original sin does not stop after baptism. We do not
inherit the personal sin but only its effects.

1. Inclination to Sin
Not a sin within itself, only when we give in. Concupiscence
2. Born in Sinful Condition

What cleanses our sins? - Baptism

During Baptism, who cleanses our sins? - Holy Spirit

Sacraments - sensible sign to give God’s grace. Sensible signs

include objects, words, gestures

Object : Baptism (water), Anointing of the Sick (oil)

Baptism is only given once and must follow the trinitarian formula,
in cases na forgotten, we have conditional baptism.

Words : Penance and Matrimony

Gesture: Holy Order and Confirmation

Sin is a state contradicting to God’s will. It becomes a obstacle to

positive relationships with Him and His creation. No sin can’t be
forgiven by the Lord.

The Church
1. Triumphant Church
2. Militant Church - church in journey, also called pilgrim church
3. Suffering Church - those in purgatory

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