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aesthetics – estetyka The moment rich in computer functionality is producing distinct aesthetics.
assemblage – nagromadzenie, montaż Re/actions that worked out in human-computer assemblages.
bug – wirus, błąd, wada, defekt Video gamers practice glitching, that is exploiting bugs in games.
comprehension – zrozumienie, zdolność pojmowania His behaviour was beyond comprehension.
conventionality - konwencjonalność It shows the conventionality of organization of digital spaces.
conveyor belt – taśma produkcyjna Technological era society’s according to conveyor belt principles.
functionality - funkcjonalność, sprawność A glitch does not reveal the true functionality of computers.
glitch – usterka, zakłócenie A glitch is a defect in an electrical circuit - a short-lived system error.
hardware malfunction – awaria sprzętu The term glitch can also describe hardware malfunctions.
inconsistency - niespójność, nielogiczność Inconsistencies of vision were modernist artistic methods.
low bandwidth – niska przepustowość It originates from technical limitations such as low bandwidth.
scarcity of means – brak środków/narzędzi Scarcity of means encouraged music low- tech aesthetics.
screen resolution – rozdzielczość ekranu Bottlenecks such as processor speed or screen resolution.
to assemble – zmontować, zgromadzić The manager has assembled all the computer parts in here.
to bind – wiązać Error sets free the irrational potential and forces that bind people and machines.
to comply with – przestrzegać, spełniać We aim to comply with the customary usage of this term.
to perceive – zauważyć, dostrzec Some phenomena perceived as glitches vary in technical terms.
to poeticize - poetyzować The artists poeticized new machines for their speed, energy and dynamics.
to reassemble – ponownie złożyć/zgromadzić Data’s stored in different disk segments & reassembled.
to retrieve – odzyskać All the documents are retrieved according to a plan kept as a separate file.
transfer speed drops – spada prędkość transferu Compression of images when transfer speed drops.
communal - wspólny, społeczny Obsolete aesthetics has the quality of a communal, social decision.
compatible – zgodny, kompatybilny Human-produced reality is not compatible with human logic.
customary – tradycyjny, zwyczajowy Customary information design principles result in problems.
dazzling – olśniewający, oślepiający Messy visual environments reveal dazzling digital qualities.
dysfunctional – dysfunkcyjny As a result, the dysfunctional mind becomes sincere and meaningful.
erroneous – błędny, mylny Glitches being erroneous bring more to the comprehension of their role.
from scratch – od początku, od zera Users might even build an entirely new system from scratch.
genuine – prawdziwy, autentyczny Glitches are claimed to manifest genuine software aesthetics.
idiosyncratic – specyficzny, dziwaczny Imperfect chips could only produce idiosyncratic sounds.
marginal – marginalny, znikomy Glitches are usually regarded as marginal, that is insignificant.
nostalgic - nostalgiczny It is used in automobile design as a recognizable and nostalgic element.
obsolete – przestarzały Returning to aesthetics of obsolete (outdated) technology is a social decision.
perceivable – zauważalny, dostrzegalny An error might not lead to a perceivable system malfunction.
predictable – przewidywalny The outcome of a glitch is said not to be predictable as it is a deviation.
rebellious – buntowniczy, zbuntowany Rebellious computers of 20th century are interpreted as alien.
revelatory – nowatorski, odkrywczy Dysfunctional conduct and vision become sincere and revelatory.
short-lived – krótkotrwały, chwilowy A glitch is defined as a short- lived error in a system/ machine.
unpredictable – nieprzewidywalny A glitch is an unpredictable change in all the system’s behavior.
utilitarian – praktyczny, funkcjonalny Used materials were all intended to function for utilitarian use.

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