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blueprint - plan, strategia He surely created a blueprint for a new style of multimedia music performance.
coming of age – dojrzewanie, dorastanie The presented paintings marked his coming of age as a painter.
commission - zamówienie, zlecenie He was quickly recognized and commissions soon started rolling in.
credibility - wiarygodność The choice of certain clothes is supposed to give you instant credibility and cool.
entourage - środowisko, towarzystwo He smartened up his entourage and was interested in making money.
footage - materiał filmowy, nagranie video He’s mesmerized by the footage of JFK at the moment of death.
footprint - ślad, odcisk All the films that he made became kind of the footprint (trace/ mark) of reality TV.
hallmark – cecha charakterystyczna, znamię The work of art bears all the hallmarks of a classic Warhol.
legacy – dziedzictwo, spuścizna, spadek In my opinion that can be described as his indisputable legacy.
outcast – wyrzutek społeczeństwa, wygnaniec He became an anxious social outcast and rarely left his flat.
persistence - wytrwałość, samozaparcie, uporczywość Andy’s persistence began to pay off (succeed).
silk-screen printing – sitodruk In 1962 he discovered the industrial process called silk-screen printing.
tenement – kamienica, kamienica czynszowa It recreates life in the tenements where immigrants lived.
threshold - początek, próg, granica He arrived in New York at the threshold of the fabulous 50s (fifties).
trademark – cecha charakterystyczna, znak firmowy The silk screen process became Andy’s trademark.
transition - przejście, zmiana It's like the transition of Marylin Monroe from this life to the next one.
treat - smakołyk, gratka, pyszność A tin of tomato soup was a real treat for him and his poor family.
voyeur – podglądacz/ka, wścibska osoba He could be described as the real voyeur (secret looker).
worship - uwielbienie, kult Celebrities became the icons and the objects of worship by the masses.
to clarify - wyjaśnić, doprecyzować The strange interviews he gave didn’t really clarify the situation.
to distort – zniekształcić, zdeformować This particular painting is the distorted picture of a film star.
to epitomize – uosabiać, stanowić doskonały przykład The works of art epitomize all that they detest.
to exploit – wykorzystywać, wyzyskiwać He is said to have exploited the media to transform himself.
to fascinate – fascynować, hipnotyzować His art continues to fascinate many people all over the world.
to intoxicate – odurzyć, upoić, zaczarować Various celebrities feel intoxicated with the magic of stardust.
to mystify – zadziwić, oszołomić, zachwycić Jackson Pollock’s abstract paintings mystified the public.
to predict – przewidywać, przepowiadać He predicted that in the future people’ll be famous for 15 minutes.
to simplify - uprościć, ułatwić Warhol simplifies everything as the details are replaced with strong colours.
accommodating – uczynny, przychylnie usposobiony He was labelled as an accommodating worker.
blotted line – zamazana linia Andy’s signature, that is characteristic style was named the blotted line.
controversial – kontrowersyjny These are some of the most valuable and controversial works of art.
crucial - ważny, istotny The next thing he endeavoured was so crucial in his development as an artist.
cutting edge – nowatorski, przełomowy The cutting edge artists of the 50s were people like J. Pollock.
deadpan - śmiertelnie poważny He gave interviews in his characteristic deadpan manner (serious one).
electrifying – elektryzujący, piorunujący The effect changes from tragic to electrifying, reflecting masks.
enigmatic – enigmatyczny, zagadkowy The more enigmatic he was, the more people were drawn to him.
familiar – dobrze znany, znajomy His images are familiar, that is we have the impression we know them.
flippant – nonszalancki, niepoważny Warhol was known for his flippant manner and infuriating answers.
garish – jaskrawy, krzykliwy, tandetny All the details are being replaced with strong and garish colours.
influential - wpływowy People claimed that The Velvet Underground were as influential as The Beatles.
insatiable - nienasycony His quiet demeanor masked an insatiable ambition as a commercial illustrator.
recognizable – rozpoznawalny The silk screen technique allowed him to create recognizable images.
voyeuristic - wścibski, goniący za niezdrową sensacją It was labelled as the fist voyeuristic reality TV.
whimsical – kapryśny, zmienny The public liked his whimsical drawings with their charming figures.

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