HRM Individual Essay

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How you can evaluate HRM system in your

organization? What is HRM strategy?  How does your
company manage HRM practices?  What are missed?

In my company Ashok layland , Human resource management (HRM) can be

evaluated in a number of ways.

One common approach is to assess the alignment of HRM activities with the
overall strategy of the organization. This evaluation can be done at the macro
level, looking at the HR strategy as a whole, or at the micro-level, looking at
specific HR activities and how they contribute to the organization's strategy.

Another way to evaluate HRM is to look at the impact of HRM activities on

employee engagement and satisfaction. This can be done through surveys and
other research methods.

Additionally, HRM activities can be evaluated based on their impact on

organizational performance, such as measures of productivity, profitability,
and turnover


Human resource strategies ensure that the organization's human resources

can fulfill the needs of its stated business. The top management can formulate
and implement plans to achieve the necessary human resources. The crux of
resource planning lies in the capacity of managers to anticipate and meet
changing needs relating to the acquisition, development, and utilization of
people. It is basically a two-step process: forecasting and program planning.
The second step involves taking an inventory of available information on
current staffing, individual qualifications and appraisals, expressed employee
career interests, and targeted development plans. The current human
resource requirements have to be analyzed. The balancing should be done
between the projected future supply and demand. Thus, results represent the
need for human resources, indicating necessary actions like recruitment
needs, training and development needs, succession or job re-assignment
needs, and organization assignments. Specific needs provide the link between
satisfied issues relating to changing management contitions with the
programme planning aspects. A specific programme plan or the action step
based on the forecast can be adopted as give below: -

 The role and the person must be matched for this, the various job
requirements skills, experience, intelligence, education and training have to
be based as possible, on systematic measurement and grading. Human
qualities are difficult observation and measurement. There should be effective
scheme for systematic development of attitudes, knowledge, skills and the
behaviour pattern required by an individual to bring more variety and
participation through job rotation enlargement or enrichment.

I observed that this strategy is adopted in Ashok Leyland at CHENNAI plant

while dealing with Human Resource

Elements of HRM ecosystem

 HR strategy
 HR practices
 Organizational culture and values
 Stakeholders
 Infrastructure and internal environment

In my company best practices are

1. Providing security to employees

2. Selective hiring: Hiring the right people

3. Self-managed and effective teams

4. Fair and performance-based compensation

5. Training in relevant skills

6. Creating a flat and egalitarian organization

7. Making information easily accessible to those who need it

 Advantages and limits of HRM in our company


 ensure better growth

 enhance employee relationships
 improves human resource planning
 increase organizational effectiveness
 provides better managerial experience
 enhance job satisfaction
 increase communications skills
 ensure conflict management
 helps to motive employees
 ensure value and accomplishments


 Legal liabilities
 Maintaining a safe distance
 Insufficient information
 Lack of adaptability
 Unpredictability
 Improper development programmes
 Expensive to install hrm software
 Recent origin
 Inconsistent actualization
Time consuming

2. Please suggest how HRM should be developed

further to be able to create value for your
organization? Please consider global challenges,

In company I offered some tips for how I belive

HR professional can create more value for organization

• recognize that value is defined by the receiver more than the giver

• Serve internal and external stakeholders

Customers are the stakeholders in the business when HR prioritizes the

business over HR; this includes both internal stakeholders like employees
and managers and external stakeholders like customers, investors, and
communities. What happens outside of the organization is also important
to HR's value.

 Appreciate and anticipate the business context

The business world is undergoing significant change. HR professionals

must be aware of their operating environment if they are to provide
value to all stakeholders in the future. This calls for research on the
STEPED (social, technological, economic, political, environmental, and
demographic) patterns that influence a nation or sector. To bring this
contextual information into the company, HR professionals should
engage in external sensing. They should then predict how those changes
would influence the company and successfully navigate them.

 Deliver key outcomes of individual talent and organization


HR specialists impact company through leadership, organization, and

talent (people's and organizational capabilities) (the bridge between the
two). The organization's capabilities are what it is known for and skilled
at doing (eg innovation, collaboration, customer anticipation, change,
information sensing). The systems that revolve on people and
performance are what build and maintain these capabilities. HR
professionals can ask ways to develop talent, leadership, and
organization to bring value to all stakeholders in any business

 Use digital HR

To be effective, HR professionals must comprehend that managing in

the digital era will require both efficiency and innovation through
technology. It will also require the capacity to select the appropriate
digital solutions, source information, and establish connections—the
emerging steps of the digital era.

 Design the right HR department

HR should be set up to be both effective and efficient. We have also

discovered that in order to function in a multi-divisional company, HR
must place a greater emphasis on connections than roles (who does
what) (how we work together).

 Build the right HR competencies

We have discovered that the competencies of HR professionals as a

whole have significantly improved. However, we have also learned that
what matters is not simply having the competencies, but also how those
competencies affect important outcomes like personal effectiveness,
stakeholder value, and business performance. Different outcomes call
for various competencies (eg delivering business results requires the
competency of navigating paradoxes).

 Make line managers

Line managers are ultimately accountable and in charge of HR tasks

involving personnel, leadership, and organization because HR is not
about HR but about the business. It is HR's responsibility to facilitate,
coach, design, and offer creative solutions to corporate difficulties. HR
also serves as an anthropological.

3. Please suggest an action plan for HRM development

(what should be done and how).  What will be your role?

The strategy action plan of a human resources department is crucial.

Without a plan, workplace unrest would arise and employees would
leave in large numbers.

The following are some responsibilities in human resources and the

corresponding tactics for company

Step 1 screening of applicants

Application pre-screening is not an easy undertaking. It is not as easy as

just getting a CV from an applicant and hiring them right away.
Professionals in human resources should devise a successful plan to
guarantee that the screening procedure is well-thought-through and
carried out. Samples of marketing strategy plans are also available. The
worst-case scenario during the screening process is that qualified
candidates with excellent resumes are disregarded as a result of a
deficient system or strategy. Using an online database for recruitment is
one method for doing efficient applicant screening. Only allow
candidates to submit paper copies of their CVs if they are well-
organized; otherwise, the paper copies risk being discarded.

Step 2 interviews and examination

A system similar to the previously mentioned online recruitment

database should be used for employment interviews and exams. More
features can be added to the online recruitment database. One of the
features that can be included is the ability to link job interview and
exam results to a candidate's database profile using attachment and
search capabilities. Human resources staff won't need to check the
candidates' exam and interview results in another database going
forward, which is advantageous. Giving standardized aptitude tests as
part of job interviews and exams is another strategy human resources
professionals could use.

Step 3 onboarding

Onboarding may be a challenging process for both the new employee

and the HR manager. For a new employee, the first day on the job is
frequently the hardest. While beginning a new career is thrilling, anxiety
almost always sets in as the new employee enters a novel environment,
interacts with unfamiliar people, and performs new tasks. The new
employee may find it difficult to adjust to a new work environment,
especially if the organization is filled by tenured employees who have
worked there for years. This might be scary for the human resources
manager. In any case, the human resources manager needs to make the
new hire's onboarding process as straightforward as possible. No
disputes should emerge as new hires are frequently entirely lost on
their first day .

Step 4 team building exercises

The onboarding procedure is only the beginning of the human resource

manager's or human resource staff member's duties. Indeed, when no
candidates are hired, the actual work begins. The planning of a team-
building activity or a series of team-building activities is one of the
responsibilities given to HR staff. Remember that the goal of these
gatherings is to bring people together in the hopes that the friendships
and relationships created will transfer over to the job. They are not only
for entertainment. Employees in HR often work with management to
choose the team-building activity, as well as the venue, time, date, and

Step 5 plan for employee motivation

The hardest responsibility for human resource experts is to keep staff

motivated and productive. Even while their daily tasks might not need
them to work directly on assignments from other departments, by
creating an employee motivation plan, they make sure that workers
from these departments stay motivated and productive. Conducting
company-wide surveys that concentrate on employee complaints or
difficulties is one method for creating a successful employee incentive
program. You can always have a predetermined list of issues or issues
that staff members can select from and mark. Open-ended questions
are still the most effective way to properly identify employee concerns.
Employee absences and tardiness are addressed through an employee
motivation strategy.
Step 6 collaboration between management

Without a question, the most important job a human resources

professional can have is collaboration. Though not all human resource
specialists work directly for management, they all do so on a daily basis.
Typically, management and human resources collaborate to create and
update corporate policies. Comprehensive policies are established by
top management and then distributed and put into practice across the
entire organization. When it comes to tardiness, absenteeism, perks,
and performance standards, HR supports management. Both sides
come up with a plan to keep employees while simultaneously cutting
down on expenses for the business.

My role as a assistant deputy manager in my company

 Planning and arranging for Human Resources.

 Training & Human Resource Development.

 General Administration & Personnel functions.

 To improve continually on the functions relating to above

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