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Confraternity Of Christian Mothers,

Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church,

Baruwa Ipaja,


13th March 2023.

Dear Sir/Ma,


Calvary greetings to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. We do hope this letter meets you
in the best of moods and time.

The above named society wishes to bring to your notice her plans of hosting the Confraternity
of Christian Mothers, Ipaja Deanery at our parish on Sunday, 25th June, 2023 immediately after
the 9am mass.

To this effect, we would like to solicit your humble donations (in cash and kind) and do hope we
can count on your support towards the actualization of a successful deanery hosting.

Kindly make your donations to the account information below:

Account Number: 2221135177

Bank : Ecobank

Account Name : Nmor Janet

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mother of Sorrows, Queen of Peace ................... Pray for us.

Mrs. Janet Nmor (08023660702) Mrs. Franca Marcus (08038402910)

President Asst. Secretary

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